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Jason Taylor and jets vets.

While the Jets were definitely the #1 team I didn't want to make/win the Super Bowl, Taylor getting one would have been the 1 redeeming quality had they succeeded, in my view.
We did offer him a contract. Oh wait...it wasn't up to what he thought it was worth(that entire 5 sack season he had)? An aging player on the decline while we had better options on the roster...well, he's free to leave.

When he did leave...he immediately wanted to come back. We didn't turn him down. We didn't laugh in his face. We didn't make some prideful stance against him. We merely asked 1 simply thing: be patient. We had other stuff on our plate(the draft). Jason threw a temper tantrum and ran to a division rival.

This isn't rocket science. We gave the man multiple chances to return but he "wanted it his way". How is this different then Brett Favre? "Oh, i will only come back if you beg and plead and talk about how great a human being i am". Anyway you want to cut it, Jason Taylor had 3 different chances to join this organization(including the time he demaded to be traded to "a contender" then came running back like a cheating ex-wife who discovered her current boyfriend wasn't living up to her expectations). All 3 times he wanted the greener grass on the other side. Well, he got his wish. And he failed. And its damn amusing.

Brett Favre also admitted that he joined the Vikes to stick it to the Pack.

because we offer contracts to players we dont want.

Being given a low-ball contract offer on a sticky note in the middle of the season bypassing his agent is being referred to as a legitimate contract offer? Because JT doesn't negotiate contracts the way Ricky Williams does. The same Ricky Williams who has lost out on MILLIONS of dollars due to his piss-poor ability to negotiate. :lol:

Even the beloved Zach Thomas stated so much as to the Dolphins FO screwed JT.

Taylor was virtually begging the Dolphins to give him a contract offer after the season. The Jets were the only team with a contract offer on the table. Miami's front office was saying to wait until after the draft. Had JT waited there would have been a good chance the Jets address adding depth via the draft and the JT would be possibly left without any offers at all.

I was 99.9% rooting against the Jets yesterday. The .1% was not rooting for them, but for JT. I will forever be grateful for JT's contributions in a Dolphin uniform. He is the best defensive player Miami has ever had.

because we offer contracts to players we dont want.

Yeah, he should have been a moron like Ricky and accepted an
unprofessional offer on a post-it note without consulting his agent.

Hate the Jets or not JT has more class in his pinkie than in the entire Tuna size body. I know whom I'm siding with...
Being given a low-ball contract offer on a sticky note in the middle of the season bypassing his agent is being referred to as a legitimate contract offer? Because JT doesn't negotiate contracts the way Ricky Williams does. The same Ricky Williams who has lost out on MILLIONS of dollars due to his piss-poor ability to negotiate. :lol:

Even the beloved Zach Thomas stated so much as to the Dolphins FO screwed JT.

Taylor was virtually begging the Dolphins to give him a contract offer after the season. The Jets were the only team with a contract offer on the table. Miami's front office was saying to wait until after the draft. Had JT waited there would have been a good chance the Jets address adding depth via the draft and the JT would be possibly left without any offers at all.

If everyone is so hung up about the money, how about the 8 million he would have been making per season? Had Jason Taylor not demanded a trade in the 2008 offseason, he would have remained a Dolphin and a highly paid player.
Instead, he didnt want to stick around with a "bunch of losers".

I honestly have no idea how people can feel sorry for a man who was utterly in it for himself. We gave him 3 chances, he spurned us 3 times, now he can go and consistently lose AFC Championship games with sexy Rexy.
jason who? just let anyone try to put his number in the ring and i'll dump jet green paint all over it every jets game.he's dead to me. traitor!
to be very honest, at this point I could care less what we offered him, how we seemingly treated him and whatnot.. The topic bores me, JT bores me. Do I hate him, YES. Will I ever forgive him, my feeling right now is NO. Point is, IMO he is a he is and always will be a traitor. Its not our fault the Jets overpaid for him. I do not care how we treated JT or how we lowballed him and blah blah blah.. His pride is his hypocrisy. Great way to end a career (from 2008 and on).

It could be said that we did Zach even worse by not even offering him a contract - did he cry and go to a division rival, no.. When he visited with NE, did he end up signing with them, no.. Even though he the chances of Zach getting a ring with NE would be extremely high, he still basically told NE to **** off.

JT lied to himself for 14 years..

Look at this gay. We all roast dirty sanchez for being in GQ.. Are the same JT defenders roasting JT for beng the same ***gy

If everyone is so hung up about the money, how about the 8 million he would have been making per season? Had Jason Taylor not demanded a trade in the 2008 offseason, he would have remained a Dolphin and a highly paid player.
Instead, he didnt want to stick around with a "bunch of losers".

I honestly have no idea how people can feel sorry for a man who was utterly in it for himself. We gave him 3 chances, he spurned us 3 times, now he can go and consistently lose AFC Championship games with sexy Rexy.

Who said it was all about the money with JT? It clearly wasn't!

Parcells and Co. got pissed at JT b/c he didn't participate in the off season "VOLUNTARY" workouts after the 2007 season. Who can fault a veteran player who gives everything he has on the field of play from needing a little break after a "1-15" season? I sure as hell would have needed a break after that disastrous season. It wasn't like JT was out partying, getting drunk and high. JT has always remained in excellent shape. Dancing With The Stars was NOT going to make him fall out of shape, just the opposite.

According to reports Parcells was an ******* to JT from the get go, not even acknowledging him when he was at the facility. By all accounts Parcells was acting like a spoiled kid not getting his way. I think JT going to the Redskins had a lot more to do with the front office wanting to get rid of him for not being a kiss *** than JT wanting to not be a Dolphin.

The Redskins were going to pay JT $8.5 million to play in 2009. JT asked to be released so he could come back to Miami and be with his family. He signed a $1.1 million contract with $400,000 in incentives. JT VOLUNTARILY gave up $7 million to be a Dolphin.

There is a WRONG way to handle negotiations and a RIGHT way to handle negotiations...

The WRONG way: Offer JT the same $1.1 million contract for 2010 in the middle of the season on a sticky note excluding his agent in the process. Then when JT says to wait until after the season and go through his agent to give him the cold shoulder from then on and leave him hanging.

The RIGHT way: Wait until the season is over, decide whether they want to offer JT a contract and negotiate with his agent.

How JT gets blamed for Parcells being a ******* is beyond me.
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Who said it was all about the money with JT? It clearly wasn't!

Parcells and Co. got pissed at JT b/c he didn't participate in the off season "VOLUNTARY" workouts after the 2007 season. Who can fault a veteran player who gives everything he has on the field of play from needing a little break after a "1-15" season? I sure as hell would have needed a break after that disastrous season. It wasn't like JT was out partying, getting drunk and high. JT has always remained in excellent shape. Dancing With The Stars was NOT going to make him fall out of shape, just the opposite.

According to reports Parcells was an ******* to JT from the get go, not even acknowledging him when he was at the facility. By all accounts Parcells was acting like a spoiled kid not getting his way. I think JT going to the Redskins had a lot more to do with the front office wanting to get rid of him for not being a kiss *** than JT wanting to not be a Dolphin.

The Redskins were going to pay JT $8.5 million to play in 2009. JT asked to be released so he could come back to Miami and be with his family. He signed a $1.1 million contract with $400,000 in incentives. JT VOLUNTARILY gave up $7 million to be a Dolphin.

There is a WRONG way to handle negotiations and a RIGHT way to handle negotiations...

The WRONG way: Offer JT the same $1.1 million contract for 2010 in the middle of the season on a sticky note excluding his agent in the process. Then when JT says to wait until after the season and go through his agent to give him the cold shoulder from then on and leave him hanging.

The RIGHT way: Wait until the season is over, decide whether they want to offer JT a contract and negotiate with his agent.

How JT gets blamed for Parcells being a ******* is beyond me.

Being given a low-ball contract offer on a sticky note in the middle of the season bypassing his agent is being referred to as a legitimate contract offer? Because JT doesn't negotiate contracts the way Ricky Williams does. The same Ricky Williams who has lost out on MILLIONS of dollars due to his piss-poor ability to negotiate. :lol:

You did, you seem quite insistent that this isn't about money but at the same time saying it was about the offer he received...concerning money.

And yes, our front office was annoyed that Jason Taylor wasn't practicing football with the rest of our brand new football team. They were annoyed Jason Taylor wasn't giving as much effort to be a Miami Dolphin as other players were. Did that matter? Not particularly, they publically spoke about how JT is a Dolphin and they would like him there.

And oh, im so sorry, KING Taylor didnt get the attention he craves? Prince Jason didnt get a nod of approval from a guy many around here despise? Sir future Jet didnt have a red carpet rolled out in front of him when he arrived off the plane? Perhaps we should have surrounded him with flocks of fans while we rained flower petals upon him as he graced us with his presence. After Taylor didnt get the attention he soooooo needs, he demanded a trade. Absolutely hilarious(and a bit frightening) how you can try and turn that around and suggest Parcells was the one acting spoiled. JT didnt get it his way, so he took his ball and ran to the Redskins.

And your right, Jason Taylor voluntarily left a team that was falling apart to try and run to a "contender". Funny how that seems to keep happening. JT see's a mess, then demands to leave said mess, then runs to a team he see's as playoff bound.

And you are absolutely correct again, their is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to handling negotiations. When someone declares they dont want you to leave, and you want to be a Miami Dolphin, you dont demand a trade. When someone offers you a contract extension, despite declining play/injury/and lack of team need, and you want to remain on that team, you dont try and cash a buck in free agency. And when someone asks you to merely wait a week or two, and you want to be on that team, you dont accept a offer from a rival.
Seems to me one of those involved did this the wrong way, and it wasnt the Dolphins. Fact: Jason Taylor had three different chances to stay on this team, while others received no chance(Zach Thomas). Fact: Despite those 3 chances, Taylor played for the New York Jets in 2010.
I have no ill will for JT. He wanted to come back and fat Tuna told him to take a hike. So then he needs to do what is best for him, which means deciding what place offers the best combination of opportunity (football and afterwards), money and rings. Given those criteria I can see why he picked the gay *** Jets. At the end of the day it is still business.

Right it's buisiness, just like it will be buisiness when most of the Miami community snubs any buisiness that uses his name as an endorsement. I recomend he stays up in Ny and does not try to open any buisinesses down in Miami. Maybe he can be the next Arthur Murray of NYC.


Good luck in NY JT!
Who said it was all about the money with JT? It clearly wasn't!

Parcells and Co. got pissed at JT b/c he didn't participate in the off season "VOLUNTARY" workouts after the 2007 season. Who can fault a veteran player who gives everything he has on the field of play from needing a little break after a "1-15" season? I sure as hell would have needed a break after that disastrous season. It wasn't like JT was out partying, getting drunk and high. JT has always remained in excellent shape. Dancing With The Stars was NOT going to make him fall out of shape, just the opposite.

If I was one loss away from going 0-16, you damn well better believe I am going to work my *** off so I don't ever have to feel like that ever again. Dancing with the stars was not going to make a 1-15 record improve, just the opposite.
If I was one loss away from going 0-16, you damn well better believe I am going to work my *** off so I don't ever have to feel like that ever again. Dancing with the stars was not going to make a 1-15 record improve, just the opposite.

And to add to that, this is a new regime coming in. This is a regime that was trying to figure out who was who and what was what when inheriting a 1-15 team. Saying I want to work harder so I don't have to go 1-15 again is what he should have done. If money isn't everything and winning was what its about for him, why not do the voluntary workouts when called for especially coming from a 1-15 season
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