LeBron James...PROOF that Loyalty DOESN'T MATTER... | Page 20 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

LeBron James...PROOF that Loyalty DOESN'T MATTER...

How is it not a normal job? Just because it's a game? Because of the money they make?

No matter how you look at it, this IS their job. This is how they pay their mortgage. This is how the put their kids in school and feed their families. These "players" are just normal dudes like you and I who want to be happy where they work. It's the exact same thing. Sounds like you have a bit of career and financial envy.

I can't figure out why people only see this as a game. These are players in a franchise under a league. This is a business first and a sport second. Things have changed. Everyone is looking for the best option for their family, for their career, and most importantly, for themselves. You do it. I do it. LeBron does it. I really don't see how you can fault a man for that.

Come on JCane, are we really debating whether being a pro basketball player is a normal job or not? It's not just the money, they don't work 10-12 hour days, they are in a new City every few days, they make a hell of alot more than "regular" people, we don't get an offseason, it's not the same at all.

now you are bringing up the feed their families and pay their mortgage whine? seriously? even the guys w/ 7 kids w/ 6 different women should have no problem feeding their kids and paying the bills based on what they make and it's not just on the court. Some guys make as much off the court or in the offseason.

This is a silly argument.
It's not a silly argument. It's a job no matter how you look at it. Again, sounds like career and financial envy to me.

Yeah, it not the normal job where they go to an office and sit for 40 hours a week. But there's more to this than just the game on ESPN. There's practices. There's film study. There's press conferences. Wouldn't it suck if you finished out your day at 5:00PM and then had to go and sit around and answer silly questions for half an hour?

I don't know about you, but I travel. A LOT. Driving to and from the airport, flying here and there, hotels, rental cars...it's EXHAUSTING. VERY exhausting. This is THEIR job. They're normal people just like you and I. They go home, spend time with their families, cook dinner, go to the movies, they wash their cars, do the laundry, and pay taxes just like you and I do. It's a J-O-B. It's their way of life and how they provide. I've had jobs that I've hated after being there for a certain amount of time, weighed my options, submitted resumes, looked around and took the easier path. I've taken jobs because of more money, I've taken jobs because of location, and I've taken jobs because the benefits are better.

These guys have the same process you and I do. It's not any different. They're just paid to play a "game" that's absolutely a business first.
It's not a silly argument. It's a job no matter how you look at it. Again, sounds like career and financial envy to me.

Yeah, it not the normal job where they go to an office and sit for 40 hours a week. But there's more to this than just the game on ESPN. There's practices. There's film study. There's press conferences. Wouldn't it suck if you finished out your day at 5:00PM and then had to go and sit around and answer silly questions for half an hour?

I don't know about you, but I travel. A LOT. Driving to and from the airport, flying here and there, hotels, rental cars...it's EXHAUSTING. VERY exhausting. This is THEIR job. They're normal people just like you and I. They go home, spend time with their families, cook dinner, go to the movies, they wash their cars, do the laundry, and pay taxes just like you and I do. It's a J-O-B. It's their way of life and how they provide. I've had jobs that I've hated after being there for a certain amount of time, weighed my options, submitted resumes, looked around and took the easier path. I've taken jobs because of more money, I've taken jobs because of location, and I've taken jobs because the benefits are better.

These guys have the same process you and I do. It's not any different. They're just paid to play a "game" that's absolutely a business first.

It's not a normal job. of course I am envious, who wouldn't be? Of course I wish I made millions and had 3-4 months off and didn't have to wake up early every day. What they do is not normal, they have a special gift which only a fraction of the population has. What I do or you do anyone can do if trained properly but as good of a recreation player as I am I can workout forvere and I will never be an NBA player.

I fully undrestand what the job entails for the players and they aren't working 10+ hours a day. I could deal w/ the media for a half hour or hour a day- that wouldn't be a problem. I watch game tapes and I don't play so watching film would be fun for me, I realize they work really, really hard but it is very different than the average guy working really, really hard that can barely feed his family or afford his home.

In my current position I travel maybe a few times a year where I am flying or taking a long car ride. I used to travel more but never as much as an NBA player. I would go away for a week or 2 at a time. They fly first class or on charters, they get driven to and from the airport- that's not exhausting.

A guy like Lebron has a personal chef, has someone to clean the hiuse, do the laundry and do everything for him so please stop acting like this is normal.

I have done the same thing w/ various jobs, there's no comparison to a regular job compared to playing in the NBA. before I came to my current position I used to play pick up all the time w/ a bunch of the Knicks. I know what they were doing and I know they had people handling nearly all aspects of their lives. It's nothing compared to the average person.

By the way, I think players deserve every penny they get so don't take this as I think they shouldn't get paid but there is no comparison btw an NBA player and an average person working at their job.
The great delusion of every fan. If only they had the god given talent of these athletes they'd work so much harder than these prima donnas......give me a break.

I've only known one d1 bball player and it didn't take me long to figure out why I'd never be him. It wasn't a job, it was his life. I wouldn't have lasted a week with his regimen. And the amazing thing to me was that in the grand scheme of things he just wasn't all that good. He was nowhere near as skilled as a senior as Lawson was as a 17 yr old......just to think what that kid went through to get where he is.....
The great delusion of every fan. If only they had the god given talent of these athletes they'd work so much harder than these prima donnas......give me a break.

I've only known one d1 bball player and it didn't take me long to figure out why I'd never be him. It wasn't a job, it was his life. I wouldn't have lasted a week with his regimen. And the amazing thing to me was that in the grand scheme of things he just wasn't all that good. He was nowhere near as skilled as a senior as Lawson was as a 17 yr old......just to think what that kid went through to get where he is.....

When did I say they don't work? They work damn hard, it's very different work than what a regular job entails. They don't have to be at an office at 7:30 or 8AM, they aren't stuck for 10+ hours in an office(or someeone working longer in a different type of job), they get 3-4 months off after the season, they are also coddled w/ 1st class travel and accomodations. It's not a regular job and it's not comparable to what the average person does. They work extremely hard and deserve every penny they make but they have no idea what real hard work is compared top a regualr job where most people might be earning $50,000 or $100,000 dollars compared to the millions most make in the NBA.
junc wants these players to be slaves. Nothing more nothing less. And if the players great then forget about it. He has absolutely no say in where he wants to play. Why even bother having contracts or free agency? If your drafted by a team, stay with them forever.

I still like how its alright for an owner to ship off whoever he wants to improve his franchise but a player can't leave to go to a better run franchise. Don't bother responding junc cause I can go back and read all your comments. Your saying the same thing over and over again

Lebron wanted the easy way out. He wanted to be handed a championship. He'll never be Kobe. He'll never be Jordan. He'll never be Magic. He celebrated too much. He passes the ball too much. blah blah blah blah blah.
junc wants these players to be slaves. Nothing more nothing less. And if the players great then forget about it. He has absolutely no say in where he wants to play. Why even bother having contracts or free agency? If your drafted by a team, stay with them forever.

I still like how its alright for an owner to ship off whoever he wants to improve his franchise but a player can't leave to go to a better run franchise. Don't bother responding junc cause I can go back and read all your comments. Your saying the same thing over and over again

Lebron wanted the easy way out. He wanted to be handed a championship. He'll never be Kobe. He'll never be Jordan. He'll never be Magic. He celebrated too much. He passes the ball too much. blah blah blah blah blah.

:lol2: what the hell are you talking about? some of you guys really struggle w/ reading. I have said all along it was Lebron's right to go wherevere he wanted BUT I was disappointed in A) how he handled it- that was a disgrace and B) all time great players like him shouldn't run away froma challenge. I have NEVER said he didn't have the right to play where he wanted to.

By the way, nice shot by lebron last night attempting to tie the game:lol2::lol2:
Yeah, fans don't like it when the players have a little bit of power.

By the way, back to the topic of loyalty, how much advanced notice do you think Mr. Dan Gilbert gave to Mo Williams before shipping him all the way out to Golden State?
Yeah, fans don't like it when the players have a little bit of power.

By the way, back to the topic of loyalty, how much advanced notice do you think Mr. Dan Gilbert gave to Mo Williams before shipping him all the way out to Golden State?

Or better yet, how much notice do you think he gave Big Z(who was by far the 2nd most beloved Cav) before he shipped him to dead in the water Washington.
Yeah, fans don't like it when the players have a little bit of power.

By the way, back to the topic of loyalty, how much advanced notice do you think Mr. Dan Gilbert gave to Mo Williams before shipping him all the way out to Golden State?

Mr. Dan Gilbert pays Mo Williams millions per year, it's part of the job description that you could be in another City at a moments notice.

Or better yet, how much notice do you think he gave Big Z(who was by far the 2nd most beloved Cav) before he shipped him to dead in the water Washington.

wasn't it known he would be bought out and be returning to Cleveland?

You guys are great posters and knowledgeable fans but you are getting crazy now in your defense of lebron b/c he is on your favorite team.
It's also in the free agency definition that your contract has expired and you're free to shop yourself to whoever you want.

I don't care that Mo Williams wasn't given notice. He shouldn't have been because that the BUSINESS. And guess what...it works the same way at our "normal" jobs.
It's also in the free agency definition that your contract has expired and you're free to shop yourself to whoever you want.

I don't care that Mo Williams wasn't given notice. He shouldn't have been because that the BUSINESS. And guess what...it works the same way at our "normal" jobs.

Yep except we aren't paid millions while getting 3-4 months of the year off. Williams wasn't fired, he was traded.
Yep except we aren't paid millions while getting 3-4 months of the year off. Williams wasn't fired, he was traded.

Being traded is the same thing as being fired or cut imo. Unless you strong arm your franchise like Melo, being traded essentially means your not good enough, we found better, or your not worth the paycheck. Just cause they get time off doesn't mean that it isn't a job. Teachers get several months off too. I don't care how much money is involved. And while we're on the subject, all athletes get paid way tooooo much.

No, that is horrible article cause what he's insinuating is doing away with contracts and edging closely to slavery with players. When Lebron was in Cleveland, they didn't want to see a Cavs vs. Lakers final. The people wanted a Lebron vs. Kobe final. I remeber a couple of years ago George Karl accused the refs and the NBA of making bad calls cause nobody wanted to see the Bucks in the finals. He was right. That would have been one of the lowest rated Finals in history.

The majority doesn't care about the small markets. Lebrons Nike contract went from something along the lines of $90 mil t0 $125 mil cause he went from a small market to a bigger market. Jason Whitlock is right, this is one of the most exciting seasons in the nba. The bubble isn't bursting for a while. I bet your happly about the D-Will trade aren't you?
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