When will Ricky | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

When will Ricky


I am Groot
Club Member
Jan 22, 2004
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get a chance to prove his innocence? When is the next drug test?
Are you sure he's innocent?
It's not in his character to get into any type of trouble and he took two tests on the same day and got two different results
Look, I think Ricky is "the freak'n man!" But I'm a realist too. I haven't been reading up on what this board's main opinion is on this matter or what the latest facts are. But I do know that Ricky is a rastafarian...right? The man worships Bob Marley and certainly looked the part of someone who smokes (before cutting the dreadlocks off). If he does, or doesn't, smoke doesn't matter to me. I may be a little dissapointed but his personal life is exactly that......personal. I'm just upset that he broke a league policy and it could affect the team and his status as a role-model.

I'm certainly not going to look at this through rose colores glasses just because he's Ricky. Personally I think all drugs are terrible including "weed" so don't think I'm defending him if this is true. But if he broke a rule, which I SO HOPE he did not, then he deserves what ever is handed to him. Just my opinion.
P4E said:
Hey, did anyone hear this thing about Ricky having accepted a brownie from Thurman Thomas?

That is SO false...I happen to know Thurman is allergic to chocolate... :lol:
im proud of ricky...but now he has to make sure he doesn't fail any more tests....readyclean anyone?

also did anyone read the article about dan marino and how he might have resigned because he was tipped off about the drug test?? i mean wtf is that
Phin-o-rama said:
im proud of ricky...but now he has to make sure he doesn't fail any more tests....readyclean anyone?

also did anyone read the article about dan marino and how he might have resigned because he was tipped off about the drug test?? i mean wtf is that

I heard about it too but he'll be sorry when we win the Superbowl :lol:
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why professional athletes are stupid enough to do drugs...weed, cocaine, or anything else. They know they are going to be tested, they know they are going to be fined and/or suspended, and for a high profile player, it may mean serious money in endorsements and what-not.

Smoking a little crippy may or may not be acceptable to the average joe depending on your personal beliefs but for an athlete....it is definitely NOT!!! :yell:
nick19991 said:
get a chance to prove his innocence? When is the next drug test?

He can't prove his innocence for what he did in December now. Drug use can typically only be detected within two weeks of when you used a certain drug. If he hasn't smoked pot in the last 14 days, he won't test positive. However, that doesn't prove that he hasn't done it in the past.

The good thing about this is that Ricky isn't facing suspension. However, it is stupid to do drugs when you know you are subject to random testing. This time, it only hurts Ricky. If he gets caught another team, he will be hurting more than just himself.
pot takes 1 month to leave your system....besides he should just say he was at a party and fell asleep on the couch and they were smoking it all around him :p
Well, the results were so low that he migth be able to overturn this, however I am taking the stance that he messed up and is going to have to pay the fine and pee in a cup ten times a month. What I can't understand is this. The few times I have ever tried it, it really made me less motivated to go do anything, let alone go get my *** whipped by big fat guys and muscle bound linebackers. Unless Ricky is different from every pothead I have ever encountered, I can't see how this would make his performance better ya know? That goes for all pot smoking athletes. Just a stupid drug for them to want to use.

What was with the comment about him LOOKING like he smoked pot. Just because of the dreadlocks? That is pretty ignorant I must say.

Also, last thing, it doesn't take two weeks for pot to get out of your system. The general belief is a month. However, avid users can take upwards of six months to get it out of their system come test time. The only reason I know that is because my brother in law was a huge pothead and quit for about six months, applied for a job, and promprtly failed the drug test for weed, barely. So there you go.
P4E said:
Hey, did anyone hear this thing about Ricky having accepted a brownie from Thurman Thomas?

Yeah I think the ingredients were as follows:

1 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons of salt
1/5 of Jack
1/4 oz. of mowie wowie
a pinch of vodka
Slip it in the oven until brown, or until you fall off the wagon.
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