What do we do now? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What do we do now?


I am a golden god
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
So we have gotten WR and DT good job Nick! You addresed to areas of concern. IMO now we should focus on the O line and maybe pick up a S or a CB
We also gotta restructure Randy's contract.
What do we do now?

To be honest, I'm shocked we've come so far in one offseason. I think its time we sit back and start riding this season out.
I think that we are going to wait after June 1st to see what FS and CB there are free to sign. I do believe that we are going to sign a FS within a week or two.
PatsSuck456 said:
So we have gotten WR and DT good job Nick! You addresed to areas of concern. IMO now we should focus on the O line and maybe pick up a S or a CB
We also gotta restructure Randy's contract.

Restructure Randy's contract and first find someone who can play a solid CB position. Then go out and search for OL.
We still need another solid DT. Preferably I'd like to see us grab a quality corner, a Free Safety and Strong Safety. Possibly a center.
Saban4prez said:
What do we do now?

To be honest, I'm shocked we've come so far in one offseason. I think its time we sit back and start riding this season out.

I agree I think we have done very well this off season. Cant wait to see this team in action:cooldude:
PhinDude88 said:
I think that we are going to wait after June 1st to see what FS and CB there are free to sign. I do believe that we are going to sign a FS within a week or two.
I am really torn about the FS position. I believe Y.Bell can be good if he can just stay healthy. I really want him to get a shot to start. On the other hand. If him a Tillman both dont work out, we are in trouble. As far as CB goes i dont think we need a starting calibur corner. Just someone to compete for the nickle spot. IMO
SCall13 said:
We still need another solid DT. Preferably I'd like to see us grab a quality corner, a Free Safety and Strong Safety. Possibly a center.
I agree with everything you said except why Strong Safety? TeBucky isn't good against the pass but neither was Sammy Knight because he was slow and got burned. TeBucky Jones is good against the run and is a pretty good tackling Safety... I think he was a pretty good pickup for us and possibly even an improvement on Sammy Knight.
beejay05 said:
I am really torn about the FS position. I believe Y.Bell can be good if he can just stay healthy. I really want him to get a shot to start. On the other hand. If him a Tillman both dont work out, we are in trouble. As far as CB goes i dont think we need a starting calibur corner. Just someone to compete for the nickle spot. IMO

Im not sure if he is still with the team
I think we're progressing fine gentlemen no need to get your nickers in a bunch, Nick is doing a fine job and In Saban We Trust....lol
There is no team in this league that is solid at EVERY position, including the Patriots and Eagles.
i think the priorities are as of right now...


i think cornerback we will stlil be fine, i think howard was gonna get the other starting job regardless, and poole would have played nickle... now you have either edwards or daniels at nickle and we'll still be ok... safety we have a lot of bodies but not a lot of experience, an experienced guy would be nice, but i do think most important is to get another younger DT if we can.. id love to get the USC kid in the supplimental draft...

but even if we do nothing from here i think we've had a great offseason and should be happy going into training camp...
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