This goes out to all true 'phin fans, Dave Wannstedt, and to anyone who will listen! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

This goes out to all true 'phin fans, Dave Wannstedt, and to anyone who will listen!


Welcome to Miami Daunte!!
Sep 19, 2001
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Okay guys, I'm fuming right now and need to vent some of my anger. It is heartbreaking being a dolphins fan at times. I know that we've got a string of 5 straight years of making the playoffs(the only team in the NFL to do so). That's great and all but here's why I'm pissed. Our last 4 losses in the playoffs the last 4 seasons. 20-3, 27-0, 62-7, and 38-3 either in the wild card game or a divisonal round game. Every year we go 11-5 or 10-6, make the playoffs as a wild card, and get demolished in the wild card or divisional round game. That is bull****. I'm sorry, but there has to be something internally/mentally going on for this to continue to happen to us, but it needs to be addressed RIGHT NOW!:yell: What's the point of going 10-6/11-5 and getting blown out in either the first or second round of the playoffs? Zach put perfectly when he said, he would rather us have a bad season to get add some great players to the team. Zach also says that he's tired of being good and not great. I agree with Zach and something needs to be done. One other thing I want to change is this. Every year since I can remember, we always seem to be very conservative when it comes to pursing free agents through signing or through trade and so forth. There are obvisouly players out there who would like to play for our beloved 'phins. I say quit with the conservative bull**** and take a chance to have a great team!!! So Dave W., and to anyone else in the organazation, if you're reading this, Jay is not going to lead us to a SB. Finally, take a ******* chance for once so our 'phins can win something we haven't tasted in so LONG!:yell:

:monkey: On conservatism, Jay Fielder
I think...

that after that debacle in 1995 and all the FA's we signed that year our team decided to be conservative in Free Agency.
What debacle in '95?

Jay Fiedler...maybe 10 years ago, he'd be a back up but in today's parity NFL, he's the man! I don't mind Fiedler but the fins need a running game to complement Fiedler's abilities...however small they may be. :)

we were not really conservative in FA - we just gave boat-loads of money to guys on our D and they did not earn it. :(

Unfortunately, spending easily on your own players screws up your cap as much as spending on the Eric Green's of the world - so next year we will suck or be 8-8.
Well if you want to talk about Zach's comments, then Zach himself needs to play better. He missed more tackles then he made.

We have some holes to fill, and no team with a non exsistent running attack, and an o line that can't run block or pass block with any consistency, is going to advance very far in the playoffs.

Our defense, high priced as it may be, was what let us down this season. We were up 17-0 on the Jets, and they let them back in it. They couldn't stop the most average of running backs (I.E Terry Allen, Antwain Smith) and they allowed a 90 yard, and a 99 yard drive for touchdowns yesterday.

When you play conservative football on offense, you leave the team in the hands of the defense. And when the defense doesn't stop anyone, then your O never gets on the field.

Both sides need addressing, and I think we need a new D coordinator to go along with our new O.

Jay is improving, but I don't know what he will do with the new offense, and next year is a total mystery. It will all start to take shape as soon as we find out who is replacing Chan.
Zach had 21 or more tackles and he was hurting - my heart goes out to the guy, but you cannot do it by yourself. Next year will suck.

What happened to B Walker this year - he was great last year and a scrub this year ?
I know Zach did make a lot of tackles, it just seemed like he was being blocked out of position, and missing more then usual.

I really think that if the players are the same, then the scheme is to blame.
Walker had to stay back and help the corners more because we had no pass rush and they had to cover longer. NO PASS RUSH!
Zach had no protection from the Defensive tackles and had to fight off the center or guards all day with a torn rotator cuff and still made 22 tackles. Last year when our defensive line was good and Zach was hurt, we sucked too. They go hand in hand.
I'm tired of every body ripping Zach, he is the ONLY one who has the balls to stand up and say anything about the pitiful way this team has played in important games. He and JT are the only defensive players who play with any passion.
I wasn't trying to rip's just that the whole defense is built around him and the two tackles.

Zach is awesome, I know that...but he ADMITTED he didn't play like a man.

It wouldn't have mattered if Zach was healthy. This team was man handled.

Also I know Surtain was beat for that long pass play...but the receivers were shut down almost all afternoon. Pat and Sam played did Cousin. As Zach said, it was the run D that let everyone down.
It was the O that let us down and specificially the OL and running game. You cannot leave your D out there all day long. We only gave up 20 points and had 3 TO's
Originally posted by aqua&orange54
Okay guys, I'm fuming right now and need to vent some of my anger. It is heartbreaking being a dolphins fan at times. I know that we've got a string of 5 straight years of making the playoffs(the only team in the NFL to do so). That's great and all but here's why I'm pissed. Our last 4 losses in the playoffs the last 4 seasons. 20-3, 27-0, 62-7, and 38-3 either in the wild card game or a divisonal round game. Every year we go 11-5 or 10-6, make the playoffs as a wild card, and get demolished in the wild card or divisional round game. That is bull****. I'm sorry, but there has to be something internally/mentally going on for this to continue to happen to us, but it needs to be addressed RIGHT NOW!:yell: What's the point of going 10-6/11-5 and getting blown out in either the first or second round of the playoffs? Zach put perfectly when he said, he would rather us have a bad season to get add some great players to the team. Zach also says that he's tired of being good and not great. I agree with Zach and something needs to be done. One other thing I want to change is this. Every year since I can remember, we always seem to be very conservative when it comes to pursing free agents through signing or through trade and so forth. There are obvisouly players out there who would like to play for our beloved 'phins. I say quit with the conservative bull**** and take a chance to have a great team!!! So Dave W., and to anyone else in the organazation, if you're reading this, Jay is not going to lead us to a SB. Finally, take a ******* chance for once so our 'phins can win something we haven't tasted in so LONG!:yell:

:monkey: On conservatism, Jay Fielder

Feel better after getting that off your shoulders? :lol: Seriously though no one was more frustrated with the outcome of yestarday's game than I was. I agree with your comment that it gets heartbreaking to be a Dolphin fan at times.. Believe me, thinking of Dan Marinos 62-7 send off game against Jacksonville is enough to bring tears to my eyes, but what can we really do about it? It seems since Don Shula was run out of town, the Dolphins have seemingly become complacent with just making it to the playoffs. Albeit so, making the playoffs on a yearly basis is something most teams would salivate at the idea of, but still I always wonder when its gonna be Miami's year to break the barrier and go all the way.. As for conservative spending, really now a days in the NFL you have to be conservative or you wind up in Salary Cap Hell, look at the positions Dallas, Jacksonville and the Redskins are in. The only way they can sign a free agent of any value is to dump salaries. Plus remember the debacle of 1995, when the Dolphins went stir crazy and signed free agents like crazy (Most Notable in that list was Eric Green). They finished similar to they did this season, 9-6 and a first round loss to Buffalo. Also, reverting to a post that was put on here by Dolfan87, take a deep look at the teams who are currently in the playoffs. Almost all of them were built up from drafts. Pittsburgh with Kordell Stewart, Hines Ward and a defense that was mostly drafted. Green Bay, who basically were given Favre and Ahman Green (by Atlanta and Seattle respectively). St Louis with Warner (who they got off the garbage heap), Faulk (Who the Colts practically gave away) and Isaac Bruce/Tory Holt (Who they got in the draft.. The Bears with a QB that has been cut 7 different times by 5 different teams (2 Times by Jacksonville, and once each by Atlanta, Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Detroit) and a set of running backs/WR they drafted. Get the picture? Keep the faith though, sooner or later in this era the Phins will break through.

Originally posted by Dolphins13Fan

Feel better after getting that off your shoulders? :lol: Seriously though no one was more frustrated with the outcome of yestarday's game than I was. I agree with your comment that it gets heartbreaking to be a Dolphin fan at times.. Believe me, thinking of Dan Marinos 62-7 send off game against Jacksonville is enough to bring tears to my eyes, but what can we really do about it? It seems since Don Shula was run out of town, the Dolphins have seemingly become complacent with just making it to the playoffs. Albeit so, making the playoffs on a yearly basis is something most teams would salivate at the idea of, but still I always wonder when its gonna be Miami's year to break the barrier and go all the way.. As for conservative spending, really now a days in the NFL you have to be conservative or you wind up in Salary Cap Hell, look at the positions Dallas, Jacksonville and the Redskins are in. The only way they can sign a free agent of any value is to dump salaries. Plus remember the debacle of 1995, when the Dolphins went stir crazy and signed free agents like crazy (Most Notable in that list was Eric Green). They finished similar to they did this season, 9-6 and a first round loss to Buffalo. Also, reverting to a post that was put on here by Dolfan87, take a deep look at the teams who are currently in the playoffs. Almost all of them were built up from drafts. Pittsburgh with Kordell Stewart, Hines Ward and a defense that was mostly drafted. Green Bay, who basically were given Favre and Ahman Green (by Atlanta and Seattle respectively). St Louis with Warner (who they got off the garbage heap), Faulk (Who the Colts practically gave away) and Isaac Bruce/Tory Holt (Who they got in the draft.. The Bears with a QB that has been cut 7 different times by 5 different teams (2 Times by Jacksonville, and once each by Atlanta, Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Detroit) and a set of running backs/WR they drafted. Get the picture? Keep the faith though, sooner or later in this era the Phins will break through.

I'm currently 23 yrs old and most of my friends say without a shadow of doubt, that I am the most hard core 'phins fan that they have ever met. Obviously, I wasn't able to see our perfect season, along with back to back super bowl wins in '72 and '73. Tell me, will I see my 'phins win a SB before I die. Please say yes. I've suffered quite a bit. It would be the greatest day of my life. I would get to rub it in all of these people that rag on my 'phins day in and day out.
Re: Dolphins13fan...............

Originally posted by aqua&orange54

I'm currently 23 yrs old and most of my friends say without a shadow of doubt, that I am the most hard core 'phins fan that they have ever met. Obviously, I wasn't able to see our perfect season, along with back to back super bowl wins in '72 and '73. Tell me, will I see my 'phins win a SB before I die. Please say yes. I've suffered quite a bit. It would be the greatest day of my life. I would get to rub it in all of these people that rag on my 'phins day in and day out.

I hear you there. No one can question my loyalties.. I too am 23 years of age, and still can remember watching David Woodley and Don Strock quarterback the Phins. I have almost every piece of Dolphin Memorabilia known to Humankind. I even have the tattoo to show for my loyalties, I have the Old Dolphin Logo tattooed on my right bicep. Believe me I hear ya about wanting Miami to win the Big One before I die.
dolphins13fan, you're kidding.........

Originally posted by Dolphins13Fan

I hear you there. No one can question my loyalties.. I too am 23 years of age, and still can remember watching David Woodley and Don Strock quarterback the Phins. I have almost every piece of Dolphin Memorabilia known to Humankind. I even have the tattoo to show for my loyalties, I have the Old Dolphin Logo tattooed on my right bicep. Believe me I hear ya about wanting Miami to win the Big One before I die.

me right? I have the new 'phins logo tatooed on my right bicep as well. Ask miadphan13, she's seen it.:rolleyes: I'm not finished either. I want one more on my left arm.
Re: dolphins13fan, you're kidding.........

Originally posted by aqua&orange54

me right? I have the new 'phins logo tatooed on my right bicep as well. Ask miadphan13, she's seen it.:rolleyes: I'm not finished either. I want one more on my left arm.

Yeah I got the tattoo of the old Dolphin logo last December, when I mustered up enough guts to actually get it done.. There was never any doubt in my mind what I wanted to get though.. I dont regret getting it for a minute.. Thats pretty cool that you got the new logo tattooed on your bicep. I was going to get the new one, but at the time I couldn't find anything with the new logo on it all my stuff had the old Phins logo.. Either way, cool to hear someone else out there has the pride of the Dolphins tattooed on them. I guess that means that were the two Biggest Dolphin Fans in the world :)

After my wife has our daughter Taylor (We named her after Jason Taylor.. My first name is Jason, and when we found out we were having a baby first name that come to mind was Taylor) in May were gonna scrounge to possibly get a scanner and Im gonna put a pic of my tattoo up. Hopefully by then Ill have two or three more Dolphin tattoos to show...
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