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The U vs Georgia Tech

Yea I think the Canes have a shot, but it simply comes down to one player for us . . . . Kyle Wright.

He has to be able to sense the blitz, and get rid of that ball. He has gotta make plays against this agressive D from Tech. We should be able to run the ball, but Kyle has to prove he can get rid of the ball or Tech is gonna send them all game. If this line can hold up long enuff, Kyle should be able to do some damage, but if he struggles like he did last year against this D . . . then it could be along afternoon.

UM 24
Tech 17

Lets hope for the best.
Calvin Johnson the Future Dolphin is going to kill Miami's secondary.
Majpain said:
Calvin Johnson the Future Dolphin is going to kill Miami's secondary.
Coker said it himself

"We wont let Calvin Johnson beat us"

so GT will have to have other guys to step up to beat us..Miami have a great chance to steal this game :yes:
Kdawg954 said:
Yea I think the Canes have a shot, but it simply comes down to one player for us . . . . Kyle Wright.

He has to be able to sense the blitz, and get rid of that ball. He has gotta make plays against this agressive D from Tech. We should be able to run the ball, but Kyle has to prove he can get rid of the ball or Tech is gonna send them all game. If this line can hold up long enuff, Kyle should be able to do some damage, but if he struggles like he did last year against this D . . . then it could be along afternoon.

UM 24
Tech 17

Lets hope for the best.
yeah..Kyle has to be smart with the football..he has to get rid of the ball quickly..i think it comes down to our offense..we have to protect and and give him time...remember last year, tech blitzed like kyle have to be ready for that

I hope baby J have a good day running the ball...Ty Moss and baby j has to be our 1-2 punch on the ground

I heard Jon Beason is out so Cook and the other LB's has to step up today
Our man coverage has no chance against Calvin Johnson... And our offense, if they couldn't get it done against GT last year, how are they going to score points this year?

My prediction (hope I'm wrong):

GT: 27
UM: 3
Well its tied at halftime, but what worried me about this game is happening . . . Tech is having there way with Kyle Wright. Honestly, if he doesn't get it done this game, I think u have to go another direction at QB . . . possibly Freeman but Kyle just is not sure of himself, he locks on to receivers . . . I actually think he has regressed thru the years instead of progressing. It does look like the middle of the field is open, and they gotta start getting Olsen involved more (sounds like a broken record). They gotta get these throws off faster man . . . . or its gonna be a long game . . . and with "No adjustments" Coker as the coach . . . it doesn't seem likely. I can see Larry Coker in the locker room now "Good half guys, keep up the good job.", and then he goes into the office. smh, I hope these guys are ready.

Go Canes!!
I think we gotta send Coker and Saban to a challenge flag Training Camp . . . how Coker doesn't throw the flag on that Merriweather INT is just unimaginable . . . and the refs should have stopped play . . . especially on a questionable INT in the endzone.
Wright is overrated garbage. Period. I have never seen him act like a leader or have ANY intangibles.
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