Trading Down More Likely Now | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Trading Down More Likely Now


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May 18, 2004
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...because of the Surtain trade. Teams won't think we HAVE to trade down to get a certain number of players and fill a certain number of needs early in the draft.

Now we can say, "watch us draft Alex Smith (or Braylon Edwards) and still get our running back in round 2."
FemaleFinFan said:
Call it ESP or whatever, but I don't think we're trading the second pick. But its just a feeling...
Your avatar looks like a pic you cut an ex out of....
FemaleFinFan said:
Call it ESP or whatever, but I don't think we're trading the second pick. But its just a feeling...

I agree. I think that now since we have a 2nd rounder, Saban will just keep #2 and draft Edwards or Smith if he is there.
FemaleFinFan said:
Call it ESP or whatever, but I don't think we're trading the second pick. But its just a feeling...
I agree. With a second round pick at our disposal now I think we'll go ahead and take Braylon Edwards, who will be better than TO (so long as we're able to actually get him the ball).
FemaleFinFan said:
Not an ex. A musican.
But if I had my way...:wink:
Well from the looks of the other half of the pic he oughta give you your way....
FemaleFinFan said:
Yeah I wish. But he's married with 2 kids. Too much baggage
Looks like you'll just have to stay at band camp then, if you know what I mean....
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