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The Official WWE/TNA Pro Wrestling Thread

I was afraid this was going to happen and to be honest not at all surprise. He's done it before and if given the oppertunity, he will do it again. I honestly dont believe Hardy ever becomes WWE champion as i dont think the WWE will trust him agian. I believe this is how Hardy will leave the WWE as i see him getting fried next tiem he fails. Jeff let down not only the fans but Vince. just think if Hardy was in the MITB ladder match how great it could of been, with him and Shelton, now it may still be good but not nearly as good at it could be. Good thing WWE did not make it a Hardy-Orton Match at WM
I was afraid this was going to happen and to be honest not at all surprise. He's done it before and if given the oppertunity, he will do it again. I honestly dont believe Hardy ever becomes WWE champion as i dont think the WWE will trust him agian. I believe this is how Hardy will leave the WWE as i see him getting fried next tiem he fails. Jeff let down not only the fans but Vince. just think if Hardy was in the MITB ladder match how great it could of been, with him and Shelton, now it may still be good but not nearly as good at it could be. Good thing WWE did not make it a Hardy-Orton Match at WM

No question about it that Hardy will get fired if it happens again. A third failed test is an automatic "future endeaver," from the E.
I actually thought Raw was pretty decent this week. The Mayweather angle is getting a little more real then intended but hey it adds to it. I dont like Mayweather, he's a pompous jerk, but he's an incredible fighter.
I actually thought Raw was pretty decent this week. The Mayweather angle is getting a little more real then intended but hey it adds to it. I dont like Mayweather, he's a pompous jerk, but he's an incredible fighter.

I'm trying to figure out why Mayweather is the babyface. Yeah Show is a lot bigger, but 2 things go against this theory of Mayweather being the face.
1)Big Show is a pretty big name returning, and is/was a very popular wrestler
2)Almost everybody hates Mayweather to begin with.
I'm trying to figure out why Mayweather is the babyface. Yeah Show is a lot bigger, but 2 things go against this theory of Mayweather being the face.
1)Big Show is a pretty big name returning, and is/was a very popular wrestler
2)Almost everybody hates Mayweather to begin with.

I'm not sure they really are pushing Show as the heel, I mean if you noticed baby faces as well as heels came out to support the angle last week. I dont know how much WWE really relies on your conventional heels vs. faces anymore anyways.
I'm trying to figure out why Mayweather is the babyface. Yeah Show is a lot bigger, but 2 things go against this theory of Mayweather being the face.
1)Big Show is a pretty big name returning, and is/was a very popular wrestler
2)Almost everybody hates Mayweather to begin with.

I think even the WWE would admit that thet screwed the pooch with Mayweather. I think they thought that fans would like Mayweather as he is a name from a "legit" sport. The problem is, and always has been, that wrestling fans are VERY clique-ish and tend to not like outsiders for more than a one time appearance.

The report I saw was that the intent was to originally have Mayweather/partner vs. Misterio/De La Hoya for Wrestlemania. Admittedly, I think that could have been an intruiging matchup and De La Hoya would have brought more of a mainstream push to it. Plus, it would have put Mayweather into a natural heel position instead of forced to be an awkward babyface.

Once De La Hoya balked at that, the plan was Misterio/Mayweather vs. Big Show. That could have worked as well as Misterio brings credibility and two shorties makes it somewhat more believable than one shorty facing Big Show. As it stands now, I don't see how this can possibly work. If Big Show wins, its expected and not that exciting. If Mayweather wins, it isn't believable by itself and the fans will be upset, and not in a good way.

The WWE has really backed themselves into a corner with this match. I don't even have a good idea of how to salvage it short of pairing Mayweather up with someone from the roster to combat Show. The problem there is that most of the big stars are already busy in their own programs for WM. Plus, they just ran an angle where EVERY wrestler was against the Mayweather clan so how do you explain someone all of a sudden being his buddy?
I actually thought Raw was pretty decent this week. The Mayweather angle is getting a little more real then intended but hey it adds to it. I dont like Mayweather, he's a pompous jerk, but he's an incredible fighter.
He's a boxer. You can rarely be a good boxer and not play mind games, be confident, etc.
He's a boxer. You can rarely be a good boxer and not play mind games, be confident, etc.

To a degree I agree with you. But to a degree I dont. There is a huge difference between being confident and arrogant. But he's earned the right to be the way he is. No one has beaten him.
Hardy was on top of the world one day and the next everything came crashing down, i hope he gets trough this, hopefully this is a wake up call and hopefully he dont turn to drugs to ease the pain

By Bill Banks has learned that TNA superstar Matt Morgan has been offered a contract by NBC to become the newest Gladiator on the hit show "American Gladiators".

Morgan will continue to be a full-time member of the TNA Wrestling roster while competing on American Gladiators.

"To say I'm excited is a huge understatement," Morgan told by phone. "Wrestling is in my blood and TNA will always be my home - and the chance to appear on both TNA and American Gladiators is a major personal accomplishment."
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