Vernon Carey Is A Tackle | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Vernon Carey Is A Tackle


Dec 6, 2002
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Would people please, please stop guessing, wishing, hoping, projecting, or speculating that he will be a guard. He is a natural tackle, and would not have been picked @ 19 if he were going to be a guard. We do not need a guard, we need a RT. That is why he was picked. I cannot make it any simpler.
I think we did pick Carey intending him to be a tackle, but don't fool yourself into thinking he won't play guard if that is what is good for the team this year.
Agreed. I have a hard time believing the FO would have picked him at 19 (and moved up mind you) if they were going to use him at guard. he will be a tackle. And here's hoping a damn good tackle.
LdoubleE80 said:
Would people please, please stop guessing, wishing, hoping, projecting, or speculating that he will be a guard. He is a natural tackle, and would not have been picked @ 19 if he were going to be a guard. We do not need a guard, we need a RT. That is why he was picked. I cannot make it any simpler.

Ok, great he's a tackle.

But we don't need a guard. I guess Greg Jerman is the answer huh?? :rolleyes:
So, the $20 million deal we just signed Damion McIntosh was for what?
You're right, his natural position is tackle...I only think that if he happens to be struggling at RT in camp, they move him inside, for this year only, because he would still be better at guard than the other option we have right now. I'd much rather see him out there knocking the snot out of someone with St. Clair (whose natural position is inside) at RG. In fact, with Carey, St. Clair may get a looksee at C if Seth can make the line calls again....
phinphanbill said:
So, the $20 million deal we just signed Damion McIntosh was for what?
I stand to be corrected here, but I don't think we are on the hook for 20 mil, I thought it was a incentive based contract (as per the injury)
Bill McI was signed to a big number ($20 mil) but we are only obligated to $300K this season if he can't play due to his injury...the rest would be paid once he is healthy again...He can be a swing tackle for us and has played both spots. Because of the nature of his injury and the position he plays, I see him only playing as a backup late in the year and then in 2005, he'll have the chance to compete for either L or R tackle...he can also play guard...I'd love to see the right side with him at RG and Carey at about some beef.....
phinphanbill said:
So, the $20 million deal we just signed Damion McIntosh was for what?

Big Mac really won't play this year, unless we have a serious injury along the line. Whitley is supposed to be much improved over last year, and he may wind up starting at R.G. So if Carey beats out E-Clair this year, then E-clair will back up all three spots, and Carey will have to battle it out next season with McIntosh.

OR if Whitley struggles, the loser of the Carey/St.Clair battle moves inside to guard.

OR...we put Jay Fiedler in at guard and finish him off for good. ;)

I think we did pick Carey intending him to be a tackle, but don't fool yourself into thinking he won't play guard if that is what is good for the team this year.

I agree with this statement...I think it is possible it just depends on how the other guys perform in their competition for the RG spot. I wouldn't be surprised to see Tony Pape and Rex Hadnot get into the action at the RG competition. If they all look terrible, and Carey looks like he's not good enough YET to play tackle, then you could see Carey play RG until he gets into NFL shape enough to play RT hopefully in 2005. However you would like to get him the opportunity to practice at tackle and get good at playing tackle, because thats where you hope the guy can play.

Its kinda like what Dave said with the safety/cb situation. You can always move a guy from CB to safety if he can't cut it at CB. Its hard to go the other way around though. If a guy can actually play CB you want him practicing and learning CB, you dont want him playing safety getting use to that then moving to CB. In general free safeties are guys that couldn't cut it at CB but can hit. Same with OL, in general guards are guys that aren't good enough to play tackle but are beefy and hopefully not too tall. If a guy's really athletic and talented chances are he's gonna be playing tackle. Thats what we hope Carey is. I think the OL has a little more versatility to it than CB/Safety however same basic rules I apply I think.

If Carey gets moved to guard it will be a desperation move that shouts to us oh god all of the guys we keep trying here just suck soooo bad we have to use Carey here just because we can't afford to have him sitting on the bench. Its the top 5 guys starting mentality.

But if Carey isn't ready to start in 2004, and I say its about a 50/50 chance he won't be, then I would think the coaches would want to give guys like Whitley, Jerman, Yates, Pape, and Hadnot a real shot at the job before just giving it to the guy we know can play there his rookie year...Carey. What I'm saying is Carey by rights was a good enough guard in college that he could walk into camp penciled in already as the starter, with the job his to lose but it being very unlikely he lose the job. However, we have bigger things in mind for him...playing tackle is twice as much responsibility as playing guard. So, we're going to try and see if some of the scrubs we have are good enough at RG so that we can keep Carey practicing to play RT for the future for us.

This RG "dilemma" of ours should not be seen as such. We have a number of young hungry guys, 5 of them actually, most of them worthy of an NFL roster spot. We're just hoping one of them steps it up a notch and becomes worthy of the starting position. But since guards tend to be "made" pretty easily, thats not a very far stretch at all.

And heck. Worst comes to worst we can just sign back Todd Perry who is still available. I was thinking Carey should play RG his first year but I think the more he works out in practice as an OT, even just as the backup, the quicker he'll be ready to assume the starting job...just don't assume its his already. We got LUCKY with Todd Wade.
Jimmy James said:
I think we did pick Carey intending him to be a tackle, but don't fool yourself into thinking he won't play guard if that is what is good for the team this year.

If I was gonna make an educated guess right now, I would think perhaps carey plays RT, st Clair moves back to his natural/original center position and Seth plays RG. At leat with carey, with have different options. BUT as you say, he'll play where it is best for the team and I think VC understands that. Ot should anyway.

When asked the question of if he sees himself as a guard or tackle in the NFL, Vernon Carey said:

"I think I can play either one. I'm a great tackle and I think i'm a good guard. At guard, the only reason I think I have a little doubt at that is because I was injured so I really haven't seen myself at my full potential at guard. And at the same time I want to keep getting better. That's what i'm going to keep striving for every year, just get better and better. And hopefully i'll have at least 10 or 12 more years to get better."
I am glad Carey is a T as the title says, but the coaching philosophy has been to play the best 5 guys on the OL; and if Carey is not our best RT, but is our best RG, he should start there ag Tenn.

P.S. who the heck is going to backup Wade Smith before McInt. is ready - St Clair or Jerman or Carey ? :nono:
I understand McIntosh's contract and our obligation thereto. However, I have trouble believing we went through the contract issues (not following through with the initial announcement/forcing the surgery issue) if we have no intention of having him be a starter for a $20 million deal.

And, I don't think Wade Smith played so poorly that we had to go out and get a third tackle (Smith, McIntosh and Carey). All I'm suggesting is that we cannot say for certain that Carey was drafted to play RT. And McIntosh will not definitely be moving to LT.

I'll agree that it may be intended to start Carey at RT until McIntosh is ready to return (week 6 or 7). And, potentially be able to play for McIntosh in the event of injury (McIntosh has had injury troubles).

But, if you hear what the Dolphins keep saying, the best five are gonna play. If Carey, McIntosh and Wade Smith are among the best five, I'd bet that the rookie (Carey) would be the one pushed inside to play guard.

I don't think Wade Smith has ever played guard...he played tight end. And, McIntosh makes too much money to play guard (I understand his contract)...just the same as people are arguing that giving up a 4th round pick to move up one spot to draft Carey is too much for a guard. The guy hasn't even signed his contract yet and his spot on the oline is being determined by fans that are trying to make things too simple.
If I was gonna make an educated guess right now, I would think perhaps carey plays RT, st Clair moves back to his natural/original center position and Seth plays RG. At leat with carey, with have different options. BUT as you say, he'll play where it is best for the team and I think VC understands that. Ot should anyway.

Unfortunately, that scenario gives us no bonafied practicing swing tackle. You don't want to step into a game one injury away from pulling your starting center who has been practicing at Center and playing at Center since the start of the season, and putting him in at LT or RT. Pape would really have to surprise us, or McIntosh would really have to have a miraculously quick recovery, in order for that to be the case.

It would be nice, D-Mac getting healthy that quick, giving St Clair the opp to play RG for us where I think he would excel. Its something to shoot for. Until then, as of now I have to admit VanDolphan was about right. Carey and St Clair are our RT candidates and whichever of them loses, is our swing tackle backup...UNTIL D-Mac gets healthy...and possibly even after.

I dont think you want to have a situation where you suffer an injury and so your starting center has to convert himself back to tackle and you have to have your starting right guard convert himself back to center etc...not unless its absolutely necessary in order to field a halfway decent starting OL.
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