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This was not a bad loss

Are you ****ting me did you actually think the Dolphins where going to play for the AFC championship all i see are signs are a very young team that needs one or two more pieces and on the verge of a break through. The Bush loss in the game was critical
I agree with you but we have been pieces away from contending for about 10 years now. At some point you have to hold someone accountable if we always need pieces.
A RECEIVER ,MY KINGDOM FOR A RECEIVER.... but seriously the phins dominated for 90% of the game this is going to happen and you know what i was never a Tannehill bandwagoner i had hoped at best he was a game manager but he sees the defense how many times did he audible today for a gain?? that in itself is something to hang our hat on. Our run is tops in the league we pimp bitches at the line all we need is a long game to complement it and no it wont happen this year because there is not WR walking through that door but all of this is going to get better it a long season and i see nothing both upside. some of you see only what Sparano, SAban Cam those guys are gone and we never looked this frisky this early in the season. Henne, Beck, etc nver looked this smart as RT, Our running game hasnt looked this good since friggin csonk, mercury, kiick
Yeah so I hate a lot of you. I hate what you stand for as fans. I hate that you've become some mutant form of a fan that crawls around on its knees slurping anyone for a few scraps "oh shucks we didn't lose too badly." LOSING TO THE JETS IS ALWAYS A BAD LOSS. That is in your ****ing DNA as a Dolphins fan. If you have any ****ing pride in you then you HATE losing to them.
Amen Brother, i hate the ****ing filthy jets
It's a bad loss, because quite frankly, they looked like the same old Dolphins.
I thought the Dolphins should've blew em out. The first play to really change the game was the fake punt. Without that Miami gets the ball back up 10 and all the momentum in the World. Then in the CBS studios they treated the highlight like it was just on there becuase it was more Tebow crap. I agree there is too much Tebow crap but do these guys watch these games, HTF do you follow that many games at once anyway?

Reggie Bush getting hurt was huge, I was saying they still might be able to win with Lamar Miller I wish they would've given him more work.

Losing to the Jets, losing to Sparano absolutely disgusts me but I found a few positives.

The red zone defense. Giving up that go ahead score in the last 3 minutes or whatever was unacceptable but the turnover in the red zone after the Thomas fumble and stopping after 1st and goal at the 1 was great. The pop on 1st down was so hard even on TV I think it rattled the shelves in my living room.

After the go ahead TD with like 3 minutes left I had the urge to go jump off a bridge. That offense was in a funk and without their only real legit weapon. No way they were coming back. Yet Tannehill was able to lead a drive and force OT and then he did his job leading what should have been a game winning drive. Just in case they build a real team someday what's Tannehill going to do in that situation if it's a playoff game? I feel better about it after seeing him fight back after a pretty crappy day. Even on those drives he could have been better but bottom line he was able to move the ball in a real high pressure situation.

It was a great game from a drama standpoint but at the same time overall it was a sloppy, sloppy game of football today for both teams. Overall it was a bad loss I thought but hopefully they can take a few good things to move forward with.

why Thomas when Miller was kicking ass?

I'm starting to be completely over Thomas because all he seems to do is be able to bust forward for 3 yards without ever finding a seam. It's almost like everyone telling him to run more physical has taught him to actually run towards the defenders and hit them instead of trying to avoid them unless he has to hit them.

I can see why they are hesitant with Miller though. He is a home run threat, but based on what I've seen with both his playing time and his non-breakout runs, I don't know if they are convinced he can move the chains no matter what like experienced runners do (Eddie George made a career out of that).
The Dolphins lost this game by a missed friggin FG if they make one of those what would you seriously have in your pocket to bitch about?? If i am in the Jets locker room right now I'm questioning my own talent not questioning the Dolphins or their game plane their execution or their drive
I'd say Joe was good :58… don't really understand what he wasn't thinking those last 2mns. 23yrds away from a win, with 3 timeouts in his pocket, and we throw throw throw!!?

and can someone/anyone explain calling 3 timeouts in the last :16??
Keep telling yourself that. Anytime you lose to a team that isn't very good like the Jets it's a bad loss. Moral victories are dumb. Pointless. Even worse when the team loses the game when they should of won. There is nothing "not a bad loss" about it. There was nothing "great game" about Tannehill's performance. And Daniel Thomas is just a ****ing bum. That was a perfect example of "Same Ol' Dolphins."
Are you implying it was a good loss?
I'm saying its one to grow on. I'm saying there was more tangible good points than they were bad ones. The Dolphins didnt lose this gane because they where a bad team they lost because of inexperience that will change, I'm saying they where the better team on the field and in a few weeks the win this game because they have shown that they are a team that learns from mistakes and have a good game plan
Keep telling yourself that. Anytime you lose to a team that isn't very good like the Jets it's a bad loss. Moral victories are dumb. Pointless. Even worse when the team loses the game when they should of won. There is nothing "not a bad loss" about it. There was nothing "great game" about Tannehill's performance. And Daniel Thomas is just a ****ing bum. That was a perfect example of "Same Ol' Dolphins."

as opposed to what are these the same exact dolphins in '94 or how about '2000 or even 2004 your mad at the franchise and thats ok not a lot wisdom has been used in the past few decades but give THESE Dolphins the chance they deserve a different era a different team can you honestly say ther isnt a single bright spot this team?? or are you bring miserable for the sake of being miserable?
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