The Honeymoon Is Over | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Honeymoon Is Over

FinFan57 said:
After hoping (dreaming) we might be a bit more active in free agency, it is apparent that the curse of Wannstedt is now sinking in and the honeymoon is over. The excitement of actually luring Saban away from LSU and then Saban's hiring of great coaches like Linehan and Houck combined with Huizenga's apparent rejuvenation and big plans led most of us out of the terrible depression we suffered through last year and offered the promise of a new and exciting year. The rebirth, if you will, of a once proud franchise.

Reality is now upon us and we will not be major players, or even close, in free agency. Just look at the list of top free agents in this link:

We will not be signing players from this list, instead we will be mostly bottom feeders - signing has-beens and never-beens. We will be asking the impossible from guys like McIntosh, who couldn't play LT last year, to somehow step into a phone booth and turn into Walter Jones. Someone named Travares Tillman who was out of the NFL because no one believed he was talented enough to make their roster will now be competing for a job in a once proud defensive secondary.

Right about now, Nick Saban is experiencing daily heartburn and migraine headaches as he manuevers through the NFL obstacle course realizing there is only so much he can do. The reality of salary cap constraints, greedy agents, and self-absorbed players are making him long for the good old days at LSU.

He is tough though and he will endure, but he is getting a major dose of NFL reality......the honeymoon is over.

As finfans, our annual dreamweaving must now be pointed at the draft and the hope of overhyped rookies saving our proud team. In my dreams, we're gonna win the Super Bowl this year. In dreams, anything is possible.
hate to sound negative but i'm with you on this one.

i mean, i can't believe we didn't go after ANY big FAs this year... both wahle and rivera were available at one point, we obviously didn't try. carter is ten times better than holliday, we didn't get him, we get the bottom-feeder. jordan would have solved our RB problem - we didnt even make a run at him!

other than that there has been absolutely NOTHING going on... crap we couldn't even work out a trade for surtain.

Saban may be trying to create the Bill Belichick look during press conferences, but outside of coaching personnel moves, i am not impressed.

in fact i am seeing 2004 all over again now.
texasPHINSfan said:
hate to sound negative but i'm with you on this one.

i mean, i can't believe we didn't go after ANY big FAs this year... both wahle and rivera were available at one point, we obviously didn't try. carter is ten times better than holliday, we didn't get him, we get the bottom-feeder. jordan would have solved our RB problem - we didnt even make a run at him!

other than that there has been absolutely NOTHING going on... crap we couldn't even work out a trade for surtain.

Saban may be trying to create the Bill Belichick look during press conferences, but outside of coaching personnel moves, i am not impressed.

in fact i am seeing 2004 all over again now.

So, are you saying just because we dont get a well name FA, we wont be good?
PhinDude88 said:
So, are you saying just because we dont get a well name FA, we wont be good?

yes, you can twist the words anyway you want but chew on this:
we will be going into 2005 with the same personnel we had in 2004. in 2004 we went 4-12 and the downs of the year were a LOT worse than the ups.

so you mean to tell me you have optimism if we go into 2005 with only ONE good name added to the roster (whoever we get in the draft in the first round)?

i would love to share your optimism, but when we have soooo many needs, and not a lot of action in the FO, its hard to get excited. If we were the Pats, i woudln't mind - we just won the superbowl and there isn't much to fix. but heck, even the pats and the eagles have had more FO action than we have.

what gives?
texasPHINSfan said:
yes, you can twist the words anyway you want but chew on this:
we will be going into 2005 with the same personnel we had in 2004. in 2004 we went 4-12 and the downs of the year were a LOT worse than the ups.

so you mean to tell me you have optimism if we go into 2005 with only ONE good name added to the roster (whoever we get in the draft in the first round)?

i would love to share your optimism, but when we have soooo many needs, and not a lot of action in the FO, its hard to get excited. If we were the Pats, i woudln't mind - we just won the superbowl and there isn't much to fix. but heck, even the pats and the eagles have had more FO action than we have.

what gives?

I hate to use this team in an example but do you remember a team called the Pats? They dont sign big name players, they signed players with first team attitude and smartness in the game. That is the types of FA that Saban wants.
SuperMarksBros. said:
call me crazy, but i dont think saban is trying to put together a quick fix, he's plugging short term holes and building for the future...

the impatience on this board is astounding. someone made a post on 3/2 at 8:00am criticzing saban for not making any moves, lol. do yourselves a favor, follow the redskins.

Exactly! Thank you for the sanity.
PhinDude88 said:
texasPHINSfan i would like to share with you a excellent thread about the key to free agency(posted by KB)

Hopefully it will change your minds and others.
i read it, and thank you for posting a great argument.

my problem mainly is the damn offensive line.

we had the SAME guys in 2004 that we will be going into 2005 with. now, i'm not saying revamp the entire line, but to have brought in at least ONE big-name guy to help mentor and coach the other schmucks along would have been nice.

instead, it will be 2004 all over again.... even if we draft Ronnie Brown, i'd doubt he'd break 100 yards more than twice all next year if we don't upgrade our o-line. even with Houck. the guy has a clipboard, not a magic wand people!
texasPHINSfan said:
i read it, and thank you for posting a great argument.

my problem mainly is the damn offensive line.

we had the SAME guys in 2004 that we will be going into 2005 with. now, i'm not saying revamp the entire line, but to have brought in at least ONE big-name guy to help mentor and coach the other schmucks along would have been nice.

instead, it will be 2004 all over again.... even if we draft Ronnie Brown, i'd doubt he'd break 100 yards more than twice all next year if we don't upgrade our o-line. even with Houck. the guy has a clipboard, not a magic wand people!

Last year the Chargers OL was just a mess looking at the beggining of the year. I am sure that many Chargers fans was very mad that they didnt get a great OL in the draft or free agency. But Houck worked well with them and brought them to be a pretty good OL unit.
texasPHINSfan said:
i read it, and thank you for posting a great argument.

my problem mainly is the damn offensive line.

we had the SAME guys in 2004 that we will be going into 2005 with. now, i'm not saying revamp the entire line, but to have brought in at least ONE big-name guy to help mentor and coach the other schmucks along would have been nice.

instead, it will be 2004 all over again.... even if we draft Ronnie Brown, i'd doubt he'd break 100 yards more than twice all next year if we don't upgrade our o-line. even with Houck. the guy has a clipboard, not a magic wand people!

You dont need a magic wand. Our offensive line will be improved over last years, and not just because of Houck. It has more to do with how bad our coaching stafff was last year. It was unimaginative at best, and had no contengency plan to adjust to the absense of a featured back.
texasPHINSfan said:
hate to sound negative but i'm with you on this one.

i mean, i can't believe we didn't go after ANY big FAs this year... both wahle and rivera were available at one point, we obviously didn't try. carter is ten times better than holliday, we didn't get him, we get the bottom-feeder. jordan would have solved our RB problem - we didnt even make a run at him!

other than that there has been absolutely NOTHING going on... crap we couldn't even work out a trade for surtain.

Saban may be trying to create the Bill Belichick look during press conferences, but outside of coaching personnel moves, i am not impressed.

in fact i am seeing 2004 all over again now.

Dear oh dear oh dear. Has this site REALLY come to this? 3 days into FA and people are chucking in the towels? Who thought we were going to the playoffs in 2005? If you were then you should be sectioned. Who thinks that ruining the cap for years to come and thus consigning ourselves to a decade in the gutter is the right way to go? If that applies to you then the knocking you can hear is the men in white coats at your front door.

Too many people think that Madden is reality, that the Miami Dolphins have some God given right to deal with the league in a way that others can't. It's pathetic. Some people need to grow up. These sorts of posts are ludicrous and utterly disrespectful. To say that "we obviously didn't try" is ridiculous. You think that Lamont Jordan was paid correctly? You think we could afford that contract? Could we have afforded Mike Wahle's contract? Kevin Carter any better than Vonnie Holliday at this stage? Not really. And how do you know that Carter won't be inked?

Wake up people. Please.
Has anybody thought about maybe the problem with the Dolphins last year other than Ricky situation was coaching. Not so much personnel. Sure we all want to upgrade, but I trust Saban can see things he can do scheme wise. Saban is not the kind of guy who would give up his LSU gig if he did not think he could be successful. It's still way to early to judge what he has planned. Finfan57 I don't have a problem with your opinion. That is why we have this board. Myself, I will trust Saban for now.
Oh and Texas that wasn't a personal attack on you at all mate. I have a lot of time for you, just the general feeling in here.
Bargains in FA are the way to build a team.

High priced FA are the way to cap trouble.

I for one am suprised we signed anyone yet. I figured we'd let the dust settle and take the best fits at low prices. FA has just started. More FA will be signed but they will be beneficial to our team because they will contribute and not kill our cap.
Boomer said:
Oh and Texas that wasn't a personal attack on you at all mate. I have a lot of time for you, just the general feeling in here.
thanks Boomer.

not trying to sound like a total utter fake fan there, but it is just frustrating.

I don't play madden and i know what you mean about the cap... but lets face it, many cap specialists predicted we could easily be almost twenty mil beneath the cap with certain moves... these certain moves weren't made, the FO is lagging behind on others... as of now i think we are just under?

yet Boston's status is still in the air, so is surtain, etc...

what bothers me mainly is the feet-dragging. the weeks leading up to "official" FA, free agency is already going on... teams are already talking to each other. thats why on march 2nd so much crap happens. what were we doing in those several weeks? mulling over our performance in the super bowl? the pro bowl? :D see what i mean? of everyone, we should have had the most time to prepare and figure out what we're going to do. when's the deadline to cut some of these guys do roster bonuses? oh wait, it already happened didn't it?

i was surprised to hear that we haven't done much, even in the way of our own players.

the only thing i saw initially was the new tender to mckinney and romero. wow. that took a lot of work, didn't it?

if we come up with some major roster & personnel moves and signings/cuts in the next couple of days i'll be impressed. but the clock is ticking.

and again, i could be a complete idiot and just speaking out of the heat of the moment. but can you not agree that its hard to be excited about next year with the same players? right?
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