Fiedler Haters | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Fiedler Haters

Ross said:
"Jay had a nice game but Ricky scored"

So what? Like it matters on who gets the points?

Sounds like fantasy football reasoning...


Ricky had a ton of carries that game and he kept the clock running and got a lot of pressure off Jay, besides scoring all our offensive touchdowns. He kept the defense off the field for an extended amount of time, but Jay did have a hand in winning that game just you guys give him all the credit when he doesn't deserve it.
minus said:

Your missing the point.A QB accuracy is affected by protection.I'm not here to QUESTION Jay deep ball accuracy which was complimented by Norv when he arrive in Miami and in Jacksonville.

On at least 60% of those plays he's had good protection, so how am I missing the point? You're missing the point that even when he has time he is very inconsistent with all his throws, not just the deep ones.
FFlurry, if you were behing our OL and was throwing a bomb, knowing how long that play takes to develope, would you feel comfortable? do you know that might affect your accuracy or confidence?

If I had time and my guy was open I'd feel comfortable, at least I hope I should considering I'm an NFL quarterback. Even when he's had no one near him and all the time in the world he still misses people routinely...
Let's see,
manning can't scamble...but has a great OL
McNabb==not accurate
Brady can't scamble...not a good deep ball either
Warner expose when OL went south
Same with Gannon, collins, also Gannon don't throw very long
culpepper forces balls
Drew, can't scamble...
I've notice QB's who are considered good usually are accompanied by a good to great OL..Hmmmm seems to have some correlation ;;good qb, good OL...seems to go hand in hand.

Manning has a good line not a great one, Warner has much more accuracy than Fiedler as does Collins and Gannon, and Brady's deep ball is much better than Jay's need I remind you of the NE game of last year? If we had any of those guys you named in 2002 with that O-line I guarantee we would've got a hell of a lot farther than we did with Jay.
Finsflurry said:
Please stop screaming and welcome to the boards btw.

And this crap about Fiedler never having a decent line or recievers needs to be put to rest for good. He's had the best reciever since OJ McDuffie, the best TE we've had since Joe Rose, and the best RB we've ever had period, and combined with a strong offensive line he had everything you can ask for. Remember what happened? Althought it wasn't all Jay's fault, a good portion was his and everyone acts like he's never had the tools to succeed. That o-line was damn good in 2002, Ricky was the best back in the league and he had Randy and Chris Chambers and Oronde Gadsden and Travis Minor and Dedric Ward and Cris Carter, so don't tell me he didn't have the weapons to succeed. This is only in reference to the 2002 season btw. Fiedler lovers have no arguement when it comes to this, he had the chance and he failed. He's had one too many chances and its time for some fresh blood IMO.

Fiedler's stats in 2002, before he got injured. Started the season 5-1
9TD, 6INT, 4 of which came against KC where our defense played poor, and we were forced to play catch-up. The only abysmal game he played, was against KC with 0 TDs and 4 picks. other than that, he put up pretty good numbers. So if you want to argue why you believe Fiedler "sucks" do yourself a favor and don't bring up the 02' season. If Fiedler hadn't gotten injured, we would of more than likely been in the playoffs, with a division title. Ray Lucas ruined our season single handedly in 02'

GAMEDATE Opp RESULT GS Att Comp Pct Yds TD Int Rate
09/08 Detroit W 49-21 Yes 27 18 66.7 207 3 0 126.6
09/15 @Indianapolis W 21-13 Yes 18 13 72.2 187 2 1 119.4
09/22 New York W 30-3 Yes 30 16 53.3 185 1 0 83.3
09/29 @Kansas City L 30-48 Yes 45 29 64.4 310 1 4 54.9
10/06 New England W 26-13 Yes 27 17 63.0 190 2 0 108.6
10/13 @Denver W 24-22 Yes 29 19 65.5 210 0 1 72.5
Let's see, the come back over Denver...he was defintely on in that game, the come back over the skins last year,,yea, he played pretty good, the last 2 games of the 02 season, yea he had control of the O. His first game ever as a fin,,o yea he was in it. The come back, no quit game over Oakland..yep, the beating on the Bills, oh now that I think of it, there were a lot of games we won because of him.
Actually, if you look at what he did in the skins game last year he wasnt very good at all. The rest of the team seemed to elevate when he went in so you can say his leadership provided a spark but his talent left a lot to be desired. The Oakland comeback was only necessary because of his terrible play earlier in the game so at best you could say that he helped about as much as he hurt.
yankeehillbilly said:
Actually, if you look at what he did in the skins game last year he wasnt very good at all. The rest of the team seemed to elevate when he went in so you can say his leadership provided a spark but his talent left a lot to be desired. The Oakland comeback was only necessary because of his terrible play earlier in the game so at best you could say that he helped about as much as he hurt.

Getting the W is all that really matters... I'm sure Fiedler knows he played poorly in that game vs Oakland, and he made up for it by scrambling, then diving for a TD to seal the deal.
Dolphinizzle said:
Fiedler's stats in 2002, before he got injured. Started the season 5-1
9TD, 6INT, 4 of which came against KC where our defense played poor, and we were forced to play catch-up. The only abysmal game he played, was against KC with 0 TDs and 4 picks. other than that, he put up pretty good numbers. So if you want to argue why you believe Fiedler "sucks" do yourself a favor and don't bring up the 02' season. If Fiedler hadn't gotten injured, we would of more than likely been in the playoffs, with a division title. Ray Lucas ruined our season single handedly in 02'

GAMEDATE Opp RESULT GS Att Comp Pct Yds TD Int Rate
09/08 Detroit W 49-21 Yes 27 18 66.7 207 3 0 126.6
09/15 @Indianapolis W 21-13 Yes 18 13 72.2 187 2 1 119.4
09/22 New York W 30-3 Yes 30 16 53.3 185 1 0 83.3
09/29 @Kansas City L 30-48 Yes 45 29 64.4 310 1 4 54.9
10/06 New England W 26-13 Yes 27 17 63.0 190 2 0 108.6
10/13 @Denver W 24-22 Yes 29 19 65.5 210 0 1 72.5

Why do you have to leave out the final few games of the season? He was coming off an injury but had plenty of time to shake off the rust, he had two games of 70 ratings and a 21 rating game, he is always terrible the last few games of the year and in the playoffs. I posted his stats in an earlier thread so no need to drudge them up...Jay had two chances to win one game, like I said it wasn't all his fault but he deserves a good portion of the blame. He just does not come through when it matters.
FFlurry, if you were behing our OL and was throwing a bomb, knowing how long that play takes to develope, would you feel comfortable? do you know that might affect your accuracy or confidence?
Forget about the bombs, I'd like to see him consistantly hit the 15-20 yd outs. Or hit a receiver over the middle in stride instead of forcing him to jump, dive, stop, or contort to catch the ball (and risk decapitation in the process). Jay simply isnt an accurate passer. He's tough, can scramble some, and is usually an OK caretaker, but he isnt accurate. Heck...John Madden even said as much on MNF.
DolFinatic718 said:
Sometimes you just have to realize that you will never get through to some people...

Sorry I didn't mean to insult your lord and savior Jaysus F. Christ.
Finsflurry said:
Why do you have to leave out the final few games of the season? He was coming off an injury but had plenty of time to shake off the rust, he had two games of 70 ratings and a 21 rating game, he is always terrible the last few games of the year and in the playoffs. I posted his stats in an earlier thread so no need to drudge them up...Jay had two chances to win one game, like I said it wasn't all his fault but he deserves a good portion of the blame. He just does not come through when it matters.

Well, I left that out because he had a broken thumb. He was never fully recovered when he came back in. He came back early because Ray Lucas was throwing our entire season out the window.

Hand injurys are very serious for a quarterback. Look what happened to Kurt Warner after he broke his hand? He's never been the same since. Thankfully,(well at least I'm thankful) it wasn't a career ending injury for Fiedler. But he should not have played the rest of that season.

The break may have healed but I'm sure it was still very sore. I've broken both my index finger and my middle finger, and I know it is very painful. Trust me.

Now, I guess you blame Fiedler for our December slumps too, doesn't that figure... :shakeno:
he isnt all that inaccurate.. a qb needs to lead a team and he does well at that...when he was hurt we fell apart...feely couldnt even beat out koy detmer and everyone thinks he is the second coming. so fiedler cant throw the deepball. ok there arent many teams that consistenly do that, but ill tell u this just adding boston there is gonna be a big change in the way we play. the majority of lateral passing attacks are when the qb flings it a the wr goes and gets it. the wr have to get off the ball beat the cb and outrun the safety to the ball. there is gonna be a better fiedler this year. when he wasnt there the defense couldnt win it.

look at the games we lost:

patroits i mare screwed us, whole team played poorl;y the second time,
texans-yeah he threw a pick but they coudnt stop the explosive texan offense
indy-griese screwed that up
philly jay played his butt off
titans griese screwed that one up to

whether some like it or not jay is important to this team..his skill to lead this team shows he wins games. it dosent matter how he wins them. he just does
Finsflurry said:
Please stop screaming and welcome to the boards btw.

And this crap about Fiedler never having a decent line or recievers needs to be put to rest for good. He's had the best reciever since OJ McDuffie, the best TE we've had since Joe Rose, and the best RB we've ever had period, and combined with a strong offensive line he had everything you can ask for. Remember what happened? Althought it wasn't all Jay's fault, a good portion was his and everyone acts like he's never had the tools to succeed. That o-line was damn good in 2002, Ricky was the best back in the league and he had Randy and Chris Chambers and Oronde Gadsden and Travis Minor and Dedric Ward and Cris Carter, so don't tell me he didn't have the weapons to succeed. This is only in reference to the 2002 season btw. Fiedler lovers have no arguement when it comes to this, he had the chance and he failed. He's had one too many chances and its time for some fresh blood IMO.

LOL You are right he has had the best back, the best Wr sin OJ and a good o-line. For convenience, you left out he never had all three at once. when CC came into his own (to be considered a diff maker) and we had Ricky, we did not have a great o-line. when our o-line was good, we didnt have Ricky. Our o-line was decent in 02 wasnt great, blocked the run well but not the pass.

I agree that this is beaten to death. Oh by the way I am a Feeley supporter.
Dolphinizzle said:
Well, I left that out because he had a broken thumb. He was never fully recovered when he came back in. He came back early because Ray Lucas was throwing our entire season out the window.

Hand injurys are very serious for a quarterback. Look what happened to Kurt Warner after he broke his hand? He's never been the same since. Thankfully,(well at least I'm thankful) it wasn't a career ending injury for Fiedler. But he should not have played the rest of that season.

The break may have healed but I'm sure it was still very sore. I've broken both my index finger and my middle finger, and I know it is very painful. Trust me.

Now, I guess you blame Fiedler for our December slumps too, doesn't that figure... :shakeno:

I don't blame Fiedler solely but you and your Fiedler loving friends want to give him a free pass for everything. His stats are by far the worst when it gets to the last 4 games and the playoffs, so yes when it matters I believe Jay can't handle the pressure and he falters...vs Ind in the playoffs, Oak, vs Tampa Bay his first year, the Jets, the pick vs NE I could go on and on about his late-season collapses, but then again nothing is his fault so why bother. I never claimed it was only his fault, but he does get a significant portion of the blame IMO for our late-season collapses. BTW, Jay gets hurt every year, nothing new on that note so don't try to use that as an excuse, yeah maybe once or twice but the guy goes down every year, he's just injury-prone and not reliable..
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