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Sudden Impact


Perennial All-Pro
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Mar 2, 2002
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The Bills should be better with Drew Bledsoe. The Redskins' defense should be terrific with Jeremiah Trotter. But of the big-name offseason acquisitions, it's Miami's Ricky Williams who should make the biggest difference come January, writes's Len Pasquarelli.
• Dolphins can make a run with Williams

By Len Pasquarelli

Both are big and physically imposing, well-constructed and skillfully crafted.

But when Miami Dolphins coach Dave Wannstedt views the two most significant acquisitions of his offseason -- the baby grand piano wife Jan purchased for their home and the new tailback added through a March swap with the New Orleans Saints -- he's smart enough to know his harmony is far better with Ricky Williams at this point than with the expensive set of ivories.


:D :D
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I don't like being predicted to win it all. Puts way to much pressure and spotlight on us.

One thing is for sure, Jay and his receivers better get ready to air it out, because every single defense in the league is going to gear up to stop Ricky.

Chambers could have a big year.

Originally posted by dolfan87
I don't like being predicted to win it all. Puts way to much pressure and spotlight on us.

One thing is for sure, Jay and his receivers better get ready to air it out, because every single defense in the league is going to gear up to stop Ricky.

Chambers could have a big year.

I honestly believe we will have an advantage with the D's gearing up for RW... it puts less pressure on Jay... and gives Chambers, Gadsden, and McKnight time to get open...
Do that enough, and the field naturally spreads out... givng Ricky room... and so on and so forth...
I think a lot of Jay's misfires came because of the lack of a running threat...that and the fact that our O-Line was dented from jump-street...
didnt all the teams we played gear up for the run last year??? i remember the broncos game, it looked like the entire defence was doin a run blitz...

Many did... because of the surprise season Smith had the prior year... however Williams adds a different dimension... he can catch too, and with Norv's system the Defenses can't get away with run blitzes too often... they know we'd burn them...
i just hope the offensive line gels to help ricky...and our defense decides to not be vanilla...if we dont blitz and dont put 8men in the box at least sometimes this year we might as well forget the superbowl....
Well Wannstedt knows his defense fell apart last year. That's why we signed Burnett, and Chester. Gardener is a bonus if he stays healthy. I think we will improve on D simply because we improved our depth.

The Oline is another question. If Dixon, and Searcy stay healthy...we will be just fine.
Gardner(back), chester(leg), we might not be all that well off...burnett is pretty old as well...i think if we change our defensive philosophy we should kick ass...the patriots had a crappy defense but the schemes they came up with were suited to each different team they played...we didnt adapt to the rams and look what happened there!!!!we already have the talent now i think its the philosophy...we should have got marvin lewis too...
Originally posted by dolfan87
One thing is for sure, Jay and his receivers better get ready to air it out, because every single defense in the league is going to gear up to stop Ricky.

The big difference though is Ricky can bash through those 8 man fronts for the 4-5 yards where Lamar would scream like a school girl and dance around the line. Which means McKnight in the slot should have a lot of fun since the linebackers will be up for the run along with one of the safeties.

I really hope everyone does bring 8 men into the box because if they do that and Ricky can still run decently it means there is only a safety and 2 CB's to cover WR's in a 3 WR set. You can't stop Chambers on solo coverage.
It all comes down the O-line, if they can hold up against the eight man fronts and provide Ricky with SOME daylight and not have to fend off a tackler as soon as he takes the hand-off, THEN all the things that vandolfan said, can happen.
About defenses making strategies for RW alone.... There is a thing on D called "The Box", in it, are all of the people who are supposed to watch the RB, teh Max in the box is around 9, and the least is 4. With Ricky, opposing D's will have to put around 7 players in the box on average. Which prevents in the receivers being 1 on 1, or 1 on 2 with CBs and Safties when they go out to catch. Very few CB's can do 1 on 1 very well and that will result in more receptions.

Sam and Pat are the best CBs in the league in doing 1 on 1. We are very lucky to have them :). With having them. We can put as many players in the box as possible, and just let Sam and Pat handle the dirty work with the receivers. Thats what gives us our edge, and good defense. one or two players can make the difference of a defense.
Originally posted by Dol_Fan5434
About defenses making strategies for RW alone.... There is a thing on D called "The Box", in it, are all of the people who are supposed to watch the RB, teh Max in the box is around 9, and the least is 4. With Ricky, opposing D's will have to put around 7 players in the box on average.

9? 9? Who the heck puts 9 in a box? If someone puts 9 in a box then the offense would have to be in a jumbo (2 TE's) set with only 2 WR's and that would be pretty dangerous because if your WR beats the CB he's gone for a touchdown. I can't see the safeties rolling out to pick up coverage on a WR out of the box unless that WR hits the slot. 9 just seems rediculous to me. Always though stacking the box meant 8 in the box.

I know injuries are a part of the game but we must stay injury free to go far!! There are some places where if a certain player goes down. The PHINS could be in trouble!!
love the article on ricky...the best thing now is that this offense has wannys first year we had a running game but the wrs lacked speed (tony martin was hurt for parts of the year)...last year we had the wrs but lamar and the ol sucked...this year we have both...the other big diference is norv turner instead of chan attacking style rather than a conservative style...
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