You have GOT to read this. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

You have GOT to read this.


I like boobs.
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May 3, 2003
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LSU Tiger Stadium
This is a post from the Giant's official site fan forum. WOW.
Read the whole thing.

Guys the more I look at this game the more I think this game will be a huge blowout. There is just no way I think the fish can play with the Giants. I think this game is a huge mismatch and I am looking for one of those old time butt whippings like 38-3 or so. Ricky Williams won't crack the 50 yd barrier and there is no way in he** their overrated DB's can contain our WR's and Shockey. It has been a long time since I felt like we had a game won before it even starts. I kind of wonder if Fassell and Co. think the same and spent some time also preparing for New England, possibly putting in some offensive sets for that game and working against their defense. I think we are looking at running this fin team into the ground. Is there any player on the fins who could start for us?, and yes I include R Williams. Tiki Barber is a more complete back the Williams and has done it for longer than Williams, and I am willing to bet most GM's would take Barber over Williams in that he is faster, more elusive, can catch balls out of the backfield and return punts. Williams is just a slow bruiser who gets yards because he carries the ball 40 + times a game. I could avg a 100 yards a game in the NFL if I carried it that much also. I hate Miami fans and will enjoy our complete and utter domination of them, it should be a laugher and I see no chance that this one is even close boys. NO CHANCE.
Lets see what this guys take is after tomorrow. This is why I try to stay away from making bold predictions, it can really come back to bite you in the arse. I learned that after the Texans game, which I had pegged as a blowout for us.
Dude you have to post a link to that site. I can;t sit by and take this kind of drug induced rant.

Is this guy crazy or stupid? Or both?
Samphin, I wasn't appalled at his prediction, it was his statement of "no one on the Dolphins could start on the Giants." and "Ricky is slow and only gets yards because he carries the ball 40 times."

That's just stupid.
I stopped after I read Ricky won't break the 50 yard barrier and our overrated DBs can't cover their WR and Shockey.
If as the saying goes "ignorance is bliss", then this moron is one happy camper. I mean dang Skippy get a grip on reality.
"...our overrated DBs can't cover their WR and Shockey."

in dr z's predictions he indicated the same thing. he thinks the giants have no respect for the phins secondary. should be an interesting game, especially if the phins that showed up for buffalo show up sunday.
I hate the giants! We are gonna roll them tomorow!
do you have a link please, first i have to say something about that and 2nd i would like to see the reply he gets from other ny fans
If one ever wanted to know what the definition of homer is, they should use that post as an example, and this coming from, me, a Dolphins homer, lol.
DD where's the link, I would like to read the NY G fans response to this too.
Sounds like Buffalo fans all over again. Underestimating your foe can be deadly. This game will be a statement of just how much Miami has improved and that we are for real. Love the part about anybody can carry over 100 yards if they get the chances. ROFL
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