Someone please explain this to me | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Someone please explain this to me

"life is short" or haven't you heard.
I plan ahead in financial matters.
As for as football I have no influence on the teams future moves.
So i'm gonna enjoy each and every game this year and hope for a few wins.
Short sighted ? You bet ya.
You make plans for the Dolphins future if you want.
That's out of my control.
I never said I felt we should suck for luck. Personally, I don't think we need to actively try to suck. This team simply does it naturally. However, I do not get nearly as upset after losses simply because it means we are in a better shot to land a franchise QB that will most likely (over 90%) pan out.

As far as who has bigger fan balls...I question how big of a fan you are to be okay with your team continuing to suck and continuing to make moves that keep them in mediocrity. Doesn't sound like much of a fan to me. That just sounds like blind loyalty, which is quite different. You say you root for them to win, but apparently have no interest in what it takes to win, and that is risk. You may be a Dolphins follower, but you're no fan in my eyes.

You act like rooting or not rooting for the team has something to do with how the team actually does. It does not. I never said I was ok with mediocrity. I'm not. I'm rooting for 12 wins in a row starting with the Jets. You are rooting for losses. Getting the #1 overall pick is not a cure all. It takes more than that. The Bucs had the #1 pick in 87 and took a QB, and proceeded to have 5 straight losing seasons. The Colts took a QB #1 overall in 90 and had the #1 overall pick again just 2 years later. The Cleveland Browns took a QB #1 overall in 99 and had the #1 overall pick again the next year. The Texans had it in 2002 and took a QB. The 49ers had it in 2005 and took a QB. The Raiders took a QB #1 overall in 07. Having the #1 pick didn't help those teams win, and those are just the teams that took QBs with their #1 pick.

Yes, there are the Mannings, and Elways, and Aikmans who were successful #1 picks, but there are a lot more Rodgers, Brees, Brady and Roethlisburgers that were not taken #1 that are doing just fine helping their team win. I don't know where you came up with your 90% number, but it is not accurate. The Dolphins can improve without having to be the worst team in the NFL in 2011.

Go ahead, root for the Jets Pats, and Bills and boo the Dolphins. Just know your "Fan balls" are a lot smaller than mine. :chuckle:
There are fan balls a plenty on this site that's for sure.
I will root for us to win every game. If we end up with the number 1 overall pick, I would not be mad.

The way we are playing, we may finish with the number 1 overall pick.
Not rooting for or against this team. I can't root for mediocrity, can't root for this coaching staff and front office that continues to damage our franchise. But I can't also root against them on Game Days, though their foolishness on the field doesn't even shock me anymore, I am disgusted by their play though, but nothing stupid they do is a surprise to me now.
After 7 good pages of discussion no one has really answered my original question.
One of you red pill guys tell me how it works.
Dolphins score i'm supposed to boo ?
Jets score i'm supposed to cheer ?
Should I be happy when we pick up ****ty players ?
Do I want Moore to play terrible or get injuried.
When Wake makes a sack I'm pissed.
In this bazaaro world bad guys (sanchez) are our heros.
Jake Long is our enemy who we root against ?

Look everyone is fustrated and wants change NOW. So do I.
But rooting against this team you all love is not in ANY ONE HERE'S dna and I don't think you can do it.
If you can this should be a very quite site for a while because bad moves won't be criticised(actually good in SFL)
Coaching moves and decisions will go unquestioned (who cares)
Hell why even follow the team till the April draft ?
Thanks for your input.
Not rooting for or against this team. I can't root for mediocrity, can't root for this coaching staff and front office that continues to damage our franchise. But I can't also root against them on Game Days, though their foolishness on the field doesn't even shock me anymore, I am disgusted by their play though, but nothing stupid they do is a surprise to me now.

Me too
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