Tannehill would be the future, Philbin for coach of the year, Ireland stays, and this franchise is moving in the right direction?!
One loss less and we cry blow it up! Dump the 2nd year QB! Fire the coach! New GM!
Doesn't that just seem a little silly? Particular when games are lost and won in the trenches and our biggest weakness by a large margin were the men in the trenches.
If you improve something just a little bit one year after the other, wouldn't logic say continue pushing it and you'll get even further the next year? We were relevant all the way up to the final game. Can we please see what happens if we push it just a little more next year?
Why the impatience? It's not like we were going to win the Super Bowl, not with a poor o-line and non-existent running game. Get real. If you don't have the patience for another year of potential and likely further improvement with this regime, guess what, a restart is going to take even longer. Be careful what you ask for.
One loss less and we cry blow it up! Dump the 2nd year QB! Fire the coach! New GM!
Doesn't that just seem a little silly? Particular when games are lost and won in the trenches and our biggest weakness by a large margin were the men in the trenches.
If you improve something just a little bit one year after the other, wouldn't logic say continue pushing it and you'll get even further the next year? We were relevant all the way up to the final game. Can we please see what happens if we push it just a little more next year?
Why the impatience? It's not like we were going to win the Super Bowl, not with a poor o-line and non-existent running game. Get real. If you don't have the patience for another year of potential and likely further improvement with this regime, guess what, a restart is going to take even longer. Be careful what you ask for.