Spielman raisinf alot of Qs ?? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Spielman raisinf alot of Qs ??


Practice Squad
Jan 28, 2003
Reaction score
Rehoboth Beach

Just wondering, but I'm a little more "suspicious" now that i was. in this RS says or rather "indicated" that wayne is willing to spend significant $$ on FA. I'm not sure exactly what "significant" really means here, but you can't spend anymore than the 80.6 mil cap anyway.
Says that tait signed thr Chicago offer because he felt "more comfortable" in Chicago than in Miami. Whatever the reasons are raises my eyebrow more.
lastly, he says that we never considered TO because the main focus is on OL!! Not that I am that fond of TO, but the point is that it sounds like he's going thru FA with blinders on but I'd bet the real rreason is that he would look pretty stupid trading a #2 or equivalent for TO after trading the same for Feeley. I may be wrong but that's just my feeling and the excuses are coming forth already.
I don't know about the rest of yas but damned if RS isn't sounding more and more like a Wanny clone everyday. All we heard about b4 FA started that Woddy was the top dog we were pursuing in fA and didn't even get a sniff. At least tait came to town. Ya, we got james and that is good but we're still way short of what we need/ed and we're almost left to picking among the scrap heap now.
the spending is in reference to bonuses. they can worked into contracts so they are not an imediate cap hit. the money offered tait was significant and his decision to sign with CHI was personal not football related. the reason they are/did not go after TO was becuse they are focusing on OL in FA and will adress the WR position in the draft. they can get a more all around reliable WR in this draft class well into the scond round. why over pay for TO's talent AND his distraction?
To, me it looks like he is following HIS plan...not what the winds of ***ency may blow his way....he is actively seeking and targeting personell to responsibly upgrade the team at positions identified as NEEDS...he is not standing aroun twiddling his thumbs and changing the course of action because he isn't getting everything.....It looks like he has a plan(A, B and C) and he's sticking to it....do or die....gotta at least respect that, IMO.
Originally posted by DOLPHAN1
the spending is in reference to bonuses. they can worked into contracts so they are not an imediate cap hit. the money offered tait was significant and his decision to sign with CHI was personal not football related. the reason they are/did not go after TO was becuse they are focusing on OL in FA and will adress the WR position in the draft. they can get a more all around reliable WR in this draft class well into the scond round. why over pay for TO's talent AND his distraction?

Yes, that's true about bonus $$.
The thing i'm raising about TO, for instance, is that yes you have a main objective in fA or the draft but it shouldn't mean that is aLL you're focusing on tho. If we can fina a steal WR now then that takes alot of "have to's" away during the draft and just offers more flexibility.
Originally posted by DeDolfan

Yes, that's true about bonus $$.
The thing i'm raising about TO, for instance, is that yes you have a main objective in fA or the draft but it shouldn't mean that is aLL you're focusing on tho. If we can fina a steal WR now then that takes alot of "have to's" away during the draft and just offers more flexibility.

It depends on if you think TO is a steal. IMO TO is not a top tier wr and I've heard at least one GM say the same. His age puts him outside of the parameters that RS says he looks for in the FAs he targets. My guess is that they looked at TO and decided that he wasn't worth the pick and/or the salary. The quote made it sound as if RS felt that TO wasn't worth any pick. I agree.
Plus the fact that TO is a big pain in the A-S and the Phins don,t like to bring in players with big heads problems. If only we could take the brain and heart of JF and put them in TO we would have the new Jerry Rice ! But we can.t so we need to move on.
I see what both of you are saying and do agree. I was pointing out the lack of agressiveness. Like last year the OL was the main priority and we'll have one of the leagues best passing gms, etc. We all know how that worked out. Mostly what I'm saying is that it looks more and more like RS is a Wanny-clone!! :)
Originally posted by REAL DEAL
Plus the fact that TO is a big pain in the A-S and the Phins don,t like to bring in players with big heads problems.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dimitrius Underwood
Lawrence Phillips
Cecil Collins

Originally posted by burger13

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dimitrius Underwood
Lawrence Phillips
Cecil Collins

Jimmy Johnson regime....Not DW's....:D
Thanks inFINSible you beat me to it!!! That was JJ watch.
Originally posted by inFINSible
Jimmy Johnson regime....Not DW's....:D

The original post didn't say "this Phin regime" just "the Phins".....so my JOKE was appropriate...

But thanks anyway Captian Obvious!! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by burger13

The original post didn't say "this Phin regime" just "the Phins".....so my JOKE was appropriate...

But thanks anyway Captian Obvious!! :rolleyes:

He's sending a message that you'll either play better or you might be next to go.

Ozzy rules!!
Originally posted by DeDolfan
I see what both of you are saying and do agree. I was pointing out the lack of agressiveness. Like last year the OL was the main priority and we'll have one of the leagues best passing gms, etc. We all know how that worked out. Mostly what I'm saying is that it looks more and more like RS is a Wanny-clone!! :)

I don't see the lack of agressiveness, it points out in the article that we did in fact offer Tait a huge contract. We were also willing to offer Woody the same. These two players obviously don't like the heat......I respect RS for agressively pursuing these players however like he stated he can't force them to sign or want them to sign a contract for the Dolphins if they don't want to play here.
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