Um, Chris Foerster? *Caution: NSFW video contained within* | Page 13 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Um, Chris Foerster? *Caution: NSFW video contained within*

1-?? Against playoff teams. 11/12 of those wins were against **** opponents, and the majority of them came down to the wire.

I understand the cards that have been dealt this season, but I can't defend the play calling, coaching decisions, game planning, etc. And I certainly can't defend the joke of a team this guy is running off the field.

I was a huge Gase supporter coming into this season, but he's totally lost me.

You were not a real Fin fan to begin with.
Armando said in his article that Dolphins believe the episode happened on their time in their building
Even though he resigned, the residual stench of this embarrassment will live on to haunt (and taunt) the Fins. Snorting coke before team meetings in Davie? It's hard to believe no one else knew about his excesses. IMO this will not go away with him.

And what is it with asshole Fins OL coaches? First Turner fomenting the environment to allow what's largely typical locker room behavior to amplify into "PansyGate" and now this douchebag? Sheeeeeesh!
Isn't this the same guy that got busted with a bunch of porn on his team issued laptop when he was with the Bucs?
Even though he resigned, the residual stench of this embarrassment will live on to haunt (and taunt) the Fins. Snorting coke before team meetings in Davie? It's hard to believe no one else knew about his excesses. IMO this will not go away with him.

And what is it with ******* Fins OL coaches? First Turner fomenting the environment to allow what's largely typical locker room behavior to amplify into "PansyGate" and now this douchebag? Sheeeeeesh!

I think they reacted quickly to this which will limit damage.
am I the only one who finds this semi-hilarious?

of course, you feel bad for the guy being so far down the rabbit hole, and there is absolutely embarrassment for the team and franchise....but holy **** he's an offensive line coach doing lines offensively, before walking into the meeting to discuss the line
Now for maximum "Dolphinsness" we will learn that Foerster was supplying coke to the whole OL and that they will all fail drug tests and be suspended forcing us to play 5th stringers on the line for the season.
We're already playing 5th stringers on the line. That's the problem here.
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