Butterfrog 2.0
Pro Bowler
By the numbers...
8,253 yards, 51 TD's, 24 ints, 64% completion percentage, 452 rush yards, 2 rushing td's.
Now let me ask you guys something... since the day Marino retired and as the years went on is there a single person here that wouldn't have been extremely happy with a QB with those types of numbers? I'm not even going to talk about all of the things Tannehill has had against him, but just looking at those numbers do we really have it that bad?
I think the problem is that people look at Brady, Rodgers, etc. And say "anyone who isn't doing that isn't good enough". How easily we forget how absolutely terrible we've had it at QB before Tannehill, and we cannot be happy with anything less than a Dan Marine clone. You put Tannehill on those team where we had Fielder at QB, and this team would have been a powerhouse, especially with that defense.
8,253 yards, 51 TD's, 24 ints, 64% completion percentage, 452 rush yards, 2 rushing td's.
Now let me ask you guys something... since the day Marino retired and as the years went on is there a single person here that wouldn't have been extremely happy with a QB with those types of numbers? I'm not even going to talk about all of the things Tannehill has had against him, but just looking at those numbers do we really have it that bad?
I think the problem is that people look at Brady, Rodgers, etc. And say "anyone who isn't doing that isn't good enough". How easily we forget how absolutely terrible we've had it at QB before Tannehill, and we cannot be happy with anything less than a Dan Marine clone. You put Tannehill on those team where we had Fielder at QB, and this team would have been a powerhouse, especially with that defense.