Very good indeed .... I'm sensing that little by little, some of the same points Silver made are being realized by some of the media.
Its pretty apparent that if the NFL and individual teams condone/allow this type behavior and language in the locker room than that is what they will get. If people who know better don't set higher expectations from their employees nobody should be surprised when stuff like this whole fiasco happen. Nobody should have to work in this type of environment, I wouldn't want to work with or hang out with people that act and talk this way. These guys need to grow up and act like adults.
The NFL isn't about societal norms. And it shouldn't be. Leave the locker room alone.Wrong. Why shouldn't there be some level of professionalism expected of profession football players being paid millions of dollars playing for a billion dollar entity? Because they were born in a ghetto? Please, time to grow up fellas and quit making excuses.
Maybe Martin should have acted like an adult, like most MEN have to in other parts of society.
The NFL isn't about societal norms. And it shouldn't be. Leave the locker room alone.Wrong. Why shouldn't there be some level of professionalism expected of profession football players being paid millions of dollars playing for a billion dollar entity? Because they were born in a ghetto? Please, time to grow up fellas and quit making excuses.
This is the progressive thought spouted by the left. Its not excuses, it logic. Being around Union workers, I wish they would grow up. But I don't think that is gonna happen any time soon. And they are a billion dollar entity.
And the term fellas, is reserved for friends. You would be the last person I would want to be around. I like being around friends who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.
The NFL isn't for everybody. Its not for the meek. You don't get the participation award in the NFL. They don't grade you with a purple marker to not hurt your feelings with a red marker. Bully and NFL don't belong in the same sentence. And if you think so, the NFL isn't for you. And something says, you would have never been able to handle to rigors of a NFL locker room.
You are a confused individual, you demand Martin act like men in other parts of society, but excuse the foul mouthed neanderthal hoods in the locker room and give them a pass for NOT acting like men in the rest of society. Which is it? :rolleyes2:
I am not a confused individual. I'm very firm in my beliefs and don't waver to group thought. You bobble heads are looking to neuter todays male on every front.
I wish progressive thought said this more to their black voter base. It says alot about your beliefs of the hood. Which is dominated by the black male.
I am not a confused individual. I'm very firm in my beliefs and don't waver to group thought. You bobble heads are looking to neuter todays male on every front.
In the NFL locker room, they have their own rules. They are a brother hood that have their own rules. You may not like those rules, but you don't matter. Neither should the PC crowd at MSNBC and CNN along with ESPN. A for being a man, I thought that might be a universal thought. But I guess, some men think the Oprah route is best. I have been corrected. And thank you for not sounding racist in your thoughts.
Oprahs calling, better run to her and tell her how mean people are. And the enlightened need to work harder.
You are a confused individual, you demand Martin act like men in other parts of society, but excuse the foul mouthed neanderthal hoods in the locker room and give them a pass for NOT acting like men in the rest of society. Which is it? :rolleyes2: