Merged: Official Game Thread: Japan vs Croatia | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Official Game Thread: Japan vs Croatia

Kdawg954 said:
Great Save man, the kick was ok, but he could have done more with it . . but the save was terrific . . always helps when u guess right.

I actually wish they'd take penalties from farther out and call them a bit more often (not so obviously side with the defence). It would make things a bit more interesting. This way, all the goalkeeper can do IS guess.
He he, would have been hilarious if that was an own goal by Japan, wicked bounce
That Japanes GK is playing amazing...someone said he was garbage in the last game.
so far man of the match is Kawaguchi - the keeper. Thing is, Japan needs a win, not a tie, not to be eliminated (Brazil is next, so that's almost a certain loss).
Japan IMO has been working way harder than the Croatians, and the Croatians have dominated the scoring oppurtunities and have been held back due to the Japanese keeper, but I really believe Croatia will put these guys away in the second half, they just look like the better team right now.
Kdawg954 said:
Japan IMO has been working way harder than the Croatians, and the Croatians have dominated the scoring oppurtunities and have been held back due to the Japanese keeper, but I really believe Croatia will put these guys away in the second half, they just look like the better team right now.

Yeah, what worries me (I'm rooting for Japan) is how Japan collapsed after Australia got their first goal last time. They are already a bit sloppy, though holding on. Maybe there is a mental toughness problem?
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