Udefeated???....Please Stop the Madness! | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Udefeated???....Please Stop the Madness!

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Originally posted by VanDolPhan

No offense but I could care less what any of you Bills fans think.

none taken..

i could care less about what any uneducated fish fan thinks.. not saying that is you.. but if the shoe fits..

fortunately for me.. there are plenty of good guys here..

and no.. i didnt forget the day i lived life as a fin fan.. i just dont understand why every one got bent out of shape for me agreeing with you all..

you were probably the one that went to the mods.. its cool though.. i still think back and smile :D
Originally posted by Tatonka

none taken..

i could care less about what any uneducated fish fan thinks.. not saying that is you.. but if the shoe fits..

Yah typical Bills fan. I use to write a lot of good solid posts before but I just said **** it with every half brained Bills fan that comes in and throws their crap all over a thread. God forbid anyone from another team pulled that at your boards. They would have been banned no doubt.

I'm just getting sick and tired of coming (and paying) for a dolphins board that is supposed to be for dolphin fans but can't go anywhere without a Bills fan putting in their 2 cents that no one cares about. The proportion of Phin to Bills posts are completely out of joint here. Might as well just call this forum a phin/bills forum.
Originally posted by VanDolPhan

Yah typical Bills fan. I use to write a lot of good solid posts before but I just said f.uck it with every half brained Bills fan that comes in and throws their crap all over a thread. God forbid anyone from another team pulled that at your boards. They would have been banned no doubt.

I'm just getting sick and tired of coming (and paying) for a dolphins board that is supposed to be for dolphin fans but can't go anywhere without a Bills fan putting in their 2 cents that no one cares about. The proportion of Phin to Bills posts are completely out of joint here. Might as well just call this forum a phin/bills forum.

you, my friend, really need to stop the :cry:

if i was over here breaking the TOS, then i would be banned.. but 99.9% of the time i am very friendly.. and agreeable.. especially with those people, unlike you, who dont get rude and insultive just because someone has a different opinion..

i am on this board discussing the dolphins.. who gives a crap what my favorite team it.

Originally posted by clumpedplatelet
1. Can Seau return to true Pro Bowl form? NO
2. Can Fiedler stay healthy and, if not, will Griese be the floundering QB of late or the Pro Bowler of two years ago? NO to both: Griese will be your "QB of the future"
3. Will Madison return to form and how will Surtain's injury affect him?Madison is one of the most overrated players in the NFL, thus NO!....Surtain: the injury will not affect him
4. Will Chambers really develop into the kind of receiver we all think he can and will someone emerge opposite him to take the pressure off? Chambers has the talent of a #1, but still has a long way to go
5. Can the O-Line stay healthy? Do we have adequate backups there? No! and absolutely NO! need veteran depth
6. Can Zach stand another season of pounding on his undersized LB body? Yes......but he'll be making more and more tackles after 3-5 yd gains
7. Can JT have another monster year? (Very rarely does this happen)Truly difficult to do better than last season
8. Will the coaches' play calling improve in all of the aspects it needs to? :lol:
9. Will Mare miss another 7 kicks this year or will he live up to the highest paid kicker in NFL status once again? He'll have a better season
10. Will the nickel CB position actually be consistent? Up in the air
11. Can the 'Fins actually avoid yet another late season collapse? No: haven't shown the ability the past 5 or 6 yrs and many of your core players have been a part of that
12. Can the 'Fins start consistently winning on the road? (11 & 12 are both things that have/haven't happened for years now.) No: see answer in #11

I wouldn't be so sure of your answers to #1 and 11 and 12.

#1 Seau may just surprise everyone with his play this year... maybe not... but if you notice...the only people who are saying he's washed up, etc...are Bills fans

#11 NO streak EVER lasts forever...
#12 See answer for #11.
Hey guys...leave Tatonka alone he is a cool Bills fan.
Originally posted by Tatonka

i am on this board discussing the dolphins.. who gives a crap what my favorite team it.


Because of your agenda. You don't give a damn about the phins so why post here? This is a board for phin fans to talk about the phins. Hell I don't mind the odd clumped posting or the odd fan from another team posting. However this whole fascination that Bills fans have with this forum is almost disturbing. Hell I don't even see Raiders/Bronco fans hitting each others forums even a 10th of the time that I see Bills fans around here and were barely a rivalry. Heck we don't even see the Gang Green guys here barely and the phins/jets have a much more heated rivalry.

I'm just putting some faith in the guys around here to keep this site growing then perhaps the constant Bills postings won't be in the foreground so much. Would be nice to hit the boards one day without a bunch of posts bumping up a bad thread that may have gotten 4 or 5 replies and sunk to oblivion where it belongs because the bills homers and phin homers need to argue. It gets old.......FAST.

There. Got it off my chest. Not trying to pick on you Tonk but your here so lump it :lol:

And prime time. Shhh. Everyone was on your butt and your billion posts a day when you first started so don't single me out on that one :lol: You got a heck of a lot better.
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As for VanDolPhan...stop your crying man. You have done this before...you get all mad because people don't shair your views...get over it already. You did it when I first got here and you're still doing it till this day. There is such thing as backing your opinion up but not forcing them into someone else's head. And the cursing is a big no no. If Tatonka or any other Bill fan did it they would get banned ofr a week or for good. You recieve no punishment, and you are trying to turn this into a personnal matter. I like Tatonka(even though his avatar scares me)....he is a cool Bills Fan but even if it was someone I disliked...you are still way out of hand here.
Originally posted by clumpedplatelet
1. Can Seau return to true Pro Bowl form? NO
2. Can Fiedler stay healthy and, if not, will Griese be the floundering QB of late or the Pro Bowler of two years ago? NO to both: Griese will be your "QB of the future"
3. Will Madison return to form and how will Surtain's injury affect him?Madison is one of the most overrated players in the NFL, thus NO!....Surtain: the injury will not affect him
4. Will Chambers really develop into the kind of receiver we all think he can and will someone emerge opposite him to take the pressure off? Chambers has the talent of a #1, but still has a long way to go
5. Can the O-Line stay healthy? Do we have adequate backups there? No! and absolutely NO! need veteran depth
6. Can Zach stand another season of pounding on his undersized LB body? Yes......but he'll be making more and more tackles after 3-5 yd gains
7. Can JT have another monster year? (Very rarely does this happen)Truly difficult to do better than last season
8. Will the coaches' play calling improve in all of the aspects it needs to? :lol:
9. Will Mare miss another 7 kicks this year or will he live up to the highest paid kicker in NFL status once again? He'll have a better season
10. Will the nickel CB position actually be consistent? Up in the air
11. Can the 'Fins actually avoid yet another late season collapse? No: haven't shown the ability the past 5 or 6 yrs and many of your core players have been a part of that
12. Can the 'Fins start consistently winning on the road? (11 & 12 are both things that have/haven't happened for years now.) No: see answer in #11

Clump, this is about the dumbest post you've ever made. I sounds a lot more like something I'd expect from Justafreak or Mould's Rocks than I would from you. None of these questions have answers at this point they're ALL up in the air and will be answered this season.

Once again, to paraphrase Tonka ( ;) ) here, that's why the games are played and why we have a season. If anyone knew the answers to any one of these questions you could probably make a lot of money in Vegas somehow (you can bet on virtually anthing there.)

Let me not start what Bills fan were posting on BBI about Bills going 14-2 or undefeated.
Originally posted by Prime Time
As for VanDolPhan...stop your crying man. You have done this before...you get all mad because people don't shair your views...get over it already. You did it when I first got here and you're still doing it till this day. There is such thing as backing your opinion up but not forcing them into someone else's head. And the cursing is a big no no. If Tatonka or any other Bill fan did it they would get banned ofr a week or for good. You recieve no punishment, and you are trying to turn this into a personnal matter. I like Tatonka(even though his avatar scares me)....he is a cool Bills Fan but even if it was someone I disliked...you are still way out of hand here.

well said and thank you.

your car is pimp.

Originally posted by Expo88
(you can bet on virtually anthing there.)
i have bet on virtually everything there.. :lol:

Originally posted by minus

Let me not start what Bills fan were posting on BBI about Bills going 14-2 or undefeated.

that is the MAIN reason i dont post there much.. and stick to billszone.com.
Add Expo to the list of non-homers around here. Wait, can one name make a list?
Originally posted by Tatonka

well said and thank you.

your car is pimp.

i have bet on virtually everything there.. :lol:

that is the MAIN reason i dont post there much.. and stick to billszone.com.

No problem man. Thanks...I like it alot. The avatar still creeps me out:couch:
Yeah I knew it was Sting or the Crow. BTW they are playing that movie on UPN on thursday I think.
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