Surtain for Shelton | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Surtain for Shelton


FinHeaven VIP
Club Member
Feb 24, 2005
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An article in The Sporting News suggested we trade Surtain to Arizona for offensive lineman L. Shelton. That might not be a bad idea. Arizona needs a cornerback, Shelton would be an immediate starter on our line, it would mess with Buffalo who are trying to trade Henry for him, and it would help our salary cap. If nothing else maybe the idea of a trade would force KC to step up to the plate and make the trade.
Its important to look at our offseason OL moves not only in terms of personnel, but in terms of strategy. With Wade Smith moving to Center, Vernon Carey scheduled to play LT and Stockar McDougle signed to play RT, we have the makings of a new look Line with three potential new starters. I would be disappointed if we spent more picks/players on the OL given the needs we have at other positions.
Our Oline will be taken care of in the draft from this point on with exception to cuts in june.
u know me, im all about the offensive line. Id take Shelton for Surtain anyday. Itd be nice to put in an extra pick, like a 5th rounder...because Shelton isnt THE BEST, but Surtain IS the best.

Is it possible tho, that we never promised Damion McIntosh anything about LT. Maybe Saban said that in hopes to get other teams to think "okay, so they WONT take Alex Barron" then come draft day, we pick Alex Barron with our 2nd pick and SHOCK everyone. As far as LTs go, i like the guy from Auburn who is like 6 foot 9. Next year WE MUST draft him...forget Barron
Shelton would be a risky pickup for either the fins or the Bills...Personally i think the Bills are going to trade for him in the draft. Thats the news going around message boards.
Dudeman said:
we are not going after another LT. There was a clause written in Damion's contract that said that we won't.

Just a note, I don't recall anything written in Damions contract. It was more him just being told that the org. would not go after a new LT. Also it was reported by the local depraved sports media and I really do question the point and find it hard to believe, that Saban would paint himself into a corner by making such a so called promise. But I don't ever remember seeing it as written into his cotract. :shakeno:
Cuzinfinny said:
Just a note, I don't recall anything written in Damions contract. It was more him just being told that the org. would not go after a new LT. Also it was reported by the local depraved sports media and I really do question the point and find it hard to believe, that Saban would paint himself into a corner by making such a so called promise. But I don't ever remember seeing it as written into his cotract. :shakeno:

I think it had more to do with drafting one.
Saban said he wouldn't trade Surtain at a discount. He seems like a disciplined guy so I don't think he'll flinch even as it gets closer to decision time.
The biggest offsewason move for the line was Hudson Houk. He will take what we have and make a good line, only to get better in the future (via draft starting next year). Saban said they will work with what they have this year instead of wholesale changes. Hey , we have many needs and all cannot be solved in 1 year. Good coaching will help right away, so even with this current talent, I'm very excited about the line this year!
We have enough quality tackles on our team. Shelton will be a bill in the trade for Henry.
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