Would anybody be mad? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Would anybody be mad?

I'd be disappointed with a QB (not really mad). I'd rather pick up McPherson or even Lefors later in the draft.
Why would you be mad at all?:confused: Our OC loves 3 wideouts and if we got Edwards, our recieving core would be amazing. 2 #1 WRs and a legit #2 who is a probowler. and McMike.
You don't exactly need the top prospect runningback to find a runningback who can be productive in an offence and get 1,000-1,300, even more so in this draft. Runningbacks who have gained 1,000-1,300 nowdays are products of thier line and the scheme which is heavily due to pass setting up the run.

Gordan could put up these numbers if it came down to that. We don't need a 2,000 yard rusher. We need a well balanced offence that we can get the ball spread out across the field. A WR early in the draft would help do that. Instead of 4 playmakers on the offence getting the ball (late draft RB, Chambers, Booker, McMike) you could have 5 (late RB, Chambers, early WR, Booker, Mcmike)... which line-up looks better to you?

I know my choice, the one with more playmakers. The one that is going to help out spread our offence and not focus in on 1 man to carry the team like we did with Ricky who was our stud RB that was taken as a #1.
I'd be upset at a reach or unheard of guy also. If we went after say a John Avery type.. I don't like the thought of a defensive player either. I'd be ok with any of the RB's, or Edwards, or trade down.
If we take a running back, I'll be very pleased. If we take a quaterback, I'll be somewhat pleased. If we take one of the receivers, I'll be pleased. But anybody else...and there will be some explaining to do!
I won't be mad because the new player will be a dolphin and I trust our staff has done enough research to know this player will be an asset to our team. However, I would prefer not to draft a cb with our first pick. Just having nightmares about the wannstadt drafts.
If I knew more about evaluating talent the Saban then I would be the Phins GM....so I'll be happy with whoever he picks.

On second thought that statement isnt entirely true. I did know more about evaluating talent than Dave, but Wayne never contacted me to offer me the job:lol:

Oh well, as long as Nick doesnt use the #2 overall on some undersized special teams linebacker that was projected to go in the 5th, I'll still be happy with whoever he picks.
JTaylor99 said:
I would be mad if we picked a defensive player, except mabey Antrell Rolle, or if we picked either QB's......

I totally agree with that, I'd be pissed if we took a defensive player in round 1, either of the 2 QBs, OR a WR. I've said it a million times over, RUNNING BACK is our biggest need. Our current WR situation doesn't warrant a 1st round pick, nor does our defense, and if we dropped a 2nd rounder for AJ last year then draft a QB with our first rounder this year I will flip. All those positions CAN be improved, and need players that will form the backbone of our rebuilt franchise down the line, but I think the position we can take in round one that will make the most immediate impact will be RB. You need running game to open up the pass, which we don't have, so drafting a WR in round 1 is pointless. Our defense is getting old, but still full of potential pro bowlers, we can wait another year (or at least til after round 1) to work on that, and a QB isn't gonna hop right in and get us wins (especially with our O-Line) so go RB. RBs are the easiest position to jump into and make a difference as a rookie, not to mention the threat of Benson or Brown, even Williams, from the backfield will make em respect the run and then AJ has a chance to show us what he has. Plus I think the QB talent is deeper than the RB talent this year so we can get a quality future QB as late as 4 IMHO. DRAFT RUNNING BACK, anyting else and I "will be pissed"
Agent51 said:
I totally agree with that, I'd be pissed if we took a defensive player in round 1, either of the 2 QBs, OR a WR. I've said it a million times over, RUNNING BACK is our biggest need. Our current WR situation doesn't warrant a 1st round pick, nor does our defense, and if we dropped a 2nd rounder for AJ last year then draft a QB with our first rounder this year I will flip. All those positions CAN be improved, and need players that will form the backbone of our rebuilt franchise down the line, but I think the position we can take in round one that will make the most immediate impact will be RB. You need running game to open up the pass, which we don't have, so drafting a WR in round 1 is pointless. Our defense is getting old, but still full of potential pro bowlers, we can wait another year (or at least til after round 1) to work on that, and a QB isn't gonna hop right in and get us wins (especially with our O-Line) so go RB. RBs are the easiest position to jump into and make a difference as a rookie, not to mention the threat of Benson or Brown, even Williams, from the backfield will make em respect the run and then AJ has a chance to show us what he has. Plus I think the QB talent is deeper than the RB talent this year so we can get a quality future QB as late as 4 IMHO. DRAFT RUNNING BACK, anyting else and I "will be pissed"

I'm very suprised you think QB is deeper in this draft than RB. It's simply not true. You had a far argument until you made that statement.

This is not only my opinion but I think if you look up blogs, so called draft experts, message board posters, etc. you'll find they all have the same opinion.
I would be extremely deflated if it's Aaron Rodgers. I've seen him twice in person and 20+ times overall. If he's a star NFL QB, he's hid every hint of that from me.

Plus I can't ignore my longheld and cherished theory: early evaluation and longterm star status is much more predictive of future success than recent current form. No chance I want a guy who was at Butte JC two years ago and rated the #41 JC prospect by SuperPrep. You'll die 8 times for every 2 successes by ignoring that background high in round one.
byroan said:
I don't want either QB. I don't think either one of them will be a great QB.

I guess it is because you have done extensive film study of both of them and your scouts have given you negative reports.
jlfin said:
I guess it is because you have done extensive film study of both of them and your scouts have given you negative reports.
No, it's because he has an opinion and was answering the question posed by the original poster.

Me, I'd be disappointed with Benson.
I would be mad if we trade down out of the top 2-10 slots. I really would love to have a top 10 draft pick on our team. Our draft history shows that we pick good players at these high picks. (1992 1-7, Troy Vincent) (1968 1-8, Larry Csonka) ( 1967 1-4, Bob Griese).
Agent51 said:
I totally agree with that, I'd be pissed if we took a defensive player in round 1, either of the 2 QBs, OR a WR. I've said it a million times over, RUNNING BACK is our biggest need. Our current WR situation doesn't warrant a 1st round pick, nor does our defense, and if we dropped a 2nd rounder for AJ last year then draft a QB with our first rounder this year I will flip. All those positions CAN be improved, and need players that will form the backbone of our rebuilt franchise down the line, but I think the position we can take in round one that will make the most immediate impact will be RB. You need running game to open up the pass, which we don't have, so drafting a WR in round 1 is pointless. Our defense is getting old, but still full of potential pro bowlers, we can wait another year (or at least til after round 1) to work on that, and a QB isn't gonna hop right in and get us wins (especially with our O-Line) so go RB. RBs are the easiest position to jump into and make a difference as a rookie, not to mention the threat of Benson or Brown, even Williams, from the backfield will make em respect the run and then AJ has a chance to show us what he has. Plus I think the QB talent is deeper than the RB talent this year so we can get a quality future QB as late as 4 IMHO. DRAFT RUNNING BACK, anyting else and I "will be pissed"

Immediate impact is a poor reason to base your draft on, especially for a coach like Saban who has no job security concerns (yet). Fortunately, Saban seems to know this since he has repeatedly said that he is drafting for long term value.

You may be the only person in the world who thinks this draft is deeper at QB than at RB. RB may not even be our biggest need. We have Gordon, who has great physical skills and has produced in spot duty for the Rams (despite playing injured). He has had injury problems in the pros, but had none in college so it's not fair to say he is fragile yet. We have Morris who avg. 4 yds per carry behind a poor OL. We have Minor who has done well in the third down/change of pace role. We may even have RW coming back (although I hope not). We can add a back through FA or a later draft pick and spend a great deal less in either picks or salary (or both) and probably get 90% of the production (or more). Finally we have an OC who has demonstrated good offensive production with a RB by committee approach if all of those options fail to produce a starting back. Finally, we have a league that is emphasizing the pass. Balance is still what you seek, but the value of a stud RB is decreasing with every rule change.
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