Three Questions Regarding The Head Coach: | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Three Questions Regarding The Head Coach:

Da 'Fins

FinHeaven VIP
Club Member
Apr 29, 2003
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Three questions:

1. Do you think Saban is a good coach and a good choice for the Dolphins (yes, I know it's very premature - just curious)? Please offer a rationale, however brief, behind your choice.

I've noticed one or two guys on another list have a tremendous animosity toward Saban. Every chance they get they are just chomping at the bit to find a reason to criticize.

2. So, are you looking for Saban to bust?

3. How long are you willing to give Saban before you trash him?
a. Half a season
b. One year
c. Two years
d. Three years
e. More than three years

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Here's my opinion:
1. I thought Saban was a pretty good choice, given the options we had at the time (None of the Pats coaches were available to interview). The more I see the way he handles himself, the more I think he's a very good choice. He shows a lot more leadership than DW did, imo. It's still too early to prejudge him either way, of course. But, he seems so much more competent as a coach than DW EVER did.

2. I'm not looking for him to fail.

3. I am planning on giving him 3 years. I think that Wannspiel really hurt the team with their personnel decisions. The team has several flaws at key spots and has been aging in some of those areas. If DW can get five years, I'm willing to give Nick at least 3 before I'll really be critical of him as the coach. I'm sure there's some things I'll have wanted him to do a bit differently, but I will still support him as the head coach for the next 3 years and just see what happens.
1. Do you think Saban is a good coach and a good choice for the Dolphins (yes, I know it's very premature - just curious)? Please offer a rationale, however brief, behind your choice.
I've Never seen him in action, nor do I follow College Ball... But I'm positive he's much more qualified for the job than Wanny. Nick is a Business man, and a speaker as well as a coach. Nick was born to lead basically. Put that with record of success everywhere he's been.... and his knack for turning programs around, I think we has the best rookie coach in the NFL. Weis wouldn't make a difference either. I don't question their football knowledge, but I think Nick will be the better coach. ( Sorry not so brief )

2.No true phinfan is looking for Saban to bust.

3. How long are you willing to give Saban before you trash him?

Many people will say 3 years, but my 1st personal deadline is: I expect to be playing winning football and fighting for a playoff spot by the end of the 06' season.. as long we have this thing turned around by then.. I'll be a very patient Phinfan.
what if we are forced to draft a rookie qb next year. outside of pittsburgh not to many teams compete for playoff spots in year 2 of the rebuilding process, and with a rookie qb to boot.
1) Yes, I was at MSU while he was there, and I followed him at LSU. He knows football, business, and PR.

2) No.

3) E. I'll never trash him. He is a respectable person. As for coaching, I hope the Fins show advancement for the next two years, and then start making serious runs for the Super Bowl.
1) Yes i do think so. He was a student of Bellicheck, so that helped him out there. He also turned around two teams into great teams in college. When Saban was hired as the Brown DC, they was one of the worst defense and he turned them around to one of the best.

2) I dont see him at being a bust. Read my answer to #1 and you will know why.

3) I will give him atleast three years to turn this team around into a really good team.
Da 'Fins said:
Three questions:

1. Do you think Saban is a good coach and a good choice for the Dolphins (yes, I know it's very premature - just curious)? Please offer a rationale, however brief, behind your choice.

Saban has won every place he was the HC but he still has to win here. Though there is no reason yet to think he won't be successful in Miami.

I've noticed one or two guys on another list have a tremendous animosity toward Saban. Every chance they get they are just chomping at the bit to find a reason to criticize.

2. So, are you looking for Saban to bust?

There a donut holes wherever you go just ignore them. What Dolphin fan would want Saban to bust??? Though if he starts making wrongheaded decisions he should be criticized. I personally don't like the lockdown of information from the club. Saban or any leader should be confident enough to let some journalists come to stupid conclusions rather than not let the fans know what is happening in Dolphin Land.

3. How long are you willing to give Saban before you trash him?
a. Half a season
b. One year
c. Two years
d. Three years
e. More than three years

I don't think anyone should be trashed. Criticized when appropriate but not trashed or reguarded as a fool. If after three years the team is not going in the right direction and the personnel decisions are turning out poorly it is time for the person in charge to go.
1. Do you think Saban is a good coach and a good choice for the Dolphins (yes, I know it's very premature - just curious)? Please offer a rationale, however brief, behind your choice.

Yes he is a good choice,and he has done a good job this offseason. He can evaluate talent and he is a disciplinarian. He is a very good defensive minded coach but he knows his offensive ****. He is aslo a Billicheck disciple, so he is modeled after one of the best coachesin the NFL.

2. So, are you looking for Saban to bust?

To qoute Robin Williams '' **** NO''

3. How long are you willing to give Saban before you trash him?
a. Half a season
b. One year
c. Two years
d. Three years
e. More than three years

  • 1. Good coach.... has never had a losing season as a HC, great teacher of the game, defensive mastermind, current SB champion coach says he learns as much from Saban as Saban learns from him. Coordinated best defense in the NFL a few years back, Collegiate national champion
  • 2. This question is redundant. See question 1.
  • 3. This year Saban is handcuffed with Wanny's players plus a few rookies. He gets a free pass in 2005. IF there isnt marked improvement by the end of 2006 you will start to hear a lot of grumblings, but probably not all out mutiny. No playoffs in 2007 would result in civil war in the press and radio talk shows. Nothing in 2008 and its a bloodbath. Sabans head would be presented on a platter to the fans. Personally, as long as there is improvement every year I'll be happy w/ Saban, even if it takes a little longer to get to the promised land than we would like.
Da 'Fins said:
Three questions:

1. Do you think Saban is a good coach and a good choice for the Dolphins (yes, I know it's very premature - just curious)? Please offer a rationale, however brief, behind your choice.

I've noticed one or two guys on another list have a tremendous animosity toward Saban. Every chance they get they are just chomping at the bit to find a reason to criticize.

2. So, are you looking for Saban to bust?

3. How long are you willing to give Saban before you trash him?
a. Half a season
b. One year
c. Two years
d. Three years
e. More than three years

1. I think Saban is a great COLLEGE coach. time will tell how he does in the proes.( I personally would have liked to seen if Charlie Wies wanted the job). But i will say he is making smarter desisions than previous college coaches turned pro. He basically admits he doesn't know everything there is to know about the pro level that is what he got top notch assistants in Houck and Linehan.( I don't like are DC but that is not his fault since everybody else shot us down.) also he is not rushing out and bringing in all his old college players. plus i like the fact that while he is rebuilding he is not trying to get too young to fast. at this level you need quality vets that know the ins and outs of the game. While i do like some things he has done i'm NOT going to act like every single thing he does is gold like most people on this board do.

2. If you are a fan of a team why would you want them to fail?

3. all depends. players quitting and injuries are not the fault of the coach so if we lose due to that it's not his fault. if HIS draft choices and HIS free agents don't pan out than i'll give him 3 years. to try and his guys going.
Da 'Fins said:
Three questions:

1. Do you think Saban is a good coach and a good choice for the Dolphins (yes, I know it's very premature - just curious)? Please offer a rationale, however brief, behind your choice.

From what I've witness during the mini-camps, Saban is running the show with an iron first on the practice field. He's also a very "hands on" kind of coach, who will show how to do it right, if he thinks you need help in any particular area....

I think it may take a full season to fully understand which direction this team is heading, but it looks very promising thus far. I think Saban will be a very good HC in Miami....

2. So, are you looking for Saban to bust?

Absolutely not. Saban has never had a losing season. I don't expect him to have one in Miami either. This team was good enough to win 8 games in 2004, and under Saban, I think they'll reach that mark this year....

3. How long are you willing to give Saban before you trash him?
a. Half a season
b. One year
c. Two years
d. Three years
e. More than three years

I'm going to give him at least three years before my expectations reach the roof, and if we're not among the AFC elite by then, maybe I'll have a few words about it. Until then, he's got time on his side.....

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