SIR: Madison goes off on Feeley after pick (link) | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

SIR: Madison goes off on Feeley after pick (link)

Lawrence said:
Go ahead and ignore the truth you immature child. Name calling and stuf. Come up to section 448 on sunday.
That's a big section Larry.....if you're such a tough your seat number so you can be found easier.
citripia said:
I agree... I think AJ could be playing better if Dave put AJ from the start as starter, more sanps in the QB scohlls, and in the preseson with the 1° team, and Stating him in the preseson games, He need to learn the how the this ofense play and get confident with his Recibers and Randy, but this just come with more time playing together.....

I Think Jay have his chance a knaw we need to suport AJ and let him learn and be better next year.

GO Fins, we need to be together, Defenses and ofensse and Fans....:)

Always making excuses.A.J Feeley sucked last game.Let move on and hopefully A.J will IMPROVE as season goes on. said:
Click the persons user name and Find the link on the page that says "Put this user on your ignore list?".. Click it and viola he/she is caput.

sweet !!! buh bye Lawrence ! :goof:
ckparrothead said:
AJ Feeley needed to be called out after tossing that pick, because whether it was a miscommunication or not, he should know better.

If the timing of the play calls for the pass to be thrown before the receiver makes his cut why should Feeley have known better? The miscommunication was between two players. Why didn't Madison go after Chambers too?

If Madison is going to place himself as the miscommunication cop why didn't he go after Wyrick and Edwards when their miscommunication gave up the yards that lost the game?

Emotion is one thing, but selective abuse is divisive whether it is intended to be or not.
I don't know guys but I don't think that Feidler would have made the same mistakes that Feeley made. I think someone else mentioned it in the game string. Cincy should have had like 3 or 4 more pics except they dropped the ball. I hate to say it but I think pulling Feidler was premature. Yea, I am arm chair coaching but it seems evident to me that Feeley is still a little wet behind the ears. Yes, better to take the sack then to throw a pick. Feidler is much more mobile than Feeley and I think that would have given us some kind of advantage over Feeley. If you have 2 quarterbacks and one is not playing well, then why not bring the other one in to change things up. We seem to playing with 2 second string QB's hell put fiedler in during the short field offense, we know he can throw that stuff. I think if Miami sold it's soul to the devil back during that undefeated season he is coming to collect his due. In addition, I don't think that you can put all of this blame on Ricky Williams. He would have been through the same Oline with the same lack of holes. Don't get me wrong I am as burnt as anyone else that he left but hell. We were a good team before we got him we became a better team when we got him (although I think play calling blew it all for us) and we should have still been a decent team w/o him. What I saw Sunday night just solidified it for me. We are in for a looooooooong season. I hope like everyone else that everything starts to come together. Hopes the Oline gets it together hope the QB gets it together. How long can we ride on the backs of the defense? How long are these guys gonna have the heart to play when the are on the field 45min out of a 60 min game? I think the D has been biting their tongues for the last 3 years!! I know I would have been. I don't think all is lost but I think we are one HELL of a long shot to make the playoffs!!! I don't think that we are a better team than either the Jets or the Pats and I think we just need to accept that. Right now WE ARE NOT a better team.
FinaciousOne said:
If the timing of the play calls for the pass to be thrown before the receiver makes his cut why should Feeley have known better? The miscommunication was between two players. Why didn't Madison go after Chambers too?

If Madison is going to place himself as the miscommunication cop why didn't he go after Wyrick and Edwards when their miscommunication gave up the yards that lost the game?

Emotion is one thing, but selective abuse is divisive whether it is intended to be or not.

I think Madison's anger was the result of a culmination of plays by Feeley. At that point that was, I think, the third pass he threw that should have been intercepted (obviously Cincy dropped the other two) and given the way the defense was playing up to that point it had to be frustrating. If it was just one play, one miscommunication I would agree with you but Feeley (and Feidler when he is playing) have demonstrated a propensity for making mistake after mistake and the defense simply is getting frustrated.

I really can't blame them. Also while selective abuse is divisive, I think the play of the offense over the last to games is far more divisive.
Phishstix said:
maybe, just maybe, sam respected jay enough to not do that to him. aj hasn't earned that type of respect yet, and he won't if he keeps throwing pick-6's.
LOL, thats a good one. He puts up with Fielder sucking for 4 years, throwing bad passes like the one last year in Houston on opening day that WAS PICKED and returned and cost us the game, where was his mouth then ! Respect him , my @ss ! He's overthrown receivers for TD's constantly,we had the WORST amount of passes over 40 yards in the whole league last year, speak up Sammy Boy ! Fieldler has only thrown 1 more TD' pass than INTERCEPTION's the last 4 years ! Did you say anything Sammy ? And as for his QB rating overall and especially in the 4th quarter, come on Sammy, I cant hear you ! :fire: And dont even start on the "he wins thing", because we should have won as many, and MORE if we had a good QB the last 4 years with all our defense and pro Bowlers ! Sam needs to shut up and give this kid who has been here only 4 months half the chance he did Fiedler. I bet Fiedler wont even be here next year, and no matter what anyone says, unless this team gets going in the right direction soon, neither will Wannsteadt !
I can't beleive you are not pointing at coaching.
Are these coaches so stupid that they couln't see this coming?
Jay had Ricky and a decent OL for 3 out of 4 years(RW 2 years)
We have a RB thts been with the team 2 weeks a left tackle that is not there and a QB that has played six and a half games in the NFL and in spite of all the problems no OL a TE coach as a OC. these guys almost won the game and by the way AJ has score more in the fourth quarter in the last two games than Jay did all of last season.
I hate what I saw on Sunday night but this is our team and they'll get better.
Feeley needs to play so we know what we have.
Phishstix said:
sorry if it's been posted, seems sam isn't willing to wait around while a.j. goes through his growing pains at 27
No one on the D can open their mouth. They let Cincy drive the field for the winning FG. They failed at the end. So they can just shut their mouth and play.

The game was put in the D's hand with the score tied and they do what they do the majority of the time. Let the team drive the field for a game winning score.
Dphins I agree, we saw this type of ending enough times.
Madison blew enough games on his own he should keep his mouth shut. said:
Click the persons user name and Find the link on the page that says "Put this user on your ignore list?".. Click it and viola he/she is caput.
thank you so much. No more stupid ignorant posts from Lawrence. said:
Stop your crying. Your on my ignore list now. You think your some hot **** callin peeps homers in every other post.. your just an attention whore.. peace.

Thank you! :roflmao:
These AJ apologists are very sensitive. I've been insulted very badly on here for simply stating an opinion, and I have yet to put someone on ignore. While it is everyone's right to use the ignore option, it irks me to see people not be able to hear a diffefrent opinion. Oh well, I hope your little plastic bubble is comfortable.
Sam Madison is far from perfect. People in glass houses don't throw stones. There were many times last year he missed tackles because he didn't wrap his arms around the guy. He repeatedly lowered his shoulder into the guy who bounced off of him. It's far easier to criticize than to perform without fault. Sam needs to work on his own game before he goes off on a QB who is essentially in his Rookie year.
jguig said:
Sam Madison is far from perfect. People in glass houses don't throw stones. There were many times last year he missed tackles because he didn't wrap his arms around the guy. He repeatedly lowered his shoulder into the guy who bounced off of him. It's far easier to criticize than to perform without fault. Sam needs to work on his own game before he goes off on a QB who is essentially in his Rookie year.

I simply do not think your argument makes sense. So you mean to tell me that unless you are perfect you can't criticize a teammate. Well, based on that position not a single player in the league can criticize any teammate. Not Brett Farve, Peyton Manning, Steve McNair or Ray Lewis because, last time I checked, they have made mistakes.

You are right, Sam is far from perfect but he has done a great deal more in this league than make the pro bowl multiple times. As a pro bowl player and leader on the defense he has the right to critcize a "rookie" if that rookie is playing poorly. If it was Will Poole being a critic I might agree with you. Furthermore, someone need to criticize someone because the offensive display put forth by the Dolphins is worthy of substantial criticism. They are big boys they can take it, and if they can't they need to put someone in there who can.
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