You Can Take a Horse to The River But You Cannot Make It Drink! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

You Can Take a Horse to The River But You Cannot Make It Drink!


Active Roster
Aug 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern California
Have you heard that before?

Wanny is under so much fire because he cannot rally his troops to play better. While a coach should be a good motivator you cannot do much if the players are not willing to listen to you. People point out Gruden but the difference between him and Tony Dungy is not necessarily only motivation but also Offensive Coaching. Tampa has been good-great defensively the last few years but the reason they won Super Bowl is that they improved Offensively.

As for us Offense, we have Norv Turner which is plenty good. But our Defense is underachieving sometimes mightly and the Offense is not that talented to compensate for it.

Wanny is not the major reason for the collapses; the players are for not achieving or responding. He may just be too nice to them and unfortunately they are taking advantage.
Wanny and Spielman chose these players. Huizenga didn't dictate to them and he didn't get stingy with them. He let them choose who they wanted to keep, who they wanted to go out and sign and who they wanted to let go.
If these players are not up to par, it is still the responsibility of Dave Wannstedt, as well as Spielman.
Can't argue this point.

Originally posted by RikWriter
If these players are not up to par, it is still the responsibility of Dave Wannstedt, as well as Spielman.

Can't argue this point. And, ehh-mmm, I was saying the same thing during the Lucas debacle.

But you know what, the bottom line is this:

RUN MORE - BLITZ MORE. And play with more heart.

That's it, dammit.
Then who is responsible for getting these guys to the Pro Bowl and big money? Are we saying these players are not talented and the picks on them were wasted?

The point is they are pretty good players especially on Defense but that is in the past; the players have do respond and do it every single game.
If these players went to another team (which could happen to many next year) do we think they would play better. Maybe if they went to Tampa would they be better cause Tampa has that swagger?
If these players go to other Teams and perform better it shows that these players are totally unprofessionable for not playing up to their abilities and contracts for the Dolphins. You have to motivate yourself - you are a professional athlete - it is about time they grow up! There are Super Bowl winning coaches out there who are not great motivators like Billechik (sp) and George Seifert, etc.
I hope you're right because that would mean we don't need a great motivater like Chucky to win. However, even Billechik was smart enough to burry the game ball after we steamrolled the Patriots in their Superbowl year. After he did that they never went back. That's not yelling at the players but that's doing something that affected their psyche and helped them win. Right?

Good point. But nothing would have happened if the New England players would not have taken upon themselves to right the ship. After all they go out on the field and perform not the coaches. The Coaches coach (schemes, play-calling, etc) and the players play, to really simplify things.
Originally posted by DolphinVJ
If these players go to other Teams and perform better it shows that these players are totally unprofessionable for not playing up to their abilities and contracts for the Dolphins. You have to motivate yourself - you are a professional athlete - it is about time they grow up! There are Super Bowl winning coaches out there who are not great motivators like Billechik (sp) and George Seifert, etc.

Then I guess all those ex-Buccaneers who went to other teams when the Bucs were awful and won Superbowls must have been unprofessional losers, right? Damn that Steve Young...what an unprofessional loser. :rolleyes:

True enough. That's why we got Seau, Knight and the other defensive leaders. I hope all this negativity is for nothing and they just use this game as a rude awakening and start kicking a**!
My thinking is that maybe it's not the players that are underachieving. My thought is that Wanny and Bates are just too predictable and too vanilla. I think the defensive scheme is the problem here. They need to play more aggressive and be less predictable by mixing up coverages and formations. A base 4-3 defense for 4 rushing and everyone else dropping back and waiting to see what the offense does might be good for a good college team, but it won't get it done in the NFL, no matter how good the talent on your defense.

Phins Phan
Damn, all this time I thought it was, "You can lead a hoe to water, but you cant make her think"! I'll have to get back to ya on that!
Re: Can't argue this point.

Originally posted by -81- McMichael

Can't argue this point. And, ehh-mmm, I was saying the same thing during the Lucas debacle.

But you know what, the bottom line is this:

RUN MORE - BLITZ MORE. And play with more heart.

That's it, dammit.

And block more.

Those assholes.
Zach or someone said it best himself "Everyone was waiting on everyone else to make plays".

I mean..........what does that tell you? To me it sounds like they were half-assin it all day and thinking "We're so good, someone will make a play or make the tackle", thats what it sounds like to me.
Originally posted by RikWriter
Wanny and Spielman chose these players. Huizenga didn't dictate to them and he didn't get stingy with them. He let them choose who they wanted to keep, who they wanted to go out and sign and who they wanted to let go.
If these players are not up to par, it is still the responsibility of Dave Wannstedt, as well as Spielman.

You hatred for Wanny has you reaching for ****..U just can't wait until he fails hunh? Well, that's not going to happen in this lifetime..We have plenty of football left..We are going to be fine. People stop looking for execuses, we just need to block, pass, run, and defend better period.
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