Ajayi has been traded to Eagles for a 4th round pick | Page 20 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ajayi has been traded to Eagles for a 4th round pick

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When your offense is this offensive then anything or any player is on the block.

Honestly it's be ok if the heading off this post was "Fins trade entire offense for a 4th and open bag of Fritos"

Is it really like trading one guy is breaking up a good thing? No... And in my recollection even the wins of the last few seasons have not come against the best opponents or when they really need to step it up. Just like the Ravens game last week.... They fold when it matters sand always when on national stage. So let's get some new blood...all around
Gase didn't like him last year and was desperate to replace him before the year when he had no reputation or past performance. His performance that year turned out to be spectacular and he completely earned every carry. His effort is what made him successful.

The only message Gase is sending is that he's a petty little dictator who is over his head.

...Or far more brilliant then even his biggest fan thinks.
You guys have bitched all week that major changes need to be made, that that the culture needs to change, and that maybe a housecleaning needs to happen. Now that Gase has identified an issue that needs to be resolved, you suddenly don't have the stomach for it.

So,were all your crying for change just a *****-fest, or are you going to accept this as finally getting the change you asked for?

They wanted the team to dump a player whose jersey they didn't buy. I suspect most folks wanted Pouncey to be shown the door. Quite frankly, he would have been my first choice, too.
I like this trade, Ajayi is a beast but at the end of the day he has a knee condition and the later he gets in his contract the tougher he will be to move...if we trade Landry on the other hand I will lose my ****.
Wtf... hasn't the criticism with Drake been that he's always trying to hit the home run as well?
They wanted the team to dump a player whose jersey they didn't buy. I suspect most folks wanted Pouncey to be shown the door. Quite frankly, he would have been my first choice, too.

After the last game post after post was calling them to dump everyone. Now we trade one player and it's panic time.
You are in for a rude awakening. They are legit and I would take Wentz over ANY QB

So were the Cowboys last year when they won 11 in a row vs. cupcakes. Then they had to play in the playoffs and lost immediately. I suspect a similar result with Philly this year, but unlike Dallas, they are not built to last. Only Cox, Ertz and Johnson are signed long term, everyone else except Wentz could be gone within 2 years lmao. But they are winning now so they are great, like with Chip and all the hype that surrounded him, until they started to lose...
WTF! I go to the grocery store and when I come back I see this? SMH! It's days like this that I struggle staying a Dolphin fan. Not going anywhere, but damn!
btw, with that 4 pick we just got for Ajayi our FO will draft a punter

Ozzy rules!!
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