Tampa writer says Hickey hire will produce a 10-12 year downward spiral for Miami | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Tampa writer says Hickey hire will produce a 10-12 year downward spiral for Miami

Wow, can't believe you guys. First you wanted Ireland fired, it did matter who replaced him, anything was better than him. We get a guy with 18+ years of dedication on 1 club and good track record of evaluating players and you are ready to list to a couple of writers that all they know is how to write negative stories. Give the guy a change before condemning him. What are they going to write when he has solid drafts and multiple pro bowlers...Ireland only had 1 Pouncey.
Why? To have 18 years of player evaluation in the NFL, suggest that he probably has some skill. If he was as hopeless as suggested, he would not have lasted. Nobody survives for 18 years at one team under different coaches and GM's just by being lucky or a nice guy. His skill is apparently in methodical evaluation.
I'd be more inclined to listen to Tony Dungy's comments than sources...

I think this is a very valid point. Lets face it, this is the primary reason he is here. Aponte will be business side of the GM and Hickey will be doing what he has always done, player evaluation side of GM. Hopefully the multi head approach that Ross is attempting will find success...
Tampa sports media is awful (I live in the area)...the guy is no longer with them and they want to appear that they didn't lose anybody worth keeping...some if it is conjecture and some wanting make sure they work in well with the new group and can get those "source comments"....int he end, do you expect Tampa's media to be any better then Miami's?
sounds like tampas version of ARMONDO.

tamapas coaching after dungy and chuckie was the reason for there recent problems. NOT the talent as they have more than we do. they beat us EVERY time!!

and everyone is acting [at least the haters anyway] is hickey WAS NOT THE GM!! he didnt make the final decisions, in the draft or f/a or what play was called!!

and throw in a tank job on what appeared to be a an up and coming star in JOSH FREEMAN [something no one saw coming] coupled with BAD coaching [hickey didnt hire coaches] and there you have it.

this is what i don't get....i mean Raheem and Schiano was AWEFUL...I looked at Schiano last year and said dude you are worse than Wannstedt.

talent was not the issue in TB, it was sh*****y coaching
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