You have GOT to read this. | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

You have GOT to read this.

Originally posted by Sherif
I Wish I could post that in the Phins locker room.

It is a real shame we didn't see this earlier. I mean, we could have E-mailed it to Ricky. Or alternatively, is Jack around?? Maybe he could get a message to Rob.

I loved this bit:-
Is there any player on the fins who could start for us?, and yes I include R Williams. Tiki Barber is a more complete back the Williams and has done it for longer than Williams, and I am willing to bet most GM's would take Barber over Williams in that he is faster, more elusive, can catch balls out of the backfield and return punts. Williams is just a slow bruiser who gets yards because he carries the ball 40 + times a game.

Wow. Even the scummiest Jet fans who visit this site, still give props to Ricky. A slow bruiser?? They should know, after all even though they had the almighty Tiki Barber, the front office still decided to invest a number one pick in Ron Dayne. Lets face it, if ever a RB epitomised a slow bruiser, its Dayne. Man, I wouldn't even respond to this guy. I just hope that Ricky runs for 200 yards, busting an 80 yarder in the process that would be histerical.

Just out of interest, how did other Giant fans respond to this guy??
Oh My God!
I hope that idiot just jinxed the whole team.
What a joke, not even any respect for Ricky! How many carries did he have in Buffalo last year in the snow game to post over 200. Yeah Tiki's the man lol! We will see tomorrow and I gotta get the link also so I can feed this guy crow till he's got feathers comming out of his A$$!
Go Dolphins!
Well I really dont see much in this post, it is possible we could be blown out but that could happen to any team, on any Sunday. But the odds of that are slim to none Sunday. The Giants aren't that good right now. We still dont know where the Fins stand at this point,so to make a prediction is almost impossible. The guy is clearly uneducated in football to say the things he said. He was just talking smack......who cares!
Originally posted by DolphinDevil28
This is a post from the Giant's official site fan forum. WOW.
Read the whole thing.

Guys the more I look at this game the more I think this game will be a huge blowout. There is just no way I think the fish can play with the Giants. I think this game is a huge mismatch and I am looking for one of those old time butt whippings like 38-3 or so. Ricky Williams won't crack the 50 yd barrier and there is no way in he** their overrated DB's can contain our WR's and Shockey. It has been a long time since I felt like we had a game won before it even starts. I kind of wonder if Fassell and Co. think the same and spent some time also preparing for New England, possibly putting in some offensive sets for that game and working against their defense. I think we are looking at running this fin team into the ground. Is there any player on the fins who could start for us?, and yes I include R Williams. Tiki Barber is a more complete back the Williams and has done it for longer than Williams, and I am willing to bet most GM's would take Barber over Williams in that he is faster, more elusive, can catch balls out of the backfield and return punts. Williams is just a slow bruiser who gets yards because he carries the ball 40 + times a game. I could avg a 100 yards a game in the NFL if I carried it that much also. I hate Miami fans and will enjoy our complete and utter domination of them, it should be a laugher and I see no chance that this one is even close boys. NO CHANCE.

An interesting fact that may or may not come into play.....

The Giants are 3-11 following a bye week while the Dolphins, who are also coming off a bye, are 9-5 in games following a week off.
well maybe we can get Ricky in to cover Shockey since Ricky did force Shockey to fumble during last year's Pro Bowl
I always knew they had good drugs in New York....but I didn't know they were this good!
THis isn't the exact post. But I know that this guy wrote it, as it is a very similar post. 2nd post down.
nice post muck.
and I thought the optomistic Bills fans were a joke! :roflmao:
Nice to see other fin fans posting there too.
Go Dolphins!
"THis isn't the exact post. But I know that this guy wrote it, as it is a very similar post. 2nd post down."

MAN. if i listen to them then there is no hope! kinda sounds like the buffalo fans before that game. i hope the giants are underestimating the phins as much as their fans are...

were is everyone getting that our secondary isn't as good as it used to be? madison is playing like a madman, surtain is finally coming back from knee surgery, marion is solid and knight is finally fitting in. they may not play as well as against buff, but they better than advertised.

should be interesting to how the players face each other.
hahaha, that is the most ridiculous post I've ever read. He must have been drunk when he posted that, or he's just some 12 year old kid that has no concept of football.
I would bet on a 12 Y/O kid who is just blinded by his lust for his team.

or... someone made that up just for giggles. one could start for them. hahahahahaha
I think it's an excellent post....Give the guy some credit...I don't think you people realize how hard it is to type with your a$$ cheeks.
Originally posted by inFINSible
I think it's an excellent post....Give the guy some credit...I don't think you people realize how hard it is to type with your a$$ cheeks.

Atleast he's somewhat creative as well, I mean, not many people can come up with that kind of crap in such detail!

:hitself: LMFAO!
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