MERGED: Aaron Hernandez questioned in murder investigation | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Aaron Hernandez questioned in murder investigation

State Police searched the Hernandez home that he shares with his girlfriend Shayanna Jenkins, the mother of his infant daughter, with a warrant several times. Hernandez was seen going inside the house Wednesday with his mother and has not emerged since.

Jenkins' sister, Shanea Jenkins, was dating Lloyd, who played for the semi-pro football team Boston Bandits, several law enforcement sources told ABC News.

Shanea Jenkins could not be found in the aftermath of her boyfriend's murder, and investigators were concerned for her safety. Police were able to locate her Wednesday, the sources said.
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If the first part of this doesnt have "I am better than everone else" written all over it I dont know what does,along with not really understanding what was in the post.

I said I had a few friends that said it wasnt as bad as one would think,Not one thread said anything about me or them thinking it was OK,it was the end result of what the penalty seemed to be lighter than one would expect.Come off your high horse.

Im not better than anyone else and have no high horse but its sad that people take drunk driving so lightly.You made the commen I replied to it, you and your friends dont think a first dui is really that bad, you have a right to your opinion. I know dealing in my line of work that rarely is a first dui actually first time drunk driving. I personally have to much to lose and would never want to be responsible for killing another person because I was too selfish to make a plan before I started drinking. Im glad Im part of an organization that doesnt condone drinking and driving and doesnt treat it like some slap on the wrist. One of my coworkers killed a car full of people including a pregnant woman because he was drinking and driving , he had never has a dui previous to that. Personally I think a week in jail would be a good start on an initial dui and Im not sure thats enough.
Spare me....Everyone knows someone directly or indirectly due to a DWI death.

1)Drinking and driving isnt illegal.
2)You are not judge and jury
3)There are systems in place for excessive drinkers so people like yourself cant be nor should ever be in charge in someone else's fate due to your tunnel vision.

I explained what my OP was and you keep wanting to think you're gonna educate people on DWI on a NFL forum.I feel safer driver already knowing your out there.
Hernandez in deep!

I know this probably shouldn't be on the dolphin's board but i think you're all going to want to see this!

Police are back at the home of New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez today with another warrant based on evidence that “he destroyed his home security system,” an investigator close to the case told ABC News.
The investigator, and other law enforcement sources, confirmed that the security system – which included video surveillance – was smashed intentionally.
And a cell phone used by Hernandez was handed over to investigators “in pieces” by his attorneys, the sources said.
Police also want to know why a team of house cleaners were hired on Monday to scrub Hernandez’s mansion, sources told ABC News.

Pats are going down!!!
Spare me....Everyone knows someone directly or indirectly due to a DWI death.

1)Drinking and driving isnt illegal.
2)You are not judge and jury
3)There are systems in place for excessive drinkers so people like yourself cant be nor should ever be in charge in someone else's fate due to your tunnel vision.

I explained what my OP was and you keep wanting to think you're gonna educate people on DWI on a NFL forum.I feel safer driver already knowing your out there.

Of course they do because drunk driving laws are way to lax.

1) in what state is drinking and driving not illegal
2) Im not trying to be a judge or a jury I offered my opinion.
3)these systems dont work obviously because the amount of deaths attributed to drunk driving is still quite too many.

Not my job to educate you, u have your opinion and its that a first time dui is not that big of deal I disagree. I also think marijuana should be legal( i would never smoke it but its hypocrisy that marijuana is illegal and a more dangerous drug alcohal is legal. I also believe that two gat people should be allowed to marry. Just because laws are in place dont mean that they are good laws or that drunk driving is being dealt with in a proper manner.

I dont care if u feel safer but I guarantee u that Im not going to kill anybody because I want to flirt with the law and drive drunk. Consider me a prude or whatever u like but the overall lackadasical way of dealing with drunk drivers is part of the problem. It speaks to character and actually being responsible for what u do.

Im with George Wallace on this we should have a special lane for drunk drivers one lane and they can go both directions. Ratherthey kill each other than somone's loved one whose only crime was being in wrong place at wrong time.
Although this is a positive development for other AFC east teams, I try not to get too happy about it. Could have just as easily been one of our guys. But it sure makes Philbin's affection for high character guys make a lot of sense, eh?
Although this is a positive development for other AFC east teams, I try not to get too happy about it. Could have just as easily been one of our guys. But it sure makes Philbin's affection for high character guys make a lot of sense, eh?

well its not like Belichek only goes after thugs lol and i wouldnt call Rodriguez a high character guy
well its not like Belichek only goes after thugs lol and i wouldnt call Rodriguez a high character guy

Not a lot of ways for us to know, but I'm sure there are times when Ireland just grabs an acorn when Philbin might have passed on the guy. And I agree, Belichick is also a guy who likes high-character players, but I think it's clear he believes in the "Patriot way" a little too much...hasn't been able to reign his two young star TEs in.
Always sucks to see a great talent in the nfl waste their life like that.

I'm not rooting for him to be guilty, and I hope he isn't, but it's not looking good. And if he did do it, he deserves every bit of punishment that's coming to him.

I just hope he doesn't get the Ray Lewis treatment.
Okay, so as far as the Hernandez situation, here is my understanding of the facts:

1. 4 guys get into Hernandez's car. Hernandez is driving.
2. 3 guys arrive at Hernandez's home.
3. The 4th guy is found dead near the home.
4. Hernandez and his friends destroy their cell phones.
5. Hernandez hires a cleaning company to come in and scrub the place.

At this point I'm not even sure if it matters that he pulled the trigger.
Although this is a positive development for other AFC east teams, I try not to get too happy about it. Could have just as easily been one of our guys. But it sure makes Philbin's affection for high character guys make a lot of sense, eh?

I'm sorry, totally disagree...... Pats drafted him knowing that his "associates" were a big influence AND an hour away. Dude is from CT... where there is gunsmoke there is fire. Not the first time, he's on the hook for a $100,000 eyeball now, AND he may have had firearm issues at UF ( Know a ton of Gators living in FL).... "F" this T-H-U-G... go live the Thug life and quit polluting the NFL punk
Living up here in New England, I can tell ya that, everyone's pretty worried about it. With Gronk having surgery after surgery and Welker gone. Everyone is in quite a panic tonight.. AND FRANKLY, IM LOVING IT!!!!
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