Theoretical QB/RB question | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Theoretical QB/RB question


Club Member
Aug 25, 2004
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If you could have one or the other, come the 5th week of the season (supposing Ricky comes back and has served a 4-game suspension) - which scenario would the Dolphins be better off with:

A. Gus Ferrotte/AJ Feeley at QB; Ronnie Brown/Ricky Williams at RB


B. AJ Feeley/Aaron Rodgers at QV; Ricky Williams/Lamar Gordon at RB

In other words, if we were absolutely certain that Williams would be back and eligible to play week 5, would we have been better off drating a QB or even trading down, versus drafting Brown? I'm not saying Saban knew for sure then, or even does now, but just asking a theoretical ??.
Neither. I woulda went Braylon Edwards.

But if I haveto choose, definately Ronnie Brown. you cant trust ricky NOT to do the same exact thing again.
Even if you were certain he was coming back (not sure that's possible), you could never be certain he would stay.
We picked the best player available at our draft position. Besides if Ricky does come back, how can we be sure he won't turn around in the middle of the season and retire?
FFF, I agree. Part of me hopes Ricky doesn't come back so R. Brown can develop all season instead of looking over his shoulder or splitting carries. I am, however, very bothered by the fact that Gus Ferrotte is currently #1 on the depth chart. Maybe he's another Gannon in the making, but I kind of doubt it.
A no question. Still not sold on Rodgers. AND having two backs that are real ?? would be scary.

we can always speculate on having taken a QB at the 2 spot but I think Saban made the right choice.
A. because even if we knew that Ricky was coming back, we know that he has few years left on those legs and that body, and having Ronnie Ready to step in after 2 seasons of getting himself ready, would pay off big.. also, you could use ronnie as more than just a backup to Ricky in Linehan's offense...
Dolphindrew said:
If you could have one or the other, come the 5th week of the season (supposing Ricky comes back and has served a 4-game suspension) - which scenario would the Dolphins be better off with:

A. Gus Ferrotte/AJ Feeley at QB; Ronnie Brown/Ricky Williams at RB


B. AJ Feeley/Aaron Rodgers at QV; Ricky Williams/Lamar Gordon at RB

In other words, if we were absolutely certain that Williams would be back and eligible to play week 5, would we have been better off drating a QB or even trading down, versus drafting Brown? I'm not saying Saban knew for sure then, or even does now, but just asking a theoretical ??.

Not Aaron Rodgers...he is not worth the 2nd overall pick. Saban would have had some team dancing in the aisles if he'd taken Rodgers. At the #2 spot, you have to take the BPA..that was Brown...
Philter25 said:
Neither. I woulda went Braylon Edwards.

But if I haveto choose, definately Ronnie Brown. you cant trust ricky NOT to do the same exact thing again.

thank god your not the GM
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