T Solomon Page??? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

T Solomon Page???


Welcome to Miami Daunte!!
Sep 19, 2001
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Has anyone heard anything on how Page's visit was and if we're going to offer him a contract?:confused:
Who cares about Solomon Page. Why dothe homers on this board like phinphan4ever get a hard-on for every marginal player the dolphins look into. Get a gorlfriend, or at least a pet.
Who cares about Solomon Page. Why dothe homers on this board like phinphan4ever get a hard-on for every marginal player the dolphins look into. Get a gorlfriend, or at least a pet.

Wow dude lighten up! He asked a question true Dolphin fans are wondering about. While you think Page may not be great he would be our best option at guard.

As for phinsphan4ever who asked an intelligent question, there has been no new news on Page. I would say if he is signed it would be sometime next week, but I wouldn't be suprised if the Fins wait until after the draft.
who said he was getting all excited? Mybe he's hoping the Fins WONT offer him a contract, and is therefor curious about it. Lighten up troll
Originally posted by RayFinkle
Who cares about Solomon Page. Why dothe homers on this board like phinphan4ever get a hard-on for every marginal player the dolphins look into. Get a gorlfriend, or at least a pet.

Excuse me. You may want to take a look at PhinPhans member number. It looks like he is number 79, while you are 3 thousand something or other.

I have about had it with punks who register, and start slamming senior members before you even have 20 posts.

Get a clue newbie.

Originally posted by dolfan87

Excuse me. You may want to take a look at PhinPhans member number. It looks like he is number 79, while you are 3 thousand something or other.

I have about had it with punks who register, and start slamming senior members before you even have 20 posts.

Get a clue newbie.

Well said.
Wow.. I registered before CK? Weird.. I remember you being here before me...
Wow.. I registered before CK? Weird.. I remember you being here before me...

Maybe I just started in so hard and heavy and relentless with the encyclopedic posts that it seemed like I'd been here a while...

Originally posted by ckparrothead

Maybe I just started in so hard and heavy and relentless with the encyclopedic posts that it seemed like I'd been here a while...


You give new meaning to the word Manifesto.:D
My number is in the 700's, I am not worthy, I am not worthy.

In penance for my lowly status let me supply some information. In a prior post I gave the assessment of Page from Frank Coyle's and Mel Kiper's 2004 free agent lists. I went into my files and pulled their reports from 2003 when he was also a free agent.

Coyle had him as the 9th (Dixon was 16th) Olineman out of 69. He noted that even though Page had come into the league as a LT prospect, Dallas having Flozell Adams playing there had kept him out of that slot.

Kiper had him as the 7th available tackle out of 29.

Both agreed he had a down year in '02. Coupled with the injury in '03 he may have gotten as good as he is going to get, but he has still played a lot of good football and is still only 28 years old. At the right price grab him.

Oh and btw, suspend the **** with the big mouth if he does it again. We can all disagree without having to become disagreeable!
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