What current QB resembles Marino's game? | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What current QB resembles Marino's game?

Obviously there will never be another Marino, but after watching the CNBC interview where Marino says Aaron Rodgers most resembles his game today it got me thinking. I personally think Andrew Luck has some Marino traits (besides the curly brown hair). Natural leadership, highly competitive, excellent arm strength and accuracy and that sixth sense of stepping around in the pocket with defenders coming from all direction that Marino was so masterful at.

Who do you all think?
ah, no one. Marino was put on the spot, I think Rodgers was the first QB that came to his mind. I honesty don't think any current QB's play resembles his style or collectively posses' all of Dans talents combined. None of them has the release, that's for sure. There are a few that possess a similar pocket presence, a few that have a similar ability to read the defenses, a few that could call a game from the line of scrimmage, and a few that can throw the long ball with accuracy, a few that can take over a game, but none of them have all these traits combined. That's why I answered "no one", and that's not being a homer, just a fact. I was there.
Actually, on draft day there were a number of teams who questioned his arm. But Polian (who had questions himself when he worked him out), said that they did a number of pre-draft throwing drills on him, and that in all respects, his arm was extremely good.

And further to that, Marino was never thought to have a cannon either. What he did have was an otherworldly ability to throw a 20 yard rope with the flick of a wrist, where others needed a wind-up or an arm****. But he was never able to heave it 75 yards like say Randall Cunningham or Brett Favre.

Marino was considered to have a very strong arm; Peyton never has been. I don't care what Polian said about him as a rookie, I've watched him play for the past 15 years. BTW, the distance a QB can throw the ball is not a measure used to determine arm strength. It means very little.
There is nobody like Marino in this league because the position is played differently in this timeframe than it was in the early '80s. If someone had the pure passing skills of Marino, they would not use them the same way. Cornerbacks have risen to the ascendancy in today's NFL and QBs have to attack defenses in a more "holistic" way than just filling the air with footballs. I define the style of offensive play for the 2 eras based on Presidencies, of all things... Marino played in the era of "Reaganball". Today's NFL plays "obamaball". I miss the Reaganball days.

To find the QB most like him you must go BACK in time from his era, not forward... Joe Namath.
There is nobody like Marino in this league because the position is played differently in this timeframe than it was in the early '80s. If someone had the pure passing skills of Marino, they would not use them the same way. Cornerbacks have risen to the ascendancy in today's NFL and QBs have to attack defenses in a more "holistic" way than just filling the air with footballs. I define the style of offensive play for the 2 eras based on Presidencies, of all things... Marino played in the era of "Reaganball". Today's NFL plays "obamaball". I miss the Reaganball days.

To find the QB most like him you must go BACK in time from his era, not forward... Joe Namath.

Back in the 80's the rules gave more favor towards the Defensive backs. Since then it has switched in favor of offense for more scoring for the fans to. Be entertained. Hard to be a good Db these days if rules give offense more favor.

Dan would have had a field day with these rules now.
Back in the 80's the rules gave more favor towards the Defensive backs. Since then it has switched in favor of offense for more scoring for the fans to. Be entertained. Hard to be a good Db these days if rules give offense more favor.

Dan would have had a field day with these rules now.

You have left out a portion of the cycle. The rules BEGAN to give more favor to DB's in the late 80's AS A RESULT of the bombs-away style of play. The NFL entered a phase where QB's were hamstrung and teams like the yuckaneers and ravens epitomized the "sneak-n-squeak" Jimmy Johnson era of keep the score close, score late, use the clock. The type football ireland held as his personal fetish. WHICH IS WHY it was IMPERATIVE that he had to go. Because the cycle has turned (with the help of the rules) and now Offense rules the day again with the limits on DB's. For the moment.

The next logical turn will be back to a kill-the-QB, blow up the box/ stop the play from developing style of defensive play. Just about the time the Dolphins will get into the offensive phase other teams have been in for the last 5 years, the league will turn. We'll be having wide-open offense being crushed at the point of attack by the shermans. This is why this is a mediocre franchise... ireland wouldn't get any offense when it counted.
Rivers has always reminded me of Marino, in that he's got such great intensity, pocket presence, and quick delivery.

Michael Vick in his prime had such great ball speed, I was at a Fins game vs ATL in '05 and all I could think of as Vick dropped bombs was "wow, it looks like he's just flicking his wrist"-- the ball always seemed to rocket towards a receiver...

...but Danno was really one in a million, what a pleasure to have that man quarterback your favorite team for so long. Go fins.
Rivers has always reminded me of Marino, in that he's got such great intensity, pocket presence, and quick delivery.

Michael Vick in his prime had such great ball speed, I was at a Fins game vs ATL in '05 and all I could think of as Vick dropped bombs was "wow, it looks like he's just flicking his wrist"-- the ball always seemed to rocket towards a receiver...

...but Danno was really one in a million, what a pleasure to have that man quarterback your favorite team for so long. Go fins.

I personally dont understand the Vick analogy. He couldnt throw most passes accurately! Maybe his long ball. But Vick didnt throw he normally ran. I personally hate someone trying to compare Vick to him.
None really. I guess the closest would be Rodgers but that is not a good fit either really. Rodgers has the intense will to win, cannon arm, and ability to thread the needle even when a receiver isn't open. But Marino's pocket awareness is different from Rodgers scrambling, and while Rodgers is much more mobile, Marino was almost 6'5 and solid enough to take a hit ... and they took their shots on the QB back then. While Rodgers has a quick release, Dan was the fastest I've ever seen.

Both great QB's but different.

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IMHO the current guy most like Marino is Stafford. Stafford's release isn't as quick but he puts himself in the right position to throw all the time (unlike Rivers). He has a nice rec corp with terrible defense, so he's forced to throw and throw, which leads to errors of trying too hard, and he throws the back shoulder pass terrific. River's release is closer to Marino but his footwork is brutal, negating his arm strength on many throws. When he uses good footwork Rivers is physically the closest to Marino.
Matt Stafford is a close Marino clone in terms of being pass heavy, not as good but pretty good.

Luck is a close Marino except luck can run. All honesty, nobody is Marino, his first 2 years in the NFL he was a prodigy in terms of qb production, and IMO nobody will match the first 2 year output Marino had, no one..

Disagree with the Stafford comparisons. Stafford has a heck of an arm, but his mechanics and footwork are terrible. Throws off his back feet a lot, side arms it etc. And he doesn't have marino's quick release.
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