so which is the biggest dolphins weakness | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

so which is the biggest dolphins weakness

Which is the dolphins biggest weakness

  • Guard position

    Votes: 48 50.5%
  • Coach Philbin

    Votes: 30 31.6%
  • Coaching in general

    Votes: 8 8.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 9.5%

  • Total voters


Apr 6, 2003
Reaction score
Which is the dolphins biggest weakness

2. Philbin
3. Coaching in general
4. Other
another corner
the there are some truly stupid people on here. yeah the fans should be happy and content with bad to really really bad teams for pretty much the last 15 years...unbelievable.
Bro I think the linebacker battle in camp will be very competitive so we will have a much better unit because of it.

There is competition there for sure but do we have NFL caliber LB's? I agree with Taz. Prob. corner there also. Hopefully that is number 3 and we can get by this year with what we have.
the there are some truly stupid people on here. yeah the fans should be happy and content with bad to really really bad teams for pretty much the last 15 years...unbelievable.

Yeah I am one of those idiot fans. I really don't care though, I'm going down swinging. When it comes to my other favorite sports teams, I don't get that moved after years of torture and they have all been life long dedications. When it comes to the Dolphins though, I could give a rat's ass about the situation, you can beat me to a a bloody pulp and I will still spit in your face.
Yeah I am one of those idiot fans. I really don't care though, I'm going down swinging. When it comes to my other favorite sports teams, I don't get that moved after years of torture and they have all been life long dedications. When it comes to the Dolphins though, I could give a rat's ass about the situation, you can beat me to a a bloody pulp and I will still spit in your face.

:brewskis:When your a fan of a team your a fan of a team period. Good, bad and in between, at least that's the way I feel about it. I don't anticipate I am going to wake up one day and go that's it Im done with this team as a fan.
Bro I think the linebacker battle in camp will be very competitive so we will have a much better unit because of it.

I am sure you are right about it being competitive. That in a sense is the the problem. We know what we had and it wasn't good. Just because it's competitive doesn't mean it's at a high enough level. I REALLY hope I am wrong.
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