Sporting News Article Describes Tannehill Draft Pick As A Reach | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Sporting News Article Describes Tannehill Draft Pick As A Reach


Apr 28, 2007
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FYI: David Steele article in Sporting News describes the Ryan Tannehill draft pick as having been a reach (and by implication a failure):

"The targets are on their backs. One or all of them could go in the first round, and thus have a chance to join the illustrious ranks of Blaine Gabbert, and Christian Ponder, and E.J. Manuel, and Jake Locker, and Brandon Weeden, and Ryan Tannehill, and Johnny Manziel. That's just the last five drafts."

Have at it Dolfans.
FYI: David Steele article in Sporting News describes the Ryan Tannehill draft pick as having been a reach (and by implication a failure):

"The targets are on their backs. One or all of them could go in the first round, and thus have a chance to join the illustrious ranks of Blaine Gabbert, and Christian Ponder, and E.J. Manuel, and Jake Locker, and Brandon Weeden, and Ryan Tannehill, and Johnny Manziel. That's just the last five drafts."

Have at it Dolfans.

I'll admit I'm a Tannehill supporter. But I've gotta say that I'm shocked that anyone could say he's been a bust or could lump him in the same category as those other scrub QBs. How many busts throw for 4k yards with a 2+ TD to INT ratio??? And when you look at the **** O-lines Philbin has given him...are you F'ing kidding me??? What a joke. Anyone who compares T'hill to those other QBs just shows that he's a complete moron when it comes to football analysis.
This article is ridiculous Tannehill is the best off that list by far and has kept his starting job for 4 years. The jury is still out on him but the other guys are done. Gabbert may get a 2nd life with Chip Kelly but the others don't look promising.
I am no longer a Tannehill supporter, but I would not group him in with Johnny Manziel.
Fear makes teams do strange things. So does having a gaping void at the game’s most important position. It’s pressure that the likes of Goff and his toddler hands don’t need.

Some is writing about this how many years later. Sportswriters need to get a real job. Seriously bro get a real job. Sports journalism has got to be bottom of the barrel.
What's the record of threads with the same player as its main topic?

QB is BY FAR the most important player on the team, so of course he's going to get more thread, and by a very large margin. Not sure why people are surprised by this.
Its totally incorrect to place him in the same status as the others named....he has played better than them...and his new coaches view him as a viable NFL starter with the chance to take the next step.
Just another BS article written by David Steele. He's wrong to include Tannehill with the others. Ignore it.
Why am I reminded that the cheese factory allegedly pays some reporters for writing articles that disparage opponents. This is just an incorrect cheap shot at Tannehill by lumping him with the duds. The intention is probably to smash his confidence. How much did it cost Jonathon Kraft?
Would this be the same David Steele who wrote/tweeted:

Super Bowl pick straight up: Newton, Panthers take the 'D' out of Denver
The defenses will rule in Super Bowl 50. But the Broncos won't have enough answers for Cam Newton, and the Panthers will take the crown.

..but then tweeted after the game:
We get fooled every time. Defense always beats offense. Always.

RGIII to Elway's Broncos would be gutsiest, smartest move of offseason

By not talking, Cam Newton let Broncos send wrong message about him

Pretty sure that Cam talking about beer during the trophy ceremony would be received quite calmly.

The number of Cam/Crying MJ memes coming out in the last five minutes is astounding.

A Cam fanboi.. shades of Omar. Why no inclusion of RG3? Nothing to see here, move on.
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