Letter to Dave Wannstedt. | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Letter to Dave Wannstedt.

Gam(e)-is-on said:
Trackstar and SBH, I'm sorry to say, but this is idiotic !

You want to give credit to Wanny for staying positive? Why?
Most likely because it is true. Most fans expect the coach to live up to that standard but don't apply that standard to themselves.
You might think it's idiotic...but if it is true and the guy is wearing Miami Dolphin colors then why the over-reaction?

Would you expect any of the other 31 head coaches in the league to buckle during hard times?
Well, I have seen it happen. But who cares about any other STINKING NFL team? What does that have to do with anything? This is the Miami Dolphins. I could care less how fat Parcells deals with his drug snorting QB.

Loosing Jamal Lewis - Billick: "No way are we going to win the super bowl now, lets spend our season preparing for next season instead" Give me a break!!
If you are a head coach you must face the media upbeat. Acknowledge the problem at hand, but yet offer the fan base encouragement and move on with the season. Had Wanny thrown in the towel; the team, the fans and the media would have crucified him.
Maybe your not paying attention. They crucify him for being positive and upbeat in the face of adversity. Now...a fan steps forward and offers a little encouragement back and you get all bent out of shape. How dare you offer encouragement to the head coach of the Miami Dolphins for doing what he is supposed to do. Idiotic you call it. Maybe it's not idiotic. You just don't like the guy and you refuse to give him any credit about anything. Idiotic indeed.

How he has responded to everything that has happened during this off-season earns him absolutely ZERO points in my book, what so ever, because I will expect nothing less from an NFL head coach.
Points? No, you can just acknowlegde it and move on. Who cares about points in your book?

"Darn good coach" - please...!!! :yell:

With one of the best - on paper - rosters in the NFL and four years of "practice" - WHAT THE F**K has Wanny done for any of us lately? :shakeno:

Records? LMAO :roflmao: :shakeno:

Two playoff appearances in four years - last two years with a star packed defense and a premiere RB - he couldn't even bring us to the PO. Wanny is an avarage HC - AT BEST - in my eyes.
Yea, we've all heard the boring montra about the backward looking version of Dave Wannstedt. I'm suprised you didn't bring up his Chicago years.

Instead of kissing Wanny's a$$, save some of your credit sprinkling energy for a guy who actually has done well in this organization - Rick Speilman!
That's not really the subject of the post...but, maybe you can just give Dave credit for bringing in Rick Spielman.

With RW and DB off the roster, our season is not over, but everyone remaining on the team better bring thier "A" game from now on or it will be over fast!
Duh! Bringing our "A" game everytime has nothing to do with the loss of RW and DB. We expect our players to bring it every Sunday. And when they do it is ok to acknowledge their hard work and determination.

It's been a tough off-season for the entire coaching staff. They continue to work hard...staying focused and positive during difficult circumstances. It's is not unreasonable to acknowledge that fact. Our coach has mental toughness. May that mindset filter through to the rest of the team and splash onto some trembling fans.
Good God! I guess this is what I get for trying to be positive. I was not telling everyone to feel sorry or love Wanny, I was trying to be a good fan. As For you Game E is on, I dont appreciate you using the word idiotic and myself in the same sentence, Are you really trying to piss me off? If you simply disagree either dont bother to respond or simply diagree without calling my statement idiotic. No need to be a jerk just because you dont agree.
VJ1252, I think your right in the sense that there are 31 other hard working coaches out there. However unlike most of the other coaches whom are supported by their fans, our fans are constantly bashing Wanny, he has also had to deal with some very unfortunate situations due to almost complete misfortune or bad luck. The guy busts his a$$ everyday for one common goal, To win! Go ahead and be heartless and give him no credit or any other coach in the league. They all work hard. Next time your at work busting your butt and you still do a crappy job, does it make you feel better that your boss still appreciates the effort even though you screwed up?
Trackstar#6 said:
With all of the bad luck and unfortunate events that have struck his team the past month, Dave Wannstedt deserves some damn credit for the way he has handled everything thus far. This guy consistantly stays positive about everything and still believes no matter what happens, his team is super bowl bound. I personally am greatful to have a coach who never gives up and stands behind his team no matter what the circumstances. Just put yourself in his shoes, you spend 15 hours a day 7 days a week busting your butt and you still are struck with bad fortune and heartless fans wanting you fired. Any normal person would go ape sh*t. However, he remains calm, focused, and positive with his team. Im not saying Dave is the greatest coach to walk the face of the earth, I just want us as fans to be greatful for what we do have, a very mentally TOUGH football coach.
I'm on your side! Glad to see not EVERYONE is a Wanny basher for one reason or another.
MikeO said:
Who are you his agent? The guy took the job and gets paid millions of dollars, he knew what he got in to. Im not going to give him credit for........doing nothing? Im not gonna rip the guy either, its unfair. It's bad luck what has happened with Ricky and injuries, but Im not just going to give him credit. Training camp is 1 week old, and we are giving him credit? For what?

Credit is earned. Not given!
MikeO said:
You get credit for success. What success has Miami had under Dave? Im not looking to bash him here. But you are saying we need to give him credit. Credit for what?

Doing his best? The people at NASA do their best and a shuttle crashes. Wanna give them credit? They did their best which I guess means they deserve credit.

Wannstedt is who he is. Not horrible, but not great either. I wouldn't go giving him credit for anything since he hasn't done anything to earn credit!
Isn't that what your doing? Bashing him?
Why wouldn't you give Wanny credit? People say he has accomplished nothing in Miami? In his four years with Miami He has gone 11-5 , 11-5,9-7-10-6, and won an AFC east title. How can you say hes a bad coach, and doesn't deserve any credit?
I think Wannstedt should cry as Vermeil did when he lost Trent Green for the 99 season. Maybe things will work out for us as it did for them.
It's sad, but the season is probably over.

Daniel Carneiro
Brazilian Dolfan
dolfan3033 said:
Isn't that what your doing? Bashing him?
I didn't bash him! I just said don't give him credit for when he hasn't done anything yet! That's not bashing or giving praise! It's taking the wait and see approach
I will give him credit for being tough and never giving up. But his game planning and the use of his players stink.
PhinstiGator said:
Most likely because it is true. Most fans expect the coach to live up to that standard but don't apply that standard to themselves.
You might think it's idiotic...but if it is true and the guy is wearing Miami Dolphin colors then why the over-reaction?

Well, I have seen it happen. But who cares about any other STINKING NFL team? What does that have to do with anything? This is the Miami Dolphins. I could care less how fat Parcells deals with his drug snorting QB.

Maybe your not paying attention. They crucify him for being positive and upbeat in the face of adversity. Now...a fan steps forward and offers a little encouragement back and you get all bent out of shape. How dare you offer encouragement to the head coach of the Miami Dolphins for doing what he is supposed to do. Idiotic you call it. Maybe it's not idiotic. You just don't like the guy and you refuse to give him any credit about anything. Idiotic indeed.

Points? No, you can just acknowlegde it and move on. Who cares about points in your book?

Yea, we've all heard the boring montra about the backward looking version of Dave Wannstedt. I'm suprised you didn't bring up his Chicago years.

That's not really the subject of the post...but, maybe you can just give Dave credit for bringing in Rick Spielman.

Duh! Bringing our "A" game everytime has nothing to do with the loss of RW and DB. We expect our players to bring it every Sunday. And when they do it is ok to acknowledge their hard work and determination.

It's been a tough off-season for the entire coaching staff. They continue to work hard...staying focused and positive during difficult circumstances. It's is not unreasonable to acknowledge that fact. Our coach has mental toughness. May that mindset filter through to the rest of the team and splash onto some trembling fans.
Thanks, man. You beat me to it :D . Also, to everyone, an apology for the lenght of the post. But it's just getting beyond ridiculous.

I'm not a "Wanny lover". I hold him responsible for many things done wrong WITH THIS TEAM. That's why any claim to his career with the Bears is mute to me - otherwise, I could bring up his career with the Cowboys and it would still mean squat. It's past, and more importantly, it's irrelevant to his career here. But I digress.

As much as I hold him responsible for what he's done wrong, I do so too for what he's done right. He brought a great RB (argue as you may, but he was a great RB when he was here - some were projecting him to break the all time record and even putting him above LT). He got us a divisional championship - one more than JJ gave us. He got us two playoff appearances. AND, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, he got us a 41-23 record. HE DID. You can say whatever you want, but that's one heck of a record for a guy most people here think should be a cast-off of the NFL.

He has taken advantadge of the defense? Why the hell wouldn't he? Dungy rides on defense. So does Billick. So did Gruden. So does Fox. So does (gasp!) Belichick. So will Lovie Smith, too. I don't see you bashing either one of those coaches. Their philosophies and Wanny's are similar in many ways - yet you choose to bash him, why? Because he succeeded JJ? Because he's not Shula? Oh, no, I get it - because he let Marino go and found Fiedler. Wow, that's evil, man. Keep a guy that in his last season had the fire, but not the skill. Yeah, let's do that. Let's commit suicide, and in the meantime, get that very guy killed. Or let him go, but don't you ever dare to replace him. Just go without a QB.

I know the counter-argument. Warner, Dilfer, Hasselbeck, Brady (yes, he's come up) have all been brought up as examples of what we could've had. Question is - do you guys know what those guys were to become? Sure you did. Yet you bash the gamble Spielman did with Feeley (who, BTW, was brought here by Wannstedt).

Again, I digress. He kept us in the competition - no, wait a minute, he improved us! From 36-28 with JJ, to... well, I hope you know by now. And has taken us just as far as JJ did. And, if Wannstedt really has been riding on JJ's team, why the hell were we only 9-7 in '99, the last year of JJ's tenure? Was the team THAT different (specially defensively, since that's the side JJ built)? Really? Can you positively make that assesment? The major difference between the 9-7, '99 Dolphins and the 11-5, '00 Dolphins was Dan Marino. And he was on the less-winning team.

Mistakes? A plenty. For example, going agressive (like fans wanted) and passing on 3 consecutive downs in a crucial drive against the Pats in the close of the '02 season. Why ride out the clock if you can put them to rest, right? Or bringing a star RB to an offense that complained it had Fiedler (booo!) and a washed up Lamar Smith. But he should've predicted the outcome! The bastard... Also, his philosophy is the direct responsible of RW's retirement. Yup, that's a given. But of course, his cardinal sin has always been two-fold: playing a conservative, run-the-clock out offense (coupled with short passes and the occasional deep one to burn them) and a smother-'em defense approach. What is this guy thinking? Does he not see that St. Louis, KC, the Redskins, the Cardinals and the Lions hold all of the recent SB championships? The pass-wacky philosophy works, man! Oh yeah, and keeping Fiedler... when so many illustrious, future HOF candidates have passed through here and we haven't picked them up, instead bringing the scrubs of Griese and Lucas and promised them a "chance to compete"... surely, anyone would know they couldn't hold a candle to Fiedler, the worst QB in the history of the game (except, um, for those two... yeah... sorry about that... must be confused...)

But go ahead, ignore it. Ignore everything he's done well, and focus (and magnify, why not!) every single one of his mistakes, both here and out of here (Chicago being the choice d'jour) and keep telling yourself he is, without a doubt, the worst possible coach the game of football has ever seen. You know, if you repeat it many, many times, it might come true! :shakeno:
MikeO said:
I didn't bash him! I just said don't give him credit for when he hasn't done anything yet! That's not bashing or giving praise! It's taking the wait and see approach
:roflmao: . Seriously, :roflmao: .

He hasn't done anything yet... hmm... I guess 30+ coaches during his tenure haven't done anything either...

Like I said, sky-high expectations.
Of course expectations are high! This is the NFL!!
FireWrongstedt said:
I'll personally be grateful when his sorry a-- is out the door after this year.
Out of curiosity - what would you do if it isn't? Or if God forbids he coaches us to the playoffs, or (blasphemy!!!) to the SB? What would you do then?
MikeO said:
Of course expectations are high! This is the NFL!!
Really? So tell me, is Dennis Green going to be fired if he missed the playoffs? Or Lovie Smith?

<croud> Doesn't count! They're first year coaches!

Fair enough. How about Herm Edwards? Bill Cowher (13th season!)? Dungy? Jeff Fisher? Mike Sherman? Jim Hasslet? Mike Martz? Bear in mind, though, not one of them has "brought home the bacon"... Now, quick question. Do they get credit from the general fanbase?

Last time I checked, they coached in the NFL too...
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