BIG NEWS! Boston may be back in November! | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

BIG NEWS! Boston may be back in November!

Nublar7 said:
The article said that he has his surgery in November and was working with the Chargers in February.
One thing the article doesn't say is if the first tear in 2002 was complete or partial as this one is. I would guess that would make a difference in healing and recovery time. Then again, I'm not a doctor...

To show how extreme Boston is about nutrition and how it pertains to his fitness regimen, I read somewhere, after workouts that he'd even routinely use an IV drip of some specially prepared blend of key nutrients to help replenish his system.
It may help inspire teammates as well; if they can hang in there through the first half with the Oline trying to gel etc..... they can get DB back for the 2nd half as the O starts to get a clue. Would make a great story. Glad to hear that he wants to help as I think he has found a home here. Funny how the contrast is between someone that cares about their teammates and will do anything to contribute vs the one (he who shall not be named) who couldnt care a luck to him in his attempt.
Excellent point 4Dfins, I agree. Seeing David doing all he can to get back and help out this season when no one would bat an eye if he took the whole year off, can only inspire the rest of the team.
The contrast I also see here, is the preconceived idea many Phins fans had of David being a loner, a me guy, aloof, etc, based on reports and stories from his time in Az, SD, etc. That is the opposite of what his Dolphin teammates and coaches say about him now. Such as he didn't get along with the SD strength coach. John Gamble says he's been totally no problems with him. Very cooperative and willing

I'm so impressed by his plans to do this that I may make a Boston jersey my 2nd ever Dolphins jersey purchased, after my Aqua Bowens 95, 1996 vintage. :)
Theanswer385 said:
how long do we have him for
He signed a 7 year deal last year with SD. My guess would be that since we traded for him that we have him for 6 years counting this one.
midwest_phinfan said:
We'll have to wait and see whether Miami puts him on the IR for the season or not. If they don't, then it pretty obvious they are expecting him back sometime soon. I'm not going to get my hopes up though just in case. Besides I wouldn't want to rush him back and risk doing it again and possibly ending his career.

I assume this will all depend on what our record is at that time of the year too. Wait and see. If this is true I'm really glad to hear that he is that dedicated. I'd guess not many players would have that much desire to want to come back that soon, sounds like he really does have something to prove.
I'm not sure but I THINK miami has already put him on the IR. I believe I read that, don't quote me it's only speculation.
FinSinceBirth said:
I'm not sure but I THINK miami has already put him on the IR. I believe I read that, don't quote me it's only speculation.
The team web site has not issued a press release stating that either he or Akins had been placed on IR up to this point. Akins certainly will be at some point, but until they need the roster spot for another player it doesn't hurt to hold off on making the move of a player to IR.
MrClean said:
He signed a 7 year deal last year with SD. My guess would be that since we traded for him that we have him for 6 years counting this one.

He's signed through 2007 I believe.
iv drop = steriods

That's just stupid.

I say he doesn't come back unless we're in a position to get into the playoffs will a little help, or already made it. No sense in risking further injury for nothing.
patswho? said:
iv drop = steriods

:apc: davis boston when he got here was bigger than this truck

Do you personally know a lot about steroids?

Can you give me the name of at least one anabolic steroid that would be administered by means of an IV drip?
The good news is that his prognosis is good.There was some talk that his career may be over or at least he would lose some speed and lateral movement of the knees.

I dont think its a good idea to bring him back this year unless there is a playoff run involved.
patswho? said:
iv drop = steriods

:apc: davis boston when he got here was bigger than this truck
That looks like a tank to me.

Just an ignorant post in my opinion. :shakeno:
my bad, it was late and i really dont know what im doing. wow i cant believe i said truck, im an idiot. but im sorry, will be kinder to our man god body of recivier
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