Nah, Pat Riley told him that he understood the situation. By re-signing Zo, we weren't building into a contender because nobody wanted the contracts of Eddie Jones or Brian Grant. If Zo was to play in 2002-2003, the line-up would've been Travis Best, Eddie Jones, Caron Butler, Brian Grant, & Alonzo Mourning. Mike James was on the roster, but he was still developing and he backed up Travis Best the entire season. I don't think it was a matter of loyalty at all. Think of it like this - if Miami was only offering Dwyane Wade $4-5 million a year, he'd be a goner, loyal or not. New Jersey would've been a major contender if Zo was healthy that season. He knew it, and Riley knew it. Zo left on good terms, and as a fan of both the Miami Heat and Alonzo Mourning the individual, I was happy when he left. I wanted to see him get a ring, and I also wanted to see the Heat suck that year on a positive note (meaning we suck, but good seasons for Caron & Rasual, which is what happened) and enter the LeBron/Melo/Bosh/Wade sweepstakes the following year.

- I wanted to rebuild, while watching Zo hold up the trophy.
There's not a chance in the world of Miami having the cap space to sign Lamar Odom to that $60+ million contract if Zo was re-signed the year before. We weren't even slated for the money we had the following season. Remember, the only reason we had Lamar Odom type money is because Anthony Carter's ******* (lol, I'll never forget that) missed the deadline to opt in, and it free'd up about $5 million.