Vernon Carey & others Press Conference Transcript | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Vernon Carey & others Press Conference Transcript

WTH? Is this some type of joke gone awry?
This is REALLY good stuff. You guys should all check it out.

BTW - link fixed. :)
Just to add, I was waiting for someone to link this up. There is loads of information to be had here. Carey--->Speilman--->Wannstedt--->Wise.

FYI - not all of Speilman's interview is in the audio clip. But it's all there in text.
Here's an interesting comment by Tony Wise.

(On the right guard spot) -- “Greg Jerman will start with Taylor Whitley behind him, and obviously Billy Yates will fit in to some of that, and we’ll start working from there."

It seems like the coaching staff really likes Jerman

BTW, Thanks Muck for fixing the link
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Some nice quotes for the fans too lazy to click the link to see.

(on if he was on the phone with any other team prior to being picked) “Minnesota had called me a couple of minutes ago and they were just checking on me to see if that was the right number and stuff. I guess the Dolphins just wanted me a little bit more.â€Â

(on if he thought about this back in high school) “Yes, coming out of high school I always wanted to play for the Dolphins. It was a great day for me. I always use to stay in the house and just watch Dan Marino throw the ball and stuff like that. I’m just so happy to be a Dolphin right now.â€Â

(on watching Dolphin teams last year and realizing their needs for offensive linemen) “I always felt like the game was always won in the trenches and if you give your quarterback enough time to pass and if you give Ricky Williams a little crease, anything can happen then. Hopefully I’ll be a part of that.â€Â

(On if he thought the 19th pick was going to be his number) “Actually, I was on the phone with Minnesota too. Minnesota called and then I got off the phone with them and then the Dolphins called and they just kept me on hold.â€Â

(On what Minnesota told him) “Just stay by the phone. Stay close to the phone.â€Â

(On if any other teams called during the draft today) â€ÅNew England called a little bit, but that was early too.â€Â
Anyone still think it was unneccessary to trade that 4th to get Carey?
Amazed you guys didn't see the obvious. Miami panicked thanks to Philly taking Andrews:

(On what he was thinking on the phone with Dave Wannstedt) “I didn’t really talk to (Dave) Wannstedt for a long time. When he came on I had spoken to two people already and they asked me, ‘Do you want to be a Dolphin?â€Â. They had me on hold for three selections, just had me on hold. I was just waiting.â€Â

3 selections on hold on the phone. Let you guys put 2 + 2 together.

Either way I'm happy. Andrews/Carey were both expected to be starter types come opening day. Provides a lot of flexibility on the line.

(On if he thought the 19th pick was going to be his number) “Actually, I was on the phone with Minnesota too. Minnesota called and then I got off the phone with them and then the Dolphins called and they just kept me on hold.â€Â

Looks like Minny was going to take McKinnie's buddy to put right next to their key LT.
Wade Smith's been officially nicknamed:

And then Smitty (Wade Smith); I mean Smitty’s as good as there is, so Smitty will be a big help for Vernon.â€Â

That's from Wise talking about meshing the offensive line together. Smitty lmao. I like it.
Prime Time said:
Anyone still think it was unneccessary to trade that 4th to get Carey?

I think it would have been a hell of a risk, but I think it could have worked out for us. I don't buy that the Vikings wanted him in the least because a 4th just isn't enough to get me to move if I'm in that position. That means that the Vikings would in my opinion be in a position where they either get their DE, or they move past us and just trust that we don't screw them over like they did to us.

I think the answer to your question is that I can't blame RS for not being willing to take that risk now that I have more information.
Jimmy James said:
I think it would have been a hell of a risk, but I think it could have worked out for us. I don't buy that the Vikings wanted him in the least because a 4th just isn't enough to get me to move if I'm in that position. That means that the Vikings would in my opinion be in a position where they either get their DE, or they move past us and just trust that we don't screw them over like they did to us.

I think the answer to your question is that I can't blame RS for not being willing to take that risk now that I have more information.

Tell me this though. Your the Vikings. You have the ability to setup an all pro left side with McKinnie and Vernon Carey. McKinnie has even been lobbying the Vikings to take him. Your on the phone with him when you notice Udeze is falling. You've got a glaring hole at DE and this kid could be just what you need. So here you are trying to decide between the two when teams start calling you and offering a pick for one of the 2 guys you want that you consider even.

That is my guess how it broke down.
I just think that's BS, Van. The Vikings would tell you that's what was up, but I submit that they would be looking for more than just a 4th in that situation or that they're relatively incompetant. Look at how the Lions abused the Browns in the same situation, and they didn't even want Winslow.

It may be the way it really did go down, but it just doesn't pass the sniff test for my two cents.
Good point, not only do you get your problem solved, but you get an extra pick to go along with it. Smart move.
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