"RUN RICKY RUN" - finheaven what did you think? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"RUN RICKY RUN" - finheaven what did you think?


Active Roster
Jun 14, 2009
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Maryville, TN
I will go first.

I loved it. Ricky is honesty one of my heroes because of what he went through and where he is today. I have learn a lot from just watching him change. It gives me a lot faith in myself and humanity. I hope one day i can meet him and tell him how inspired i am of his life.

I also want add this.

He is my hero because he faced his inner demons and flaws. By no means is he any kind of role model for the wrong he did. There are so many people around me that don't and only make it worse by drinking and smoking and ignore the people that love them.

I myself have demons and flaws and I know what i must do to fix them and most of my problems are inside me and not what is around me. He is my hero because i hope that no matter how bad I make my life or how things turn out that i can make it out.

I like what you guys got to say i just hope you understand how someone with so many flaw can be seen as a hero or role model. Of course his whole life does not represents that but him doing something to change that does. No man is perfect and make mistakes, the lesson is to learn from them in turn make yourself a better person.
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Thoroughly enjoyed it. Ricky has battled and overcome his inner demons. He is our guy - we stand behind him with great pride. Well done Ricky!
Ricky is a true hero on and off the field. That was a pretty powerful documentary.
What a good human, the world needs more of them.
Good documentary...Ricky is definitely real and interesting in a lot of ways..Pretty honest piece imho..
Mom is pretty messed up too.. She insinuated that at age six, it was his fault for breaking up the family because Ricky told her the picture that his father made him take of his junk was in the garbage
You know its so weird watching something like that. Its like the guy really didn't even have a chance from the getgo. His dad was a scumbag and it didn't seem as though his mother knew what to tell him. Just because someone is a pro football player and are done growing physically doesn't mean that they are finished growing mentally. Ricky is a great example of this and I am proud of him
I loved it. It really made me understand more of what he was going through.
Interesting but pretty poorly shot and edited. Disappointing...

And I really don't need to see a CU of Ricky with crumbs in his beard.
Interesting but pretty poorly shot and edited. Disappointing...

And I really don't need to see a CU of Ricky with crumbs in his beard.

I think that was kinda the point. Showing the food in his beard going to ricky's home with no time to get lights and make it flashy. Most of flim of Ricky in his home was originally dark and they could of lighted it if they wish but i think they wanted to keep that way to keep in tone of what was being shown and said.
I dont think the producer could have done a better job. As much as i wanted to see the highlights of him on the field, it was best we see what he did while retiring and what his family life was like. He's my favorite athlete and it might sound weird to be proud of a professional athlete whos famous and makin millions but im proud and happy for him. Keep it up Ricky!
Will they be showing it again tonight?

I forgot all about it.
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