SHAQ TO MIAMI: IT's OFFICIAL! | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums


It's looking more and more like Shaq will be going to Miami, however the most likely deal stands at this according to Sportscenter....

Lamar Odom, Brian Grant, Caron Butler, and a 1st for Shaq....

I'm a little more hesitant about this deal, all the HEAT would have would be shaq and wade after this is said and done...

Stephen A Smith also reporting that Eddie Jones AND Brian Grant are being dangled....if they can get EJ off of our shoulders instead of BG, that would be SWEEEEET!
No deal if Caron is involved, and this is coming from someone who would deal Caron for Tyson Chandler.

Odom AND Caron? No thanks. We will NOT be contenders without both of them, because our bench afterwards will be competing with Charlotte's for the WORST in the NBA. You will not beat Detroit without a decent bench, I promise you that. Rasual Butler and Udonis Haslem step into the line-up, leaving JEROME BEASLEY and a PROSPECT as the top SF & PF on the bench. Of course with the MLE, we can sign a starting SF or PF to put either Rasual or Haslem back on the bench, but it's still a horrible bench.

Also, ESPN's latest doesn't have Caron included. Lamar, Grant, and picks or no deal. IMO, we're LA's last resort. Indiana can put together a nice package including Artest, Harrington, and either Bender or Jones...but guess what? Shaq doesn't have them on his list of places he'd approve of being dealt to. The Mavs are the other team along with Miami & Indiana, but I do not see LA being dumb enough to keep Shaq in the West unless they're getting Dirk in return, which isn't gonna happen.

I don't think any of the teams are going to budge as far as trading their top players are concerned, either. JO, Dirk, and Wade definately won't be dealt.

And finally, I have mixed feelings about this deal(not including Caron, because with him in it, I don't want it to happen). If we get Shaq, that's great. If not, oh well..we still have 25-year old Lamar Odom who can play any position on the court(well not full time at the 2 & 5).

In the mean time, this is interesting:

ChambersOwnz84 said:
Also, ESPN's latest doesn't have Caron included.
It did on Sportscenter, I think it was Marc Stein that said it. But whatever, there's a couple scenarios out there, Dallas supposedly has a package, so does Indy. We'll see what happens...
LIQUID24 said:
It did on Sportscenter, I think it was Marc Stein that said it. But whatever, there's a couple scenarios out there, Dallas supposedly has a package, so does Indy. We'll see what happens...

Then Dallas or Indiana can have him.
ChambersOwnz84 said:
Then Dallas or Indiana can have him.
Heh. Actually I'd rather take a lesser deal and send him out east. I DO NOT want to see Shaq with Dallas. We'll see what kinda deals pop up. It'll be interesting, that's for sure.
I say the Heat waits on this until Los Angeles really gets nervous that they lose Kobe and trades Shaq for the original Deal of Odom, Grant and a 1st....
Riley is a hard head, and he is not going to give up TWO of his three(soon to be four when Dorell steps in) young guns in this deal.
If Caron is part of the deal, then I say No way Jose. I just can't see us losing that much talent for a guy who could only play 3 years for us and leave.

BTW, CO84, I don't think you should be calling Wright a "kid" he is older than you ;)
I'm starting to get like you guys. Thinking about this trade at work, I'm starting to get gunshy. I absolutely LOVE the young nucleus we have right now. And remember, Shaq is 32 and is starting to become less durable. Then I read this article.

It raises a great question. Is Shaq in decline?? How many dominant seasons does Shaq have left?? Will he start missing large amounts of games at a time?? He's heavier than he should be. And defensively, he's starting to fall off.

Lamar Odom, Brian Grant, Caron Butler, and a 1st for Shaq....

No way. I wouldn't do that deal. You're giving up far too much talent. YOUNG talent. Shaq could retire in 2-3 years. Who knows. But Lamar and Caron will be playing long after Shaq has declined. And they have not yet reached their prime.

And as CO84 alluded to, where would this trade leave us as a roster?? This was what I was referring to when I asked "what would the roster potentially look like??". How much would aquiring Shaq hurt the rest of the roster??

Again, I'm starting to get gunshy. We need a big man. But we don't want it to end up being a lateral move or.....if he gets injured......a devastating step backwards.
Prime Time said:

BTW, CO84, I don't think you should be calling Wright a "kid" he is older than you ;)

On the basketball level, he's a baby compared to someone going to college in August. :D

Check this out: The guy on the LA radio station(LA 690am or something like that - this is all over the RealGM boards) is reporting that Stephen A. Smith said the deal could be Caron, Jones, Grant, and a pick. I highly doubt LA is THAT stupid, but that's just another thing being discussed.

However, he said the deal that's most likely to go down is Odom, Grant, 2005 1st, and a filler like Malik Allen or Wang for Shaq. He said the deal is imminent, and the ONLY thing holding it up is Caron Butler OR the 1st, as well as the final filler.

...I'll believe it all when I see it.
Shaq and Wade is enough to win east.Rasual Butler will be even better than having Caron in the starting lineup since now the offense will run through a dominant center.There some players available to provide adequate depth that can be sign.

I would make the trade in a heartbeat.


You can win in the NBA with two Super star sorrounded by role players.
Jesus, Odom AND Caron?? I'd give up the #1 before I give up another "cornerstone". Remember, we should be picking very low next year if we have Shaq.
I mean, LA HAS to deal Shaq (so to speak). Shaq will not play for them. He's put his foot down. He controls who he's traded to. And LA's options have dwindled. There's no need for us to give up too much. I think LA is rightfully playing hardball to try and get what they can. But we need to just stick to our guns and not give up too much (i.e. Odom AND Butler).
Chad Ford on ESPN Radio:

-Talks definitely isn't a rumor, the two teams are talking
-Heat are favorites by far at this point
-Kupchak feeling pressure to trade Shaq, so LA doesn't have much leverage
-Only a good deal for the Heat w/o Caron, only a good deal for LA w/Caron.
-Ford thinks if the Lakers want Caron so bad, why not take him with Jones & Grant? If not, take Odom with Grant & the pick.
-Ford thinks the "Odom, Grant, filler(possibly Malik Allen), picks" deal will go down
ChambersOwnz84 said:
Chad Ford on ESPN Radio:

-Talks definitely isn't a rumor, the two teams are talking
-Heat are favorites by far at this point
-Kupchak feeling pressure to trade Shaq, so LA doesn't have much leverage
-Only a good deal for the Heat w/o Caron, only a good deal for LA w/Caron.
-Ford thinks if the Lakers want Caron so bad, why not take him with Jones & Grant? If not, take Odom with Grant & the pick.
-Ford thinks the "Odom, Grant, filler(possibly Malik Allen), picks" deal will go down
I (and probably every other Heat fan on the planet) am hoping that the Butler, Jones, Grant version of the possible trade is done. Immagine Wade, Odom, and O'Neal for the next 3-5 years. And after that, immagine the possibility of Wade, Wright, Odom. The Heat would dominate the NBA for years.
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