The Dolphins should ban everyone who re-sold their tickets to Bills fans, from the stadium for 5 years. | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Dolphins should ban everyone who re-sold their tickets to Bills fans, from the stadium for 5 years.

YES = The Dolphins should ban everyone who re-sold their tickets to Bills fans, from the stadium for 5 years.​

Who's gonna go to the game then 🤷🏻‍♂️

Pretty clear phin phans don't want to go

Not trying to be a d*ck, but they need to sell the seats. If they severely restrict who you can sell tix too, those tix probably won't sell.

Many teams only sell tickets to zip codes in their state, but that doesn't stop resellers.
Last night was a disgrace. Not even a real home game. Watching Josh Allen walk around waving thanks to his fans.... in Miami.

Every single person who resold their tickets to bills fans, should be banned for no less than 5 years from the stadium.

When someone tries to buy a ticket, ask them to pronounce the word "florida"... if it sounds like "flah-rih-dah" , kick them out
I agree with the sentiment, but as the game is televised, those “”fans” find the smell of money irresistible. A shame.
Whether you want to admit it or not, if you sold your ticket to a Bill's fan intentionally or not, YOU ABSOLUTELY contributed to this loss. CC said on national TV that the Bills fans were causing issues with the Dolphins communication towards the end of the game.

So you can be an ass and call people broke who didn't have tickets (LMAO), and you can say those ticket sells paid for my whole season, you can say what ever you want and it may be true. What is definitely true is that regardless of your intention, you helped the Bills win that game. It is not by any means, the main reason but is ABSOLUTELY a contributing FACTOR.
Last night was a disgrace. Not even a real home game. Watching Josh Allen walk around waving thanks to his fans.... in Miami.

Every single person who resold their tickets to bills fans, should be banned for no less than 5 years from the stadium.

When someone tries to buy a ticket, ask them to pronounce the word "florida"... if it sounds like "flah-rih-dah" , kick them out
1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% agree.
You must be one blind SOB, or an ignorant one.
Dolphin fans do the same thing. Did you buy one of those tickets that were available, NO just wanted to B I T C H about it..🙄
This was the main reason I wanted to lose. If we played them again. There be more Bill's fans cause they will stay anther week. Happy we play KC.
If more Miami fans wanted to go to the games they would be there!
It's not like buffalo fans are trying to steal seats from the phin fans... They just want to go to the game.
In person watching a winning Bills away game is priceless. The party atmosphere and weather are a big bonus.
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