The State of Our Team... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The State of Our Team...


Pro Bowler
Mar 15, 2004
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Okay, we've just finished our draft and now we can step back and analyze exactly where our biggest question marks are on the team right now. Here's the way I see it to date, in order of urgency:

1. QB

- Right now, we've got Feely, Fiedler and Rosenfels. DW says the team is happy with that combo. I am not happy with it. I think we can do better and the position right now, as it stands, could present problems down the road should Feely get hurt or end up not panning out.

Solution: Sign Kerry Collins to a one year deal. Unlike many out there, I believe Collins is an excellent QB. He had one of the worst lines in football last year and took a beating without complaining. If you look the year before, when he had petigout and Leiberthal and a few other good blocker in front of him, he was a top-tier QB. The guy has a cannon. I'm not sure if he'll take a one year deal. Maybe someone else knows of a better situation for Collins than ours, but it seems to me that if we said to Collins, "come in for one year, you'll compete with AJ Feely and Jay Fiedler for the #1 QB spot", we could convince Collins to come to Miami. With those three guys fighting it out, I'd feel a lot better about our chances. As it stands right now, and in the words of our head coach "from a QB standpoint", we're in a very tenuous situation. If we don't get Collins, we need to explore brining in another QB regardless - a journeyman QB who can serve as a capable back up should Feely or Fiedler go down. Rosenfels has yet to prove himself in a big game situation (granted he's not been given the chance but still).

2. RG

-So we addressed the offensive line situation in the draft. We have effectively replaced the small hole Todd Wade left behind when he went to the Texans. Based on potential and pure effort, Todd "hands on hips" Wade was IMO one of our worst linemen last year, so upgrading his spot shouldn't be difficult. It's the right guard spot that now looms large on the darkening horizon of high expectation. Right now it looks like Taylor Whitley and Greg Jerman will battle it out for that spot. I'm not too thrilled with this prospect to tell you the truth. Whitley didn't strike me as a tough guy last year. He's more of a finesse guy and at that spot you need toughness. Jerman, while a tough guy, may not have the quickness to survive there.

Solution: Sign a free agent after June 1. Personally, I'd sign Jamie Nails today and let him compete for the starting job right now. Achilles injuries typically take two years to heal (ask Dan and Trace) and Nails should be rounding into top form about now. Nails is also a savvy vet and has played successfully in our offense. Plug him in there next to Carey and I really like that line. Other than Nails (I know they have questions about his knees), I thought we blew it not getting Welbourn. That guy would have fit in perfectly. I know it was a contract issue, but you make the trade and deal with the consequences. He is after all signed for another six years. You could meet his agent half way and get him into camp. Anyway, there will be some quality let go post June 1 and I expect us to land another guard. NO way I believe the team will go into next season with Whitley or Jerman penciled in as the starter.

3. Back Up MLB

Right now, provided Zach stays healthy, our defense is set. However Zach has started to break down the last couple of years and when he goes out we're not the same team defensively (read Tennessee game last year). We NEED a good back up MLB. A veteran who can make every tackle. There's a good one still out there in free agency and his name is Mo Lewis. We must get a veteran this summer to back up Zach. Last year Hendricks was woefully inadequate at that spot. No fault of Hendricks, he's just no Zach Thomas when it comes to playing MLB.

That's it from my vantage point. I'm not as worried about the 3rd WR position as many of you are. Considering we'll only be playing about 10 percent in 3 receiver formation, we should be okay with the combo of Thompson, Tolver, Minnis, Newsome, Simmons and Wilkins. OUt of that group, someone will emerge. I would not be opposed to bringing back McKnight to compete for that spot either, but it would be at the league minimum. :goof:
I think Kerry Collins is a great, great QB. But signing him would make no sense. Everybody's gonna have to realize that AJ Feeley is our guy. Signing another QB would be saying, "we have no faith in AJ and we gave up a 2nd round pick for nothing"
Not bad, but a little too negative for my taste....

Here's my feeling towards the Phinz right now...

QB - We're much better off this year with Feeley / Fielder. If Feeley can't get it done, I'm very comfortable knowing Fielder is right there waiting in the wings. JF is much better coming off the bench than he is as a full time starter IMO...

No worries here. We've got two solid starting QB's in Miami in 2004....

RG - Some concerns, but I highly doubt they'll be as bad as ex-RG T. Perry was last year. This guy was a model of mediocrity his entire career in Miami. I'm sure one the guys on the roster will step up and do fine replacing him. Not that difficult of a task to accomplish conisdering TP was a very mediocre player....

I would have loved to land OG J. Welbourn, but so would have alot of other teams in need. He went to KC, and they paid a price for him. I'm just glad he didn't end up in NE, BUF, or NY....

LB - Back up LB looks like E. Moore / C. Jenkins / and possibly Tua. We're thin at LB IMO, but the guys we have are all pretty solid. Unless one of the starts goes down, I don't see a problem here "this year". We'll need to darft a starting LB next season though if none of the youg guys pan out. LB E. Moore really needs a solid TC this year or he'll be considered a bust....

We don't have any QBs making starting money. We have JF and SR pretty much splitting a starter's salary if memory serves.

That really doesn't leave much room for any other QB making much more than minimum, though.
Feeley would be the cheapest of the bunch but, JF and KC would take a good chunk, which would probably cost us any shot of locking O-gun up long term, let alone extending CC's deal.
I like the analysis/post. I agree, Kerry Collinsis high on my list, but it wouldnt make sense if he was signed since I know we wouldnt give up a 2nd rounder for Feeley to back anyone up. I'd sign Jamie Nails as well for a low price, and if all fails, then go with Whitley/German. Mo Lewis sounds intriguing as well, and since I usually have Zach on my fantasy team, I'd pick Mo as a backup as well. 3rd WR I think we'll be okay. Derrius Thompson will come back with a vengeance, I have a gut feeling. He has a lot to prove after last year's goose egg in TDs. 0
right. I'm just suggesting we bring Collins in to compete with Aj and Jay. If Collins plays better than Jay Fiedler, then we let Jay go in camp and recoup that sizeable salary. If Collins comes in and can't beat out Fiedler at least, then we proceed as before.

I believe Feely will play well. It's just that Collins, if given a solid line, can be a great QB as well and I'd feel much better about things if we head into next season with Feely and Collins back there.

I could be wrong though, which is why I at least want Collins in the mix to compete and earn the job. Think of how great the QB play will be with three starting caliber QB's battling it out for two spots.

Thing is, Collins will probably get a bigger contract from Arizona, or Dallas. You never know though. I would hope we're at least going to explore the signing...
Jimmy James said:
I meant AJF, not SR above. That was a brain-keyboard disconnect.
I wouldn't mind dumping Jay and signing Collins....actually, I would like that.
one other note. LIke someone else here has stated, Derrious Thompson is going to be key. If Jerry Sullivan can work his magic with the kid we could have a special class of receivers this year.

How wierd was the Thompson situation last year? The guy just disappeared. I believe a lot of it had to do with the fact that Jay really only threw to two receivers last year - Chambers and McMichael out of comfort.
As much as I'd like to have Collins, I don't think it'll happen. I think Chambers and O-Gun extensions are gonna be priorities now.
Don't be surprised if Pape challenges at RG. He played tackle but is better suited to play inside. I think Billy Yates should be given a shot to start but that would be admitting a mistake with Whitley. He played lights out against a ver tough Baltimore D last year. I'd love to see Nails signed back but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen.
The only spots that worry me are DT, FS and MLB. Bowens and Cester were both banged up last year. Zgonina was good but after that the depth is below average. I'm not sold on Aurturo Freeman yet. And Zach is getting up there. Some of us remember John Offerdahl. Zach is the same type of player. Reckeless with his body and then all of the sudden the wheels fall off the wagon. I'd hate to see what would happen if we lost Zach for an extended period of time.
I would mind dumping Jay and signing Collins. If we lose our one experienced QB, I at least want the replacement to have experience in the system like Kurt Warner does.
My State of the team (Looking at every position)

1) QB: I think that there is a lot of things that changed since the day we let Brian Griese go and Brunell went to Washington. However, none of them change the fact that AJ Feeley is a good fit here. Of the other guys out there that have been moved or signed, none of them is without warts. We would not have been able to get rivers, so the only 2 players we can look at other than feeley are Warner and NOW Collins (there is no telling what kind of shape we'd be in if we waited till april 30th to find our STARTING QB.

I think that with Feeley we will get a slight upgrade over Jay Fiedler with one important caveat: IF AJ GOES DOWN WE'LL HAVE A BETTER BACKUP THAN WE EVER HAD THESE PAST FEW YEARS. Jay is an excellent player for us to have in a backup role.

2) RB/FB: No measurable change here.

3) WR/TE: The upgrade is evident here with Boston. Another WR in the draft would have been nice insurance against injury, but none of the guys we liked were there at 20. Still a spot that may be addressed later.

4) O Line: While it hasn't been flashy, we have upgraded from last year, and gotten younger along the line as well. We have also built depth by signing a bunch of guys who can play all over the line. The setup of Smith-James-McKinney-jermain-Carey include McIntosh, St Clair, Pape, 2 of which can move all along the line. The Idea of putting the best 5 guys on the field is solid because the top 7 guys are all about the same. This line ain't the Dallas line of the 90's but it will be an upgrade over last years'.


1) D Line: Well, I am assuming that O gun resigns, but we are fine here. Younger depth along the DT would be nice, but ce la vie.

2) LB: Sooner or later we are going to have to address the depth here. I think that we are fine for another year, but the talent here is paper thin before we move to next level of backups. Here is hoping that Jenkins and Moore or one of the rookies can ball, or this may be where we get nailed this year (as for a backup to Zack, I assume that Seau is his backup)

3) Secondary: One of the best secondaries in the league got better hanks to the FA aqusitions and the picking of Poole. Losing Marion to me is addition by subtraction, BTW, as he was becoming Gene Atkinslike in blowing deep assignments.

ST: Incomplete.

All in all, I believe that this team has, for the most part, addressed Most of their needs so far this offseason. SO where do we go from here?

1) Another WR
2) A backup LB?
3) Maybe another body at O Line? We have room since McIntosh will probably be PUP until week 8.

We still have the ability to beat the team ahead of us, the NEw ENgland Patriots. Maybe more so now that they will be hard pressed to go 4 and 5 wide on us with the players we have on D. I like our chances even more with Dillon going up against our D line.

Jimmy James said:
I would mind dumping Jay and signing Collins. If we lose our one experienced QB, I at least want the replacement to have experience in the system like Kurt Warner does.
I'm not following you here doublejim....:huh:

How does Kurt Warner fit in this discussion?

How does Jay have experience in Collier's system?

I realize terminology will be similar but, "wristbands" would take care of that for Collins.

Getting the timing down/gaining familiarity with the receivers is not the kind of task that would hinder collins anymore than any other back-up who is forced to play. Also, I would think that 6 to 8 quarters of preseason football should take care of that altogether.
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