Weather in KC!! | Page 19 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Weather in KC!!

Yeah, woke up this morning to -25 with a windchill of -56 in Bismarck-Mandan. It's definitely cold. Doesn't take long for skin to freeze. Hopefully, it'll be warmer in KC.
Contrary to what people think, a ND person will freeze as fast as a Texan. The difference being a North Dakotan knows how to dress for it and know ways to keep skin from facing into the wind on severe wind chill days. I remember walking backwards while delivering newspapers when going into the wind on severe wind chill days when I was a kid. Is what it is. But don't kid yourself, the Chiefs will feel the cold too.
Contrary to what people think, a ND person will freeze as fast as a Texan. The difference being a North Dakotan knows how to dress for it and know ways to keep skin from facing into the wind on severe wind chill days. I remember walking backwards while delivering newspapers when going into the wind on severe wind chill days when I was a kid. Is what it is. But don't kid yourself, the Chiefs will feel the cold too.
Yeah man it's rough right now. We have double pain windows and it's so cold there is frost on the inside of them. Never seen that before.
Had that happen when we lived at Grandforks AFB. In Spokane WA now at Fairchild AFB. But we just got orders to go to Eielson AFB (Fairbanks AK) in May. Negative temps are just another winter day up there. Oh and the longest day of the year has about 30 minutes sun up and sun down. JFC already been to AK (Anchorage), but Fairbanks is whole different beast.
I'm wearing long sleeves and a light jacket - a bit chilly here in LA at 59 degrees :lol: .

BTW Reek and Sieler, and everybody else have got to wear sleeves! We can't be mass-injured, frozen, AND be stupid about our equipment too!
Contrary to what people think, a ND person will freeze as fast as a Texan. The difference being a North Dakotan knows how to dress for it and know ways to keep skin from facing into the wind on severe wind chill days. I remember walking backwards while delivering newspapers when going into the wind on severe wind chill days when I was a kid. Is what it is. But don't kid yourself, the Chiefs will feel the cold too.
Ha ha. Same reason Canadians always stare down at the sidewalk when they’re walking in the winter. Let the top of the head take the brunt of the wind 😂
Texans should have had the night game. But somebody paid the NFL 110 million for the right for that game and you can darn well figure out that they got to pick who they wanted to play in that game.
That **** pisses me off. They pull this crap every year. Hell our game should have been switched to Atlanta, Weather should not be determining outcomes of games. Some snow 20* is fine, but these temps are ridiculous, and to put them at night? Pure Bullshit.
Contrary to what people think, a ND person will freeze as fast as a Texan. The difference being a North Dakotan knows how to dress for it and know ways to keep skin from facing into the wind on severe wind chill days. I remember walking backwards while delivering newspapers when going into the wind on severe wind chill days when I was a kid. Is what it is. But don't kid yourself, the Chiefs will feel the cold too.

Yup, there is no 'getting used' to -20
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