Training Camp Reports Archive - Updated 8/19 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Training Camp Reports Archive - Updated 8/19


FinHeaven Lives
Sep 2, 2001
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Training Camp Reports Archive

I wish I could recall who wanted this type of archive... but anyways, I made it up. Hopefully this is what you were looking for... If I left someone out, please let me know as I simply searched for reports by the title of the thread.

  1. DCH- 8/19 Night Practice
  2. DCH - 8/11
  3. Muck - 8/10 (Morning Practice)
  4. Muck - 8/10 (Afternoon Practice)
  5. Ckparrot - 8/10 (scroll down a bit)
  6. Ozzy - 8/6
  8. DCH - 8/3
  9. finfan54 - 8/3
  10. Phinfanbo1 - 8/3
  11. ckparrothead - 8/3
  12. Dajesus - 8/3
  13. Dolphins - Titans Photos From goTitans
  14. Dolphins vs. Titans Scrimmage - 8/2
  15. More goTitans Scrimmage Info - 8/2
  16. Training Camp Photos vs. Titans - 8/2
  17. Ozzy - 7/31
  18. DCH - 7/30
  19. JBrown - 7/30
  20. Ozzy - 7/30
  21. JBrown - 7/29
  22. minus - 7/28
  23. JBrown - 7/28
  24. JBrown - 7-27
  25. JBrown - 7/26
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Alright, here is the deal.

Anybody that writes a report on this board, a link will appear here. Furthermore, a link to THIS thread will be on the main page. Thus, people from the site will be able to get a nice list of all training camp reports from the first day of camp to today.

Ozzy, DCH, minus, JBrown as well as any others, I and many others look forward to reading your reports. I personally like to get a nice mix of reports... the more people that write reports the better. Again, any reports will be listed here.

All readers read this: FinHeaven & Co does not assume responsibility of any information presented in any articles. We take it that the writer is writing the truth, if you have something to say about a certain article/report please go to the writer... not Finheaven & Co.

Thank you...

Andrew Tatum
You are right, the more reports the better. Do I fully believe all of these reports? No. I find it hard to believe some of you people have the time to go to all of these practices, but that is neither here nor there.

Without badmouthing anyone I won't say who's reports I believe and who's I don't. Once again without badmouthing anyone there are some Dolphins fan-websites and some people's opinions I respect a whole hell of a lot more than others. Some on this site, some on other websites. Don't worry I won't mention them by name since it would be advertising and this post would then be removed.

I will say this in closing about this forum. There are so many rules around here when posting and so much petty arguments that this place is a lot less fun. Anytime CENSORSHIP is disguised as "stopping advertising to other fan-based websites" I think it's pretty weak. For christ sakes this isn't like NBC stealing airtime on CBS to promote FRIENDS or FRASIER. There was one column on another Dolphins-fansite a while back that pretty much summed up this entire "Dolphins fan-site WAR" I guess you could call it. It was pretty good. The jist of it was "GET OVER IT" everyone do there own thing. Don't copy or steal material and there is a place for everyone out there in INTERNET land. That we are all Dolphins fans and should be able to get along. It was a good column.

Keep the TC reports coming. If some moron is entertained by a few fake reports then so be it. Why ruin his day. It's like telling a kid there is no santa clause or pro wrestling is fake. What they dont' know can't hurt them. 95% might know some people type of BS and garbage. Good for us. If someone doesnt, why ruin it for them. Their happy in their world. So be it. Can't we all get along!
Ted, we ammended the "rules" so that our members are allowed to link to other fan sites. This being as long as they are not just blantently advertising their own site to get more hits.

If you don't enjoy the format in which we have set up our forums ( and this goes for everyone) then leave. We don't make you come here, and we do the best we can keeping things civil, and we also work hard at improving this place. We are constantly learning, and mistakes will be made, but I am not going to apologize for Fin Heaven being the way it is.

I am proud of the way it has turned out, and I think we have some of the best forum members on the net.

You will soon find out the trials and tribulations of having a forums when yours is up and running...

Good shot A.J. Posting links to all the reports was a good idea.
Originally posted by Adphinistrator87
Ted, we ammended the "rules" so that our members are allowed to link to other fan sites. This being as long as they are not just blantently advertising their own site to get more hits.

If you don't enjoy the format in which we have set up our forums ( and this goes for everyone) then leave. We don't make you come here, and we do the best we can keeping things civil, and we also work hard at improving this place. We are constantly learning, and mistakes will be made, but I am not going to apologize for Fin Heaven being the way it is.

I am proud of the way it has turned out, and I think we have some of the best forum members on the net.

You will soon find out the trials and tribulations of having a forums when yours is up and running...


Take it all with a grain of salt 87.

I for one am glad to see that both you and AJ are willing to admit mistakes (even though they may be minor). But the one thing people cannot take away from this site is the amount of HITS taken! I log on sometimes and see 10-12-15 people logged on at one time!

Both you 87, and AJ do an EXCELLENT JOB, though I have not been registered here that long it has fastly become one of my first stops when I log on to the net!

Don't sweat the small $#!7 guys, just keep up the GREAT WORK!
scrimage report................

it was obvious ther was some sort of agreement with the teams to not tackle. our defense was swarming and lightning fast right off the bat. they would touch the guy and then the players would nod at each other and you could tell it was a planed thing. on the touch down by the titans, it was cought down the middle and our db was right on him. gave him the solid touch [undoubtedly would have been a tackle and down] and the guy ran through, another db right behind the first, same touch, it would have been a tackle, and the guy runs for the endzone.

the agreement was over. it was all tackle and hits after that and the titans didn't do didly. our defensive line was having it's way. HENRY TAYLOR better be the 4th dt over earnest grant. it was the henry taylor show in that scrimage. exellent against the run and pass.

i counted 7 sacks in that game. jay williams, rob burnett and chester taylor had sacks. so did david bowens and jason taylor. we had others that would have been sacks in the 1st series or two when they were playing touch ball.

LARRY CHESTER is a bull and is all that. i promis everyone, no one will miss daryl gardner. after the scrimage, dave was all smiles when chesters was brought up.

another thing that was apparent was ther was no big drop off in play when the second tear guys came in. we finally have quality depth. seaverns, taylor, even the new safety kid, jason moore had a real nice pic coming off his guy and playing the ball. i am very, very happy with our depth. at this point.

AGAIN, this was no 3 and out thing. each team got 10 to 15 plays and then gave the ball back. even in the first series, if it would ahve been a game, the titans would not have kept the ball.

AND, it was very obvious the emphasis was on keeping both teams players form injury. they even ended the scrimage an hour early because of the heat. good call on the touch but don't break agreement dave and jeff had in that game.

there are players that just have something, you know it when you see it. TIM LEVCIK, JUSTIN SEAVERNS and RANDY McMICHAEL have it. these guys WILL be players. it was very clear why norv like levcik so much. decisive, strong arm and his t.d. throw in between 2 defenders at the goal line was very marinoish! i think henry taylor may be one of those players to.

RAY LUCAS and ROB KONRAD were there same old imconsistant selves. lucas bombs every ball like he's thowing a grenade at sadam or bin laden! NO touch at all.

ther was no game plan for this scrimage. it was just plain read and react. our guys were clearly the victors.

AND also, LEONARD HENRY lokked quick and decisive. hope he stays around.

I THOUGHT SETH MCKINNEY looked real good in the middle. opened up a couple nice little runs in up the gut. he IS the future at center. maybe near future. very solid guy for only being there a couple of days.
DNY, I sent you a PM bro...anyway, just to clarify, we CANNOT copy the "Fins Insider" reports into our forums. It is a violation of the copyright laws, and Fin Heaven can get in trouble from the Sentinel for doing it.

Thanks for your understanding

DNY, you did it posted a Fins Insider report on these forums in full.

I have had it with you bro, and I am banning you for one week. If when you come back, I still catch you posting the Sun Sentinels 'Fins Insider' subscriptions, I will ban you for life.


The Sentinel has made is ABUNDANTLY clear that we are to NOT allow copy and pasting of their copyrighted material on our forums.

See you in a week.

Hey DNY, we really don't mind you sharing stuff with the boards. However, when it comes to stuff like this... it could get us in big time trouble. Think about it... The Sentinel comes over here and notices that... they come to us saying "You're sharing our $20 subscribtion with 800 people, what are you gonna do about it?"

We aren't tryin to act like... um... jerks here... we just need to cover our ass... God knows that we don't have the time or the money to deal with The Sun Sentinel. Sorry man.
I meant to be a jerk, I am tired of being so nice to everyone...;)
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