Travares Tillman: Team Leader | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Travares Tillman: Team Leader

Saban's move with Tillman is classic behavior modification. You target an underachiever or troublemaker and give their self esteem a boost by giving them added responsibility (and hope they respond affirmatively). I think it's a good move. Right now it's early. If Tillman doesn't step up, he'll be gone. If he does we have a leader in the secondary with a good amount of talent. IMO, it's way too early for anything but a wait and see attitude towards anything the coach has done.
With Tebucky Jones it is just a matter or what you expect out of him. The Patriots pre-Belichick wanted a cornerback, they didn't get it. The Saints wanted a guy who could quarterback the secondary and convert all kinds of turnovers on errant passes, but that's not the kind of player he is. He can't catch a cold if he's wet in a high wind.

I am HOPING that Saban will utilize the same way Belichick did when Tebucky had a good season and ended up with the franchise tag on him.
Saban's move with Tillman is classic behavior modification. You target an underachiever or troublemaker and give their self esteem a boost by giving them added responsibility (and hope they respond affirmatively). I think it's a good move. Right now it's early. If Tillman doesn't step up, he'll be gone. If he does we have a leader in the secondary with a good amount of talent. IMO, it's way too early for anything but a wait and see attitude towards anything the coach has done.

There's something more to this...when you do something like that you really take a chance that the other veterans that are "leaders" don't get offended that Travares is in their midst. You also take the chance that other guys who are as new and/or unproductive as Travares has been, or the ones who have been better than Travares, will take the snub personally.

The other possibility here is that Travares really has earned his stripes more than we think around here, he just did it on special teams.
I Think With The Focus That Saban Demands, It Will Bring Out The Best In Them
ckparrothead said:
There's something more to this...when you do something like that you really take a chance that the other veterans that are "leaders" don't get offended that Travares is in their midst. You also take the chance that other guys who are as new and/or unproductive as Travares has been, or the ones who have been better than Travares, will take the snub personally.
Good point(s). Saban is working with alot of guys with big egos. Placating them is a tall order.
ckparrothead said:
There's something more to this...when you do something like that you really take a chance that the other veterans that are "leaders" don't get offended that Travares is in their midst. You also take the chance that other guys who are as new and/or unproductive as Travares has been, or the ones who have been better than Travares, will take the snub personally.

The other possibility here is that Travares really has earned his stripes more than we think around here, he just did it on special teams.

I'd like to think that our players are not that selfish, but, hey, they could very well be.
we should have never let todd wade go!!!

we should have never let todd wade go!!!

If we would have kept him w would have saved a pick last year on vernon carey and our line wouldnt be in such bad shape.:yell:
Finfanfor-life said:
we should have never let todd wade go!!!

If we would have kept him w would have saved a pick last year on vernon carey and our line wouldnt be in such bad shape.:yell:

What does this have anything to do with Tillman?
late again said:
Good point(s). Saban is working with alot of guys with big egos. Placating them is a tall order.

F-ck their egos. These guys haven't accomplished s*it other than choke in or not make the playoffs. We have a lot of older dudes on defense whose ONLY- and I mean ONLY goal at ths point in their careers is to win a Super Bowl. Shut up and trust the coach that was given a king's ransome to come in and fix this organization.
gonick1 said:
I thought McMike,Jt,Zt were our captains and leaders, who cares about some middle of the road midiocre fs, tillman please! he doesnt have half the #'s of freeman and freeman wasnt good enough. I love the phins but Im not into lyin' 2 myself about the level of talent we have.( it's gonnna be a crazy year) VOTE NO ON MEASURE #34

He hasn't played half the snaps that Freeman has due to injuries. Saban Obviously sees enough in this guy that he wants him to step up and be the leader.
I dont really see Tillman panning out, I dont know why, something just tells me he will be another mediocre FS that does noting for us. I really, truely hope he pans out, but I would much rather see Bell starting at FS in 06'.
F-ck their egos. These guys haven't accomplished s*it other than choke in or not make the playoffs. We have a lot of older dudes on defense whose ONLY- and I mean ONLY goal at ths point in their careers is to win a Super Bowl. Shut up and trust the coach that was given a king's ransome to come in and fix this organization.

Your anger is misplaced. Its the older vets' whose only goal is to win a super bowl that are the ones with egos to placate.

I really think it is possible that Tillman is a special teams standout and has been picked as a captain because he's our most experienced special teams ace.
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