The Official 2006 New York Yankees Thread! | Page 61 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Official 2006 New York Yankees Thread!

Roman529 said:
It wasn't a miracle....David Bell, the Phillies so-called 3rd Baseman, regular helps other teams win by his blunders at 3rd base (his error led to 4 runs late in game 2).....ohhh I miss Mike Schmidt. :boohoo:

lol maybe Bell does that more often then i am aware but i thought the Yanks were done multiple times that 3-0, 5-3, and 7-5
btw maybe my quote was ambigious, the win being a miracle, i guess i really meant LUCKY lol
What a night for the pen pitching 4 scoreless innings in a 5-0 shutout. Wright pitched well through 5 but apparently he's still not ready to pitch 6-7-8 innings. Bos just torched the team we couldn't beat over the weekend so we remain 2 out.
Pretty funny that on the same day the Braves GM calls out Farnsworth saying he can't handle the NY pressure, Farnsworth does his typical job of sucking.

Dotel can't get to NY any sooner, but isn't he out for at least the All-Star break after hurting himself again? The Yankees clearly can't count on Farnsworth down the strench. And they need a lot of pen help but then again what team doesn't in baseball.
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
Jaret Wright just hit 97 on the radar. Now only if he could get past the 5th!

He's been doing a good job for 5, it would be great if he could go 6 or 7 and help out our overused pen.

Ray Finkle said:
Pretty funny that on the same day the Braves GM calls out Farnsworth saying he can't handle the NY pressure, Farnsworth does his typical job of sucking.

He's been ok for us, he's been up and down. Not as consistent as Gordon was in the reg season but he stepped up against the Sox which is something Gordon couldn't do.

Ray Finkle said:
Dotel can't get to NY any sooner, but isn't he out for at least the All-Star break after hurting himself again? The Yankees clearly can't count on Farnsworth down the strench. And they need a lot of pen help but then again what team doesn't in baseball.

He threw again the other day and came out feeling great, they didn't release what Dr. Andrews diagnosed but i guess it was ok if they let him pitch the other day. He should be up w/in a month.
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
Jaret Wright just hit 97 on the radar. Now only if he could get past the 5th!

IF he can stay healthy, I will take 5 solid innings out of him every game. Seriously, as long as you know ahead of time that you won't get more than 5 innings, I have no problem with that.

Try to get Wang pitching the day before him since you know Wang goes 7, 8, 9 strong almost every start. Therefore the bullpen is rested for the next day and Wright.
I know its the "in" thing to knock Farnswroth. But he has more K's than innings pitched. And less walks than innings pitched. In the month of June he walked only 6 guys in about 12 full innings pitched. And TWICE so far this year he has gotten Ortiz out late in games in "clutch" situations. The guy isn't winning hte CY YOUNG or anything, so don't twist my words here, and he will get hit around every now and then (every middle releiver in MLB does) but he hasn't been god awful and if you look deep inside the numbers he has been good (not great) but good.
MikeO said:
I know its the "in" thing to knock Farnswroth. But he has more K's than innings pitched. And less walks than innings pitched. In the month of June he walked only 6 guys in about 12 full innings pitched. And TWICE so far this year he has gotten Ortiz out late in games in "clutch" situations. The guy isn't winning hte CY YOUNG or anything, so don't twist my words here, and he will get hit around every now and then (every middle releiver in MLB does) but he hasn't been god awful and if you look deep inside the numbers he has been good (not great) but good.

Don't kid yourself in trying to defend the guy. He's been bad, not good at all. Wow he has more K's than innings pitched big deal, he always got a lot of K's. But you forget that he also gives up more hits than innings pitched too. He has an ERA of 4.98 and a WHIP of 1.69 which is awful, even for him. He doesn't get hit around every now and then, he always gets hit.

You mentioned that in the month of June he's only walked 6 guys in 12 innings yet June has been his worst month of the season so far, ERA wise, WHIP wise and BAA wise.

The fact is Farnsworth is an average pitcher at best. He might even be below average and to get the contract he got is laughable especially considering his melt downs in big spots in the past. I can't wait to see him pitching for the Yankees for 2 more years.
MikeO said:
I know its the "in" thing to knock Farnswroth. But he has more K's than innings pitched. And less walks than innings pitched. In the month of June he walked only 6 guys in about 12 full innings pitched. And TWICE so far this year he has gotten Ortiz out late in games in "clutch" situations. The guy isn't winning hte CY YOUNG or anything, so don't twist my words here, and he will get hit around every now and then (every middle releiver in MLB does) but he hasn't been god awful and if you look deep inside the numbers he has been good (not great) but good.
kind of like every other pitcher in baseball against A-Rod?

EDIT: well he FINALLY did something
ShuggieOtis said:
Arod saves an embarrasing series loss

yes he did, a great job by ARod doing his ortiz imitation. hopefully this allows him to relax and perform like we know he can.
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