Patsies left tackle done for season | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Patsies left tackle done for season

mpn1334 said:
Last time I checked, New England isn't a state...perhaps they could change the team name to New Belicheck.

I didnt know that.:goof:
Calgaryfin said:
Matt Light underwent surgery to repair a broken leg. Likely gone for season.
Injuries have been our friend so far.

They can just as wquickly turn into our enemy as well. There have been games where the Pats were missing Law, McgINNEST, and several others and still beat us.
Man the Pats are losing key guys. Arguably the "quarterback" of their defense and their left tackle. That hurts.
Calgaryfin said:
Matt Light underwent surgery to repair a broken leg. Likely gone for season.
Injuries have been our friend so far.

I hope you knocked on wood when you said injuries have been our friend so far.
CD13 said:
I hope you knocked on wood when you said injuries have been our friend so far.

Hey, I don't take delight in seeing anyone injured and I realize that we could get hit too. I am just saying that it is part of the game and we had our share over the past few years but this could work to our advantage this year.
Schleprock said:
He is out for the year.

Why does everything have to be a conspiracy theory around here??? Looking at ever nuance in ever word stated in a sentence?

It's not a conspiracy theory. "Indefinitely" means he's out for an undetermined amount of time, but insinuates a lengthy period. He was reported to be out "indefinitely" the last time I check, too.
Anyone remember him (Matt Light) on the sideline last year before Feeley threw the TD to Derrius Thompson?? He was on his knees praying to god the Pats would win. Ill always think of that when I hear about him.
Calgaryfin said:
Hey, I don't take delight in seeing anyone injured and I realize that we could get hit too. I am just saying that it is part of the game and we had our share over the past few years but this could work to our advantage this year.

Exactly, I don't wish injuries on any player(well there have been a few I wouldn't have cared about) but with the history of luck the Fins have had with injuries over the years(anybody remember the year when even Shula was in a wheel chair on the sidelines?) It's sort of nice see it happen to sombody else for a change.
Does this mean more sacks on Brady???

Matt Light was a huge part of that offensive line
Schleprock said:
He is out for the year.

Why does everything have to be a conspiracy theory around here??? Looking at ever nuance in ever word stated in a sentence?
Eh, its not set in stone though it wouldnt upset me at all if you were right. I dont wish injury on anyone really but anything that hurts a division and helps us Im all for.
Just heard on ESPNEWS that he is NOT on IR, and he might still return this season.
CrunchTime said:
If the Pats reach the SB again this year after all of their player and coaching losses then IMO BB deserves a spot in the HOF even before he decides to retire ;and they should change the name of the team to New Belicheck.

I agree, if he wins the SB after losing Rodney and maybe Matt Light they might as well induct him into the HOF after the SB game. That said, I don't think they can win the SB this year with all their losses they had in coaching and players. It's not only the players and coachs they lost this year, but also the year before that. Every year you win the SB, other teams want your players and you get to pick last in each round of the draft.
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