Red Sox's Nixon criticizes A-Rod | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Red Sox's Nixon criticizes A-Rod

FaninPatsyLand1 said:
I've dealt, apparently that devistating loss is still eating away at you. I mean I'd be angry too if a bunch of overpaid underachievers embarressed me as a fan. Yeah your resume is really impressive -- outspend ALL the competition, that's something to be proud of. HAHAHA.
The Red Sox have the #2 payroll in the league! :shakeno:
MikeO said:
The Red Sox have the #2 payroll in the league! :shakeno:
Cause the YANKEES have driven up the cost that it takes for everyone to be competitive. Yes we have the #2 payroll in the league, but we're still about 60 million behind you, or more than 3 superstars... don't kid yourself, you have a distinct advantage, yet you still can't win. HAHA
FaninPatsyLand1 said:
Cause the YANKEES have driven up the cost that it takes for everyone to be competitive. Yes we have the #2 payroll in the league, but we're still about 60 million behind you, or more than 3 superstars... don't kid yourself, you have a distinct advantage, yet you still can't win. HAHA
our advantage is over everyone else. Your advantage is over everyone else -1

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh big difference! :shakeno:
MikeO said:
The Red Sox have the #2 payroll in the league! :shakeno:

And they had a payroll $40 mil higher than SL but did we here the whining then? of course not. The Sox and their fans are still infatuated w/ the yankees, evena Championship cannot hide that. they know they are 20 years away from catching us(that's if they won every title in 20 years of course but they aren't do to win their next one until about 2090 :lol: ) and it eats them up. They know we have 4 Championships in the past decade and it eats them up, they can deny it all they want but they know it's true and we know it's true.
Hostile7 said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I remember at Phinzone all you did was talk crap. Then the Yankees got their asses beaten in the greatest comeback of all time.

Not only should you be embarrassed (almost so much that you should never talk baseball again) but even more ashamed of the fact that your team has spent 100 million for the last 4 years and no won ****. Go away Mike (and all Yankee fans). Talk when you win something in this century.

nyjunc said:
they know they are 20 years away from catching us(that's if they won every title in 20 years of course but they aren't do to win their next one until about 2090 :lol: ) and it eats them up.

What world do you live in, junk? No Red Sox fan that I know wants to catch up to the yankees. Beleive me most of us are content with this win, i know I am.

Again, It all comes down to this kids. If fans really cared about how many championships their team had, we would all be fans of the stankees. Fans 'round here don't, I know I don't. said:
What world do you live in, junk? No Red Sox fan that I know wants to catch up to the yankees. Beleive me most of us are content with this win, i know I am.

Again, It all comes down to this kids. If fans really cared about how many championships their team had, we would all be fans of the stankees. Fans 'round here don't, I know I don't.

So you don't care if your team wins more Championships? You have your 1 and that's it? Now i get it :rolleyes:

Why are Sox players and their fans always preocupied w/ the Yanks then? Every MB I go to there are now Sox fans crowing(I never heard a peep from any of them before last year) and every day I pick up a paper a new Sox player is talking trash about the Yanks and ARod. If you don't care then why are you and your team always talking about the yankees? We don't care about you guys and this fraudulent "rivalry". This hasn't been much of a rivalry until the past 2 years, it was more like a 1 sided beatdown for 80+ years and we never cared about the Sox- just laughed at them and their fans and one measly little title will not change that b/c we know the World will be back to normal this year w/ the Sox losing and the Yanks winning.

There was a great quote in one of today's papers about the class Sox who keep chirping, it went something like this. "The Red Sox, who have exactly 1 more title than the Devil Rays in the last 86 years..." :lol:
What's even more ridiculous is the yankee fans arguements. Before it was "win one and then you can talk..." OK, did that. Now it's "so what, it's only one..."

How about we kicked your *** in the greatest ALCS ever... EVER. And we have a better team this year too :roflmao:
MikeO said:
our advantage is over everyone else. Your advantage is over everyone else -1

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh big difference! :shakeno:
We are the only ones with the money to come anywhere close to you. Your advantage is over everyone else, we don't have an advantage over you. At least we are in the same atmosphere as other big market teams. The Stanks are far ahead of everyone in baseball, it's not whining I could care less, we still whoop your *** even with that disgusting payroll.:lol:
Hostile7 said:
What's even more ridiculous is the yankee fans arguements. Before it was "win one and then you can talk..." OK, did that. Now it's "so what, it's only one..."

How about we kicked your *** in the greatest ALCS ever... EVER. And we have a better team this year too :roflmao:
Preach on brother, preach ON. Go Sox!!
nyjunc said:
So you don't care if your team wins more Championships? You have your 1 and that's it? Now i get it :rolleyes:

Why are Sox players and their fans always preocupied w/ the Yanks then? Every MB I go to there are now Sox fans crowing(I never heard a peep from any of them before last year) and every day I pick up a paper a new Sox player is talking trash about the Yanks and ARod. If you don't care then why are you and your team always talking about the yankees? We don't care about you guys and this fraudulent "rivalry". This hasn't been much of a rivalry until the past 2 years, it was more like a 1 sided beatdown for 80+ years and we never cared about the Sox- just laughed at them and their fans and one measly little title will not change that b/c we know the World will be back to normal this year w/ the Sox losing and the Yanks winning.

There was a great quote in one of today's papers about the class Sox who keep chirping, it went something like this. "The Red Sox, who have exactly 1 more title than the Devil Rays in the last 86 years..." :lol:
It's funny if you guys don't care about us, then why are we on the front AND back page of the NY Post, IN SPRING TRAINING? And why are your columnists so anxious to put us down? Oh, I know why, we whooped your 160 million dollar @**:lol: . Owned.
Where is FinsandYanks fan?? I think he must feel pretty stupid putting the Sox down in his signature when the Spanks were up 3-0 only to have the Sox come back in the greatest comeback/choke of all time. Insert foot in mouth:roflmao:
nyjunc said:
So you don't care if your team wins more Championships?

Of course I care if my team wins championships or not. What I don't care about is the old "we've won more than you naa naa :tongueout " second grade bull **** that you stankee fans think bother us.. It might bother some but not the civil majority.
FaninPatsyLand1 said:
Where is FinsandYanks fan?? I think he must feel pretty stupid putting the Sox down in his signature when the Spanks were up 3-0 only to have the Sox come back in the greatest comeback/choke of all time. Insert foot in mouth:roflmao:

I made him look like such a fool.
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